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1.1k · Mar 2016
Ethereal Nature
Sanna Tirkey Mar 2016
A pebble to a mountain;
from waterfall to the sea;
What a beauty of nature,
we have obtained just for free.
Fragrance of flowers,
buzzing of the bees;
Glistening of snow,
mystical sight of horizon.
Our Earth,itself is a heaven;
Angels are the birds,
Brownies are the animals of sizes,
We on the earth is the real magic.
But far from our world,lies this;
No fracas, no false decoration,
Gift of God is just so different than what we have made it.
So enthusiastic, eye treat,
no *******, full of greenary.
Enthrals you, captivates you in its purity.
Wow, the nature is so natural.
You can't run away from nature. You inhale and exhale it, just try to feel it sometimes.
851 · Jun 2018
Someone from east
Sanna Tirkey Jun 2018
When all my world had turned to grey,
Colour had gone and nothing stayed.
      Reality was harsh to withstand,
      Dream was the only solace.
          When all seasons grew worse,
           An Eastern wind was the only support.
Someone from east;
   Predestined or preplanned from heaven,
   Blew soothingly in my life then.
        A bond much stronger nurtured within,
        Something was clear ,would last forever.
            Someone was the change,
            Shooting stars had crossed the sky again.
Life had never been so beautiful before,
Colours were brighter and vibrant more.
   Knew not I then, rock heart replaced
by softer when.
    Tuning of life had slowed down,
    Rythm of heartbeat had paced up.
        I knew that Someone was the
  Looking in the eyes of love ,
    I knew I had found my precious man.
   Colours had never gone, seasons
  were not the same.
    He was the change, he is the change.
    He is the one, he is my gain.
Its a poem for all people who love their partners a lot and are thankful to them for being there in their lives . Just like me for  My love, I m very grateful for having you in my life. A small gift , a small poem dedicated to you.
769 · Nov 2016
Painters love
Sanna Tirkey Nov 2016
Via painter-
            I thought no one could set us apart
            Fine strokes with the touch of art
You were my canvas and I was the brush
Painted with delicacy without a fuss
           When a gentle breeze blew across,
            knocked my board down
            broke my heart and broke my soul.
My lovely painting left halfway all alone.
           Colours once vibrant turned to dull and blue;
I promised to never ever love anyone again.
          Heartlessly i threw everything u gave
     Smearing face with memories we made.  Days passed and months along
           Far away from my dear paintings,
           My heart longed for what was gone
Learned to calm myself , not to get fragmented;
          Wished to go back the days i was
I collected my things and sat to paint
          Bend down to pick up my palette,
           I came across your beautiful face
  I picked the canvas and admired the paint
          And fell in love with you Again.
713 · Mar 2016
A Chance..
Sanna Tirkey Mar 2016
Why you pretended that you loved me,
just tell me once,I will hear it silently.
Give me a reason to hate you,
don't leave me alone when days are rainy.
I'll understand and solve it,
please give me a chance to explain this.
One last time please...just give me a chance to prove myself...just once
707 · Apr 2016
Night Sky
Sanna Tirkey Apr 2016
Staring at the night sky,
  pitch black are the shadows;
Grey-black and dark blue is the covering.
  Stars like silver sparkles, spread on a dark sheet.
  All so majestic, like a King wearing royal blue rob with diamonds on it;
  Cool breeze adding touches to this painting.
  Its not darkness around,
but just absence of light.
Night sky is exquisite;
Circkets making shrill noise,
  still deep down inside my heart,
a halcyon song I croon,
  admiring the white spot,
illuminating the night sky; known as Moon.
Whats so attracting about this sky;
I try, but fail to understand.
Days are hard, bright and youthfull;
But night has its own glory, charms and is peacefull.
At night, switch off the rooms light, stand in your balcony and look at the sky. You will experience the same as I did. Just give it a try!!!
539 · Mar 2017
Mirror Response
Sanna Tirkey Mar 2017
"Hey It's me",  replied my reflection
Startled by the voice , I look at her.
      A lovely smile on her face,
      Blushes on her cheek,
      Perfect glow beyond imagination.
I came closer to watch her carefully.
She was full of excitment.
World seemed a positive aura.
        Rubbing my eyes I just stared at her.
   ****,  I missed her smile.
   Missed the love look in her eyes.
Surrounded in hustle-bustle , I never noticed her.
For me , she was seraph of the moment.
"How's your life"? She asked next.
      Her words thundered in my body.
      Look on her face was sarcastic.
  Something I had lost long, something I still could become...
       Mirror of my life was in front.
514 · Dec 2016
Salt in My Wounds
Sanna Tirkey Dec 2016
Wounds that you gave me,
Scratched me with the stone of bitterness,
Pierced my heart with the dagger of hatred,
Even caresed me with the hurts and
Words of falsehood ,
Ripped me off my virtues;
You left me alone bleeding
Tears of pain and agony,
You were my remedy,
blinded to the truth;
Your Love Was Salt In My Wounds.
Wounded heart... Crushed soul... Hate Love.
408 · Feb 2016
Forgive and forget
Sanna Tirkey Feb 2016
An apologize for no reason is like having a snowfall without the season;
Whether the mistake was mine or yours,
problem is solved ,so why history recall.
Something may happen once in a while;
Make it as a sweet memory and keep it aside.
This is only what,we call as life.
Just is a word we use only once, things  
don't end there,as our thoughts run.
Things of light manner, can be dark and heavier;
No matter how the way is ahead,
your words will always remain in my head.
I forgave you more than hundred times,although you were sorry for few lies.
Uncommon were the issue of our overture, still I
wish you to forget me in future.
How much ever dark, the night may be,morning is sure to come with glee.
Once separated,forever apart , my God help me to forgive and forget you atlast
Time is the best healer...Move on as time solution to forget people..
384 · Feb 2016
Who said so..
Sanna Tirkey Feb 2016
Who said, one needs to be contact always to be together forever;
for friendship is beyond closeness its still there.
Who said, one should be of similar kind, inorder to understand better;
for you know opposites always attract each other.
Who said, the two knowns only fall in love;
for it is at first sight brings near strangers.
Who said, love causes sleepless nights to all lovers;
for I try my best to dream about us together.
Who said, dreams are different but wishes don't come true;
for it is us who decide to change this view.
Who said, words are only to be said;
for see it yourself, there are many ways of it to be expressed.
378 · Jun 2016
Sanna Tirkey Jun 2016
Of far distant miles I think;
    see the horizon, imagine whats behind it.
Staring at the infinity;
aimlessly at unknown,
   wondering what lies ahead for me.
Shattered are the pieces of glass , ones was a part of beautiful mosaic;
     And so is the thing I feel
Standing here in the beach at this dusk;
waves breeze trying to divert my mind
        Drawning in depth of sea,
        lost in an insignificant island.
Nothing to profit , yet to gain;
      not to win the war,
    but to survive till death.
A smile appears on my face;
             Time has taught me the best lesson,
Now , I have to alone win the race, JUST FOR ME...
A lesson that most of the races in life are ought to be run alone ...
375 · Mar 2016
Mistake is it...
Sanna Tirkey Mar 2016
It was not your mistake,
it was mine.
Why I fell in love with you,
when I didn't had any reason to share  with you.
Love was merely a word for you.
My depth of feelings were true;
I know, my love and emotions were new to you.
Still you never cared to understand,
my love , which for you will never withstand.
May be you will think me as a joke
and never will accept my feelings for you.
But though you don't love me too,
Still I will keep loving you.
Only some people think it to be a mistake ....Is this really so that Love is a mistake?
371 · Feb 2017
Feeling the WINTER
Sanna Tirkey Feb 2017
I can feel the cold  breezing,
          brushing pass through me,
Chilling me within in spine.
      My body , frozen lifeless.  
Watching the snow flakes dancing in the sky.
I can feel,  I can see but fail to think.
I can feel the winter numbness.
             I close my eyes.
And all I see is Myself in the lap of Winter.
     Possessing me ,  holding me tight.
         My forehead resting on his.
         I'm warm and He is too cold.
    Securing His face in my hand, I gaze in His eyes.
   I can sense , He's not same as before.
  Which is why I conclude,
             Winter is harsh no more.
In love with winter.
348 · Apr 2016
Sanna Tirkey Apr 2016
I think,      
         you are a peeled onion,    
    the more I see you,
    the more I try to come closer to you,
          tears roll down my eyes.
                   I just feel like I'm loving
    and  caressing a cactus;
            though the blood doesn't oozes out,  
               yet its pain is felt for long.
341 · Mar 2016
My Wants
Sanna Tirkey Mar 2016
Everyone wants me to do this;
Situations make me do that;
All what really matters to the world is,
I should do what they want.
No one cares for what I want.
People want to mould me as they wish,
has anyone tried to understand what my condition is.
All I want is fulfill my wish, live my dreams and do things which I choose to do.
No one there,
But I want to do what I really care.
I want to be myself...
310 · Oct 2016
A Flower & A Butterfly
Sanna Tirkey Oct 2016
A shrub with purple flowers,
Growing among the aged trees,
learned never to trust anyone simply following their examples...
But a Flower deeply in love with the butterfly,
blinded by its beauty ;
Forgot the old teaching and
trusted the butterfly.
Butterfly only treated It as a means to calm  its thirst,
never really loved her...
Lastly the butterfly left the Flower alone on its own,
With eyes dried without tears, heartbroken, left to die.
Butterfly flew away to the other Flower never to turn to her again.
I wish i mattered enough to you...
297 · Dec 2017
Burn it down
Sanna Tirkey Dec 2017
Ashes turning to grey,
   Fumes becoming lighter.
No more words to say,
   Fire inside is larger.
Burn it down , far away
   Give your story a new writer.
        Don't worry my Dear
Time will make out it's way,
    Learn more to become a fighter.
See off the memories and pray,
    Life ahead is much brighter...
292 · Feb 2016
Sanna Tirkey Feb 2016
Long before,in silence I stood,
thinking to walk in a path, that seemed so good;
Ready to leave behind the past and travel all alone,
amidst of woods forsaken and forlorn.
As the choice which I have made,
is full of white and grey shade;
still willingly I accept the reality,
as nothing can paint it more brightly.
Have no reason now to change the path,
because at last I have decided to step ahead and walk.
Never will I ever be able to go back,
due to loss of love which I still lack;
hope that I will find end of this saddened shore,
from where my new journey will begin once more.

— The End —