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Nickols Sep 2012
The fairys laugh in their play-
letting the sugary pollen flutter onto pale lashes,
with their pixie dust drifting into the darkest of ashes.

I'm going to lay back down,
Amongst the fleeting flowers.
For I swore I saw the remedy,
Hidden with in your golden heart.

Alast, I could have it wrong.
Was it not you, who dare to tell me, "be brave".
But is it not your spent heart,
at her feet as the blackest of ashes.

Glittering fairy dust, could not hide the ruins.
For evils wicked had already been undone.

A curse; a curse, upon your wretch soul.

Sweep the cinders in a coffer-
Lock them under key,
Cover your tracks.
Hide the way.

I forgive thee:
I do, I really do.
But please, my love.
For if not, she will find ye--
And it will hurt only me.

Hurry forth now, The witch sends her huntsman.
The howls, I hear them dancing on the winds.

Do not look back.
But please, my dearest of dears, forget me.
As I have forgiven you--

Now go: A thousands I loves you.
Leave me be.
I have been watching way too much "Once Upon a Time".

© Victoria
Shofi Ahmed Nov 2019
God before penning the very first word in the book of creation
He knew the last that reflected in inking the very first drop
composing the bottom line that gravitates every creation.
In the know so much so what was yet to be He could call on
indeed assembled all the future humans on the Day of Alast
when He asked ‘Am I not your Lord?’ Yes, we said aloud.
Responded to Him long, long before our physical birth!

The whole shebang was in the beginning in the first set out
Bounce before the Big Bang the number zero before that
and within its circle was a marvelous exponent the pi
constantly pops up with the reasons to be alive!
The first creations were even before all of that
Foundation was laid the stone is a man and woman
indifferent grounds sprawled the eternity in between  
that embraces the two with its endless varied beauty
making them truly the distinguished two for the one reality!

God made them with love from the bottom of the heart
Oh the bottom is nectar and more so the rose in bloom
embraces a sweeter debut flowering off a honeyed bud  
God's ink flows, the sweetest ocean bellows, from the start
and to the end, all that heard it mellifluous!

Before the cloud basks in the blue dancing in the air
then rains down in serene melodies bedews the atmosphere.
Oh the all transparent ocean of God's first drop of ink goes viral
Fathima rises from the midst, the first spiritual woman swims out,
sipping every drop of this potion ‘there is more’ she clamoured
The begins the end yet no end God’s first creations triumph!
Katie Russell Oct 2013
In the dead, dreary day,
My souls at last can weep.
For when the sun comes up,
I am drowning in its deep.

How dare it try and pretend,
That it's a godsend.
When I can clearly see,
The pain it's done to me.

But alast, I cannot tear myself away,
For never have I felt this way.
Always will it be forgiven,
Because of my longing for the forbidden.

At night I see this sun the most,
It a loving memory and my heart it's host.
For in my dreams a past treasure lies,
Shining out, clear to my eyes.

This sun I speak of not a sun at all,
It merely being the cause of my fall.
The closing day,
The black and white,
It fades,
Allows refracting light,

To shine anew with colors bright,
To blind and bruise metallic eyes,

The time to live has come and gone,
And come again as life moves on,

The day is running into night,
Beyond demands so imprecise,

A calm is claimed,
A balm applied,

The soul restored,
A whole contrived,

With love to live the fold unbinds,
The ribs, they rise,
The pulse subsides,

At home alast,
A dome of glass,

The world is realigned and vast,
The view is taken from inside,

A house secure and sacred.
Kati Davis  Mar 2016
Kati Davis Mar 2016
I can't breathe anymore
many years ago I lost my hope, the glimmer slipped away from my reach, and my arms to short to reach out and grab it
I can no longer see the surface of the water, the dark monster that lays solemnly underneath the sand slowly breathes me in, but every once and awhile my rescue boat will come, my savior will come along and carry me away.
But the song that the sea softly hums as the waves crash upon the hypnotizing white shore.
The pink and purple hues of the sky creates a picture in my eyes, deceiving them, it blocks me from seeing where I am going.
Alast to the sea I sheepishly walk, crushing perfect little seashells in my stroll under my feet, I reach the edge of the beach of where the blue and green colors of the ocean meets the crystal white sand.
I feel the sand slowly loose from its grip on the beach and fall into the trace of the dangerous ocean. The cool waves reach my weak ankles and wrap around them like coil and as the tide goes out I get carried along with the ride.
I realize as the ocean whips me across my draining body against the eroding rocks and it breaks my spine along with cutting my back, I want the boat to find me, be my hero and rescue me and help me to the safe shore, I scream, gurgling water, struggle to keep my head above the pounding currents of the ocean, but the sea, who lives off of the souls of his victims, drowns my screams to a muffle so that my rescue light passes by without a look back.
My head turning and swirling looking for another rescue boat to come along and pick me up, but none can hear my muffled screams or see me in the darkest of nights, even with the brightest lamps. I look below me and see millions of sunken eyes and twisted smiles awaiting to see the next victim fall under the tune of the ocean.
The seas currents churn and spin trying to drag me down, waves crash over my head leaving me with almost no air, the monster climbs out of security to help the ocean in desperate need. He clamps my ankles and drags me down as I fall into his arms. He puts on the twisted grin with the rest of them and I become another victim to the sea of eternal sadness.
It is about depression but I compared it to the ocean. Please give me feedback on it!
Keiya Tasire Jan 2020
Have you heard the saying
The strong can afford to be gentle
While the weak and unsure brag and boast?

The weak are the loudest!  
With overbearing, feigned affection and denial.
Speaking half truths to cast illusions
To veil their target's truth, as lies.

The weak love to gather an army,
of "everyone," so they say.
Why? It is simple!
To siphon your power away.
Yes, they are the "Wolves in sheep's clothing"
Climbing to the top of a mountain of victims
With their claws -n- fangs
Of gaslighting manipulations.

Half -truths and lies,
Guilt -n- shame,
Setting up circumstances,
Playing upon weakness, and social taboos.
Creating false scenarios for others to see
Gossiping and acting
All tools of their game.

Are you scorned,
Offended and hurt?
Never ever worry.
Never let it get to you!
Know, it is all for show.
This is how they magnify their victim role.
But who calls a ravenous wolf a victim,
Knowing the wolf's actions are aimed at control?!!

The wolves are very sly!
Summoning their hatchet men
to do their bidding!
To cut down the innocent,
The sincere, and pure of heart.
Stealing their virtues
Misrepresenting intent.
Are you a part of this cancerous
skurge up on the earth?!

Are you part of their inner circle?
Are you favoured and showered with gifts?
That job you always wanted?
The power, position, and money
That Screams,

How many people did you destroy?
How many hearts did you break?
How many times did you sale your soul?
To be showered with those gifts,
That power, and that position?

Ease your guilt if you wish.
Send a card for every follower's birthday,
Stroke their ego with a wonderful mention,
A salute, to toast both your egos!
As long as you have something to offer
You will be savoured and milked, and stroked
Like aphids in an anthill forever trapped.

Why all this effort to send their targets over the edge?
To keep alive?
To avoid the inevitable overshadowing doom?
What happened to the wolf that used to be free?

Little by little, the wolf was lead astray.
With a gentle ring in its nose
Down into the valley
Where they fear their personal evil.
Each time you did their bidding
Your nose became tighter
And your slavery more sure.

One day, it will be your turn
You will be the "One"
Their sacrificial lamb.
Be alert. Be alive. Beware.
Of their sly well placed apologies and feigned love.  
Pushing you away
Then pulling you in very close.  
Twisting and turning your truth
To suit themselves.
To suit their captain, their very own Kingpin.

Alienation, keeping you alone?
How about in shame?
Is it misleading, even your own emotions?
Your own beliefs, and acts?
Standing on your back,
They will turn you Over and over again.
Until you, their very own scapegoat, collapse.
Whether of exhaustion, mental collapse, or suicide
It doesn't matter.
So long as you dutifully do it
Moving them further ahead.

Do you realize that there is a different choice?
You can insist on holding your integrity!
Refuse to hurt another!
You can refuse to be afraid!
You can refuse to self blame,
You can choose to stands up
and walk away from the game!  

But, once as a wolf in sheep's clothing
You become blood stained
Their hooks will be deep into your soul!
Anchored so strongly by fear.

******* in the hooking and anchoring
Fear propels you on to
Denying reality,  
Denying truth
Denying even evil your own evil actions
Along the path of 8 deadly sins.
Weaving am ever thicker, forever holding web of lies.

What if you curb your hunger for the bait they set?
Denying pride, anger, gluttony,
Letting go of greed, lust, envy,
Idolatry, and sloth.
What if you take courage to make life right?
Becoming untwisted and detangled from the games?  
For love is what matters to the strong
Not power, nor greed, nor money, nor fame.

The wolves may grasp and manoeuvring for more power.
With increased desperation, 
The wolves cloaks begins to slip.
Alast, the sleeping sheep eyes are awakened
And they are asleep no more.

Do you suspect you are dealing with a wolf in sheep's clothing?
Watch their feet and watch their mask.
Test them.
Give them  a bit of their sought after desire.
Then watch closely  
Do they dawn a slight smile when they ask for control?
Do they do it again when you give a little to them?  

Watch! You will see a slight smirk,
A slight gloat, dance across their face.
It will be only for an instant.
They will not thank you.
Acting entitled, they will proceed to take control
Without a thought of you
As they climb upon your back, to stand up!
Thinking that they have scored
And wheeled their power to manipulate and control.

If you see this, there is no doubt.
Trust your instincts, your gut!
Never allow their words to dis-sway you
from your voice of truth!

Is there a wolf under your daughter's, your mother's, your sister's, Your brother's, your aunt's, your uncle's, your cousin's
And/or closest friend's sheepish cloak?
You know the one!
The one who seems to pick a fight
That comes out of  nowhere,
Without a rhyme nor reason.

Know that you never have to engage them
Or prove yourself.
You never give up who you are.
Never give up on your dreams!
Hold on to your true self!
Speak your truth.
If it is trampled by swine
Go to where it will be cherished instead.

Love, prayer, boundaries,
Living within the higher vibrations.
I gave my own wolves' in sheeps' clothing
Their own universe to do whatever they will.
It was the kindest thing I could do for all of us.

I kindly invite them back
If and only if they leave the games behind!!
And live sincerely, with compassion, and respect.
If I see they have stopped climbing on other's backs
I'd lovingly accept them back into  my world.

Yet, it is interesting
How deep my peace has become.
Oh, such peace!!!
How could I ask for more?
Some of us have our greatest challenges within our own families. I have always felt different and apart from my family. Innately my mould seemed different. As I crawled out of the pattern of family games, manipulations, power plays, and control of others for greed, power, and to show prowess as a teenager, I realized that may goals were different. I believed in a kinder, gentler, existence. It made me a truth seeker, in search of increased knowledge, peace, and love.  I don't regret that I have sprung from these roots. I feel I choose my family before birth. They have tested me, and I choose something different for myself. Patterning more after my father's love of truth, respect, and honoring others. These lessons have made me who I am today. I lost nothing, but the relationships that seek harm, to overpower. I am just not interested in these games and chose long ago to step out of them. If they desire to be in my world. I am open to real love, without games.
Vladimir s Krebs Jul 2018
I walk alone week by week with long thoughts. It feels like the worst kind of pain i known. Nomatter how long i go nomatter how far i walk. Ill never know what a life with out pain is like. Day by day these road are less traveld.  But my heart is weak and broken. The love i lost leaves the scares of my past where i have been abandoned and miss treated at alast. Your word **** me slashing and buring in my skin deep anguish. My mind is nothing but long fill shattered dreams. I have to fight or risk my life trying to fall in love with my happiness that seems ro be running away from me. Every scare you leave on my seems to tell a new begain and end were theres no heroic end. Week by week day by day be hind every bend there is a broken mind you played with. In time you will  hear my voice my mind will scream my withered heart will start to beat once more till you decide to push me away and abonded me agin. Week by week day by day all i see if pur love slipping in to my dreams i had. But my road i travel has many doors every path or door has a beginning but never a end. I try to find pure happinnes when im alone but its just seems to flate line like you left my broken heart you have broke with your tristed lies. Day by day week by week min by min second by second i walk alone with all my scares you left. Bc the love you left wasnt worth it bc of you left your cost behind it

Alone i walk with nothing but a endless fading last breath.
Walking alone should only be left to your if you cant find any other way of finding your way
Drifton A Way Jun 2020
The Mayfly may die, but then what is truly living
Do they wonder why god wasn’t more forgiving?

I imagine them full of wit, the epitome of brevity
Keep it light, game to spit, the essence of Levity

They started from the bottom of a river bed floor
Greendrake been here since the ancient dinosaur

Shedding skin 20 times in just the last two years
Gazing at the great above, ignoring all the fears

Dreaming of the way somehow my wings spawn
Awakened and that day is now, my fateful dawn

Crawling about, Just can’t be breakfast for a trout
Swimming devout, holding my breath almost out

Aghast birds pout after hunting through the night
Alast my wings sprout and I'm ready to take flight

Majestic fluttering about, wondrous afternoon delight
Not one single doubt, as we fly higher toward the light

Love is literally in the air with our Prehistoric Dance
As Weather radars blare, noticing nature's Romance

Time is spent, not a care in the world, a passionate Trance
What it meant, to fly freely, giving life yet another Chance

No need to feed, we lived fast and our destiny died young
Life goal to breed, song's been sung, spring's finally sprung

The MayFly may die but it's story reminds us how to truly Live.
Wondering why, as it searches then finds the purpose is to Give.
Love is in the Air
In the garden of eternity, before time’s bloom,
We stood as whispers, in the Maker’s room.
The world unformed, yet the truth aglow—
Our souls, like stars, in His presence bow.

"Am I not your Lord?"—a question profound,
Echoed through the silence, a cosmic sound.
From the depths of being, we rose to declare,
"Yes, O’ Lord, we know, Your light is everywhere!"

Not of flesh, nor bone, were we then made,
Yet in His presence, our spirits laid—
A pact eternal, in that sacred space,
Our hearts forever bound to His grace.

The veils of matter had not yet fallen,
No night, no dawn, no stars yet callin’,
Yet in that moment, pure and bright,
We knew the truth, beyond all sight.

O’son of Adam, heed this call:
In the dust of time, we forget it all.
But deep within, the seed remains—
The covenant that never wanes.

The world will tempt, and hearts may stray,
But remember, O’ seeker, that ancient day—
When Alast’s light shone through the soul,
And we, in awe, were made whole.

The soul that forgets is lost in the mire,
But the heart that remembers burns with fire.
The covenant still calls, in silence profound—
In the rhythm of life, it echoes its sound.

Rise, O’ seeker, from your sleep,
Awake to the truth, from the heavens deep.
In the silence of Alast, find your call—
For He, your Lord, is the Source of all.
The Covenant of Light 16/03/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
It would be easy
hoping the words I wish to speak
find you in other indirect ways

But alast
only the truth comes out
years later on my silence
on why topics are limited

I cater to you
I've always catered to someone
its what I'm suppose to do

Because my voice is small
because my thoughts and just second thoughts
because my wants, come second?

To be honest
I don't know which is worse
believing I could muster up a lie
or that this time

I'm the one who fell first?

— The End —