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940 · Aug 2018
up close & vulnerable
how can u be my motivation
when u clearly only hinder me.
u have been shaking my foundation,
i only hope - some day soon - u will finally let me be.

u have given me demons - carried ghosts that i am terrified to face;
i know that everything happens for a reason - i just wish that those reasons would pick up the pace.

i can't help how my mind makes me feel - the intrusion of thoughts are breaking me down;
i convince myself that they are real -
that everyone would be better off if i wasn't around.

maybe it's the alcohol - maybe it's the drugs,
i can't function without an abundance of the two.
all of my problems were swept under imaginary rugs -
i am so far from gone - idk what to do.
i don't wanna be alive
762 · Nov 2023
put the plug in the jug
i'll be ******
if i get drunk

a day's escape
won't drown
the sorrow.

you say you
understand, but hell
if i know.

i'll be ******
if i wake up
wrote this 3ish years ago instead of drinking .. originally as a song but never finished it
659 · Dec 2022
to thine own self be true
like the *** calling the kettle black:
it takes one to know one.
625 · Jul 2018
different roads
no need to get your hopes up.
eyes wide - mind closed up.
in the flesh (but u) ghost-up.
u only got my hopes up.

my emotions start to blow up -
watch out for the glo-up.
i didn't mean to get your hopes up..

she only cares if the dope's up -
until then insecurities stay up.
i'm surprised u ain't gave up -
u only get my hopes up.

loud & abrupt,
expecting a come-up,
but u need to come down.
how come i never see u around?
u like to play the role,
but can't wear the crown.
tell me,
how does your pedestal look
from the ground?

your mouth,
it moves -
your words,
no longer profound.
i just need to know
if u still want me around.
i'll always see u as lost -
never ready to be found.
i'm ready to be made new -
on the road to rebound.
02.12.18 • 4:30am
612 · Jan 2017
Wicked witch of the west
How dare you put me to the test
The snow burns the ground
And everything around
Oh, what a beautiful mess.

I was told to keep my nose clean
But I'm sniffing life away
The witch came to me
With an offering
What a cruel game to play.
610 · Oct 2020
spam folder
the last two messages you sent
i never even read
i no longer check to see if you've messaged me
since i deleted that thread
i finally had to give up
and see that the relationshit was dead
you made up this false version of me
based off of resentment and thoughts you never said
just know that i'm sorry
i know all of this is still ******* with your head
i feel i did the right thing
i learn to go with my gut now and i've yet to be misled
some days are so easy
while others hurt deeply and i can't shake the dread
a couple times you roped me in
i guess your intentions involved the ego needing to be fed
you're the one who pays in the end
cause i can live with myself and an empty bed
08.15.2020 - 19:36
for: jms

i am still not over it and that's okay
562 · Jul 2018
"foreplay//second base"
I've only ever been physically attractive to most people that I meet,
But when my words have your mind more active,
You give me validation that can't be beat.

Intimate thoughts explored -
Avenues you have yet to travel.
My words seep deeper, pouring you overboard -
The restraints of your mind begin to unravel.

I know that I was meant to inspire -
That much has been quite evident.
Pen to paper: an act in which I will never tire -
My voice, heaven-sent.

I've got a lot that I want to say -
Way too much in my mind to write down.
Distractions and insecurities kept us away,
But understanding and similarities found common ground.

How it feels to not be completely alone -
A comfort I never thought I'd find.
Meanwhile the whole world around us stuck in a phone
As we dive deeper and adventure the mind.
550 · Jan 2019
I should have known you were a fraud
We should all hold our applause
Master at manipulation
I couldn't stay in that situation:

Head games, head trips
Insecure, ego slips
Black heart, anxiety dips
Mood swings, personality flips.

Doubt myself, no luck
Insecure, you're stuck
Bad intentions, "easy ****"
Mood swings, better duck.
I should have left you where I met you
525 · Aug 2019
462 · Apr 2018
god complex
It is not your job to save everyone.

Lemme say that again:
It is NOT your job to save everyone!

Be selfless and be kind,
But don't forget to unwind.
Don't forget to focus on YOU.
Don't forget that you go through some ****, too!
Don't forget about your own life.
Don't let them stab you in the back after you've handed them the knife.

You can only give so much of yourself before you are left empty-handed.
You can only do so much for someone before you become aware that they've taken you for granted.
What does it take for you to see that you have been planted?
That life is about personal growth, no matter where you have landed.

We all have our baggage and we've claimed our vices,
But there comes a point in adulthood when you should open your eyes and see how beautiful life is.
It's not about whose picture looks the nicest.
It's about whose internal light shines the brightest.

So tell me, when you see your reflection,
Do you glow or do you burn?
Are you brighter than sunshine or are you ashes in an urn?

"From the ashes we will rise",
Though it may be trite and cliché;
In the end we all get the same prize,
As long as you start the game to play.
They went separate ways,
That won't mean that their paths won't ever cross again.
i'm always trying to hold on to the parts of people that don't make sense, because a part of my soul was sparked from a moment lost in a memory • i stay and crawl back because the power of their flames are constantly engulfed in my brain • i block out what is best for me so i can feel the pain and burn of a wildfire that will only destroy me in the end • ("what if it doesn't?") • there's always a hope deep inside me that they won't hurt me as bad - that i am invincible until they can calm the heat of their storm • can i tame them like they've domesticated my free spirit? there's always that hope that they will soften their blows just for me • our demons play too nicely together, running rampant around the cages we've spent decades molding our cold, black hearts into • all i wanted was a hand to hold and a soul to recognize my suffering, with a promise to never let me go through that ever again • be careful how you speak your hopes and dreams aloud • these fox holes needn't any more prayers • i land on a solid foundation, because it's all i had before you • i'll be stronger than before, knowing what not to do • i no longer have a thirst to learn things the hard way and i'll never stop letting good people love me despite bad people never learning how to.
432 · Nov 2019
I'm not much
But if you lose me
You'll know it
coming to terms with,
"not meant to be"
only produces misery,
as i sit here consumed by memories-
not ready to let you go.

distant or forgetful,
i guess it could be both,
yet finally hearing back from you
kicks in this newfound hope.
i exhaust this same routine,
day in and day out
as this distance,
in various ways,
only brings more and more doubt.

if giving up is the best thing for me to do,
how will i ever really know?
you keep pulling me in
as you weigh your options,
but can't bring yourself to let me go.

"distance makes the heart grow fonder"?
how exactly can that be?
when your mind and heart remain at war,
seems like the heart only grows anxiety.
396 · Feb 2021
it's totally okay to go completely insane,
especially if you already know

t h e   w a y
(but not the kind that sent me to rehab)
392 · Jan 2017
back to the light
No time to look back
On the things I've lost
On my way back down.
I've done lost track
Of what I ever wanted.
Ever wanted.
Sometimes I get hopeless
And I can't help myself,
I gotta get out of here..
Gotta try and do my best to get
My head out of the clouds.

Why don't you know?
How will I know?
How to get back.
Gotta find a way
Gotta find my way..
Back to the light.

Summer is gone now,
And my bones have grown so cold.
I don't even care how
You took back everything
Everything you meant.
Sometimes I'm glad
You're not here,
Cause my life has been so great.
This has been a tough year,
And I thank you for the ride home..

Why don't you know?
How will I know?
How to get back.
Gotta find a way.
Gotta find my way..
Back to the light..

Back to the light.
Wrote this June 2008?
377 · Jan 2019
time to think
Don't be surprised when you don't hear from me for a while
Don't be alarmed as if you knew where I was scarred
I don't do this 'back and forth stuck on repeat'
Pretty soon you will end it on a one-way street.
******* bs
374 · Apr 2018
trail blaze
Way too many times
I get lost inside my head,
Remembering those days
Getting lost with you instead.
Losing track of time -
I know I've been misled.
Chasing down those feelings
That you knew I needed fed.
There's no point in dwelling
On words you never said;
No point in building memories
On conversations left for dead.
341 · May 2018
Be the Change
Be the driving force behind winds of change.
339 · May 2021
spring is the worst
the rain
is falling on the ground
falling on me now
and you're nowhere
to be found.

we break,
we sacrifice our Grace
for a hell that
took its place
and you're
to be found..

am i the one
that got away? question everyday,
still, you're nowhere
to be found.

it's a shame..
i never wanted it this way
but the ego got inflamed
so you're nowhere
to be found.

it hurts
to watch you
move so slow
it's like you really
just don't know
that you're
to be found.

you're wrong
if you think that
things could change
you've always been the same
cause you're
nowhere to be found..

you're nowhere to be found
you're nowhere to be found
you're nowhere to be found
you're going nowhere..
this is a new song i've released on all streaming platforms under the name chasinghappy - there are so many layers to this song
329 · Jul 2019
Quarter-life crisis,
Left at my own devices:
Do you know what ice is?
That **** will take your life, kid.
279 · Jul 2018
I will always keep this flame that you've burned into me,
I hope you still have your spark.
I've watched you combust, burn out too fast,
Find new places to run & park.
I know that I'll never truly know you like that again,
That I'll be kept in the dark
Just know that no matter what or how it ended,
You've made a permanent and positive mark.
250 · Feb 2018
righting ur good-byes
i know my worth, that i'm better off alone.
i know that u will try to come back soon,
but all u will hear from me is a dial tone.

i don't need u, forget everything i've said.
i don't feel u like i used to -
u are no longer plaguing thoughts in my head.

i had to let u go & make room for the new.
we had fun while it lasted, memories for days,
but that's not the path we were meant to live through.

u would have only kept playing the same games.
pushing me away only to reel me back in:
self-serving tactic for u - me, it only shames.

i'm finally loving myself, allowing my heart to set u free.
i hope that one day u get what u are looking for,
and i'm sorry for u that it's no longer me.

too little, too late - u won't be the only one realizing my worth.
i don't mean to hurt or disappoint u,
but u aren't the only soul i met in my 'rebirth'.
"if you leave now, i can't let you come back" and more lies i tell myself • like, who am i trying to convince here? am i really that weak? maybe it isn't the weakness that keeps me stuck on you, more like the hold our souls have on the other • my heart falls, tugs and breaks with every word you say, but i cannot back off and let you go away • i know that i need you • your touch, your scent, those eyes • i just can't look away • it gets cold sometimes and i still never stop begging for you to stay • you can break me down to someone else, take who i am away from me • i'll keep coming back to you and cower every time you speak • i want to mean it this time when i ask you to leave • i want to feel nothing again and forget the day we met like it meant nothing • your anger and silence breaks me apart, piece by peace.. i just want you to see the damaged you've caused from promises you never intended to keep • (next time check your motives) • you'll regret this one day, maybe not right now • you hate me, bet you'll never say that to my face • you still never find someone who will love you as much as i love • and you will never feel a peace in your soul where i will no longer be • you can fill a void but you'll never quite get back your light • meanwhile, i'll be shining for someone who truly deserves it • someone who has no intent to dull it • good luck fighting those demons without me there to shield you • i promised and meant everything about how i'd fight for you more - no one else is strong enough, not even you.
233 · Apr 2018
These days, I don't pretend to be something  I'm not.
You see, there are so many things in life that I thought I wanted,
That I easily forgot.
Whether they were relationships I've tried to force,
Or the things that I've bought..
They eventually turned me into something that I'm not.

I had dreams and I had goals -
They helped me survive through a world of pain.
Personal relationships became nothing but black holes -
An abyss - a dead end - with nothing to gain.

I grew up believing that, to love, you had to be a savior.
You had to fix the broken pieces - hide your own - give more, more, more.
You weren't allowed to be weak -
Never reveal what you truly fear (feel).
In raising myself,  I made careless choices,
But at least the lessons were made clear.

I barely had a "dad",
I barely have a "mom"..
I swore I'd never be them -
But clearly, I was wrong..
I'm not proud of that, I have many regrets..
At least I'm aware & getting better,
Despite the devil placing his bets.

I am all alone, a choice I have made for myself.
There are fewer moments of self-loathing
As I continue to work through my mental health.
Though, it could always be worse -
I prefer to think of better.
That empty, self-destructive machine I once was -
I do my best everyday to forget her.

I still make mistakes - I still **** **** up,
But thank GOD I am no longer trying to pour from an empty cup.
I have done too much damage,
Allowing others to damage me, too.
It has taught me not to give everything
To people that don't care about YOU.

You don't have to suffer and exist as a robot.
Now is as good a time as any
For you to stop trying to be
Something that you're not.

vulnerable af
231 · Aug 2017
opiates & tequila
When it takes this long
It's not just the buzz you're chasing
229 · Oct 2019
my gut doesn't lie
i just choose to ignore it
trust was never an issue
but how can you restore it
inner thighs
bedroom eyes
sleeping on a bed of lies.

bed of lies i've made for myself
but as you know, i've had some help.

i don't want the pity,
or a single explanation.
i want to live in a state
where my eyes won't see precipitation.
207 · Feb 2019
things that happen for you
i can't ******* sleep • who you were to me is etched in my brain somehow, played on repeat • how did you do this to me? how is your grip so ******* tight? i can't even run away and there's nowhere for me to hide • i worry too much because there's no control • how did you take so much of my soul? you just ran with it like it was nothing • you cut me down like i meant nothing • all those words and your touch like an open flame on my skin burning scars into me that will never heal, and i'll never be the same again • it's so devastating to think about it all being made up • the "fairy tale" we had was real life • you're just so jaded and cynical from pain you endured, and it made it impossible for you to let me love the broken parts • (let me love you) • i swore it wouldn't have been a waste, but you are convinced that i will always be the same • you never gave me a chance and i never gave you a reason not to believe in me • i feel like that hurts worse • i hate that you made me question every move i made and i hate having to constantly prove that my intentions are pure • i wasn't the one who hurt you • i didn't deserve the knives you stabbed straight through my heart with words you could only say when we were far apart • i will say it again so it sinks into your brain: "i bet you could never say that to my face"

(i miss you in volumes
i will never speak aloud)

as if speaking it into existence will give you back the power • i don't think this is fair • we could have had it all • quit letting your thoughts build up and take away your miracles • you know **** well this didn't happen by mistake • how many more dreams are you going to let your fear and pride take?
205 · Oct 2020
misplaced dominance
i thought i wasn't over it
but i just needed to give you closure -
an explanation of my sickness
and why i had to say, "it's over".

you would think it was your own sickness
that drove me to rediscover mine -
not the ways you would block the door,
desperate for more time.

the way you gripped my wrists
as you threw me on the bed
misplacing the once comforting dominance,
and making a mess of my head..

someone who was once so safe
and so gentle with his touch
turned into a frightening, scary version
of someone i try not to think about much.

i know that wasn't you that day,
or maybe it was you all along;
i try not to remember much about that version of you,
but it was then that you taught me to be strong.
for jms
203 · Feb 2018
you can't deny that she put your broken pieces back together.
that's why it's gonna hurt when you have to forget her.
you can run and hide all you want to,
but you can't act like she didn't change you.
201 · Feb 2018
u lose in the end
good luck tryna hide the feelings you fight.
i know it's me that you wish you were holding at night.
i'm not the type that you can easily forget,
stuck in your head - fueling your regret.

act out your day like a scene - pretend you're having fun,
as if you're not dying on the inside from your hit & run.

you will look for me in every girl that you meet,
but in the end you will always feel incomplete
listing off all of those qualities they lack.
there will be a time in your life where you will want me back.

the way that you left me was an act of violence.
i can't wait for the day that i can **** you with my silence.
198 · Sep 2022
to be continued..
the warmth of us
all tangled in knots
i won't be afraid of
what comes undone
194 · Aug 2017
I never find those lines
That I'm supposed to stay away from
Rather do more lines
Than realize the ones I've crossed.
191 · Dec 2022
everything that i want
everything that i need
is already here
or on its way to me
He got up this morning
Didn't know right from wrong
He got his shield and walls stacked high
But he couldn't keep them strong.
I told him that he could count on me
But he kept asking me, "..for how long?".

Boy, if I knew for sure
I'd do my best to advise you
But don't go looking for trouble
Cause it sure as **** might find you
Do your best to look forward -
Nothing good is happening behind you.
I'm not your 'manic pixie dream girl'
AND wrote this to remind you

Yeah so I may have ****** (up) a lot
And I may have demons to deal with
But I'm no longer hiding my skeletons
And they're no longer a foolish myth

Yeah you're my water boy
But I couldn't quench your thirst
Yeah I want you - could never need you -
But then again, what could be worse ?
When a woman is so focused on herself
Every man that meets her path is a curse.

Yeah God could play along
But since when was he your higher power?
Cause every time i see you pray
You find more ways to sit and cower
Maybe over the thought of letting someone in -
Into your stone-cold, makeshift tower.

YOU can try and knock me down
Try to break down everything beside me
But you were never meant for war
And that's something that we can all see
Walls & a slew of chemical weakness -
That's all that you will ever be.

I'd get undressed just to impress you
Knowing all too well
That it left you empty and depressed too
Then I think to myself,
"What's a girl to do? "
Meanwhile you're all alone,
Allowing the chemicals to stew

So watchyu want with a woman like me?
I'd never do what you say.
All I wanted was to love you,
But you kept pushing me away.
i’m tired of missing versions of people that dont exist anymore
181 · Oct 2019
Are you ignoring red flags or are you painting them?
170 · Jul 2020
i didn’t realize how broken i was until i tried to collect all of the pieces
166 · Sep 2019
middle school
All we have in common are people who are dead now
155 · Sep 2022
plan it
anhedonia and apathy ~
this retrograde is killin' me.
154 · Jun 2019
I would always go back and forth for you
Leaving my heart broken and bruised
Yet, you never had a ******* clue.
146 · Jan 2024
time to get down to it,
cause the only way out
is through it.
139 · Jun 2019
What are you to do
When your mind comes unglued
Over who you used to be
And all the **** you thought was true?
137 · Jun 2021
it's too bad
you can't pick
bouquets of butterflies -
that moment you get
when you look in
someone's eyes.

or maybe at a glance
when you look
into their soul -
a moment caught in time
that is out of
your control.

a moment
that makes the world stop,
feeling heaven in a kiss -
something in
the depths of you
that you never thought
you'd miss.
"well, does he give you butterflies?"
130 · Aug 2022
Get out of your head
Crawl back to me -
Get lost in my arms instead.
I'll keep you warm,
Hold you tight -
Til we melt into the bed.
Til you no longer feel alone,
Hungry, cold
And misled.
Don't feel bad
About the words
You never said.
The situation
Looks way worse
In my head.
121 · May 2021
you are the breeze that blows through me
you lift up my wings so smoothly
it feels like a dream - so moving
it's more than enough - so freely.

but then there's a thought,
like "maybe i'm lost"..
but your hope is in me
and like that, i am free.

to know who you are and feel it through me
you don't pick me apart - you know me truly
your peace in my heart is so moving
you're more than enough - so freely.
spiritual guidance
114 · Apr 2022
all the hurtful things you say and do that show that you have no respect for me,
and you never say sorry.

who you were then versus now, i thought you had changed and wanted better for yourself,
but you never say sorry.
108 · Sep 2022
i hope you know
that i love you
and in doing so,
i'll put myself above you.

growing for myself,
and those around me
so i can be whole
with or without you.

you help me heal
parts of myself,
by proving you're not
like the others..

healthy love exists
cause i first found it within.
i've walked so many miles in your shoes -
i don't know what else to do.

you're healing in layers,
and if i could choose,
i'd walk some more miles in your shoes.
unconditional love

— The End —