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Sep 2016 · 1.5k
Till I see you again
Samantha Clark Sep 2016
Things to say before you go.
I love you
I'm so very proud
You are amazing
Please be safe
Don't let them tame you
I'll be waiting
I will always be cheesy
I will always cry
I will always think of you
Don't let them change you
I believe in you
Show them who's boss
Stay out of trouble
Make good friends
Be careful of hoochies
Remember my *******
I'm going to cry some more
It's ok to feel/show emotions
Don't let them push you around
I will repeat myself over and over
I love you (again)
You are my happy
I hope to make you smile
I hope to be in your dreams
I hope you remember my kisses
I can't wait till I can kiss you every day
Soon is closer than you think
Soon is still to far away
That is all...
For now...
A million things to say. No words to explain what I want.
May 2016 · 624
Higher expectations
Samantha Clark May 2016
They all say you're still young you have plenty of time.
They have no idea the things that always run through your mind.
They say stay in school that's the ticket for tomorrow. But now that school's all over you feel so full of sorrow.
What do you do when you have no clue.
Nothing seems to be sticking even after all this glue.
You look on so full of despair and a soul full of spite,
You've try a thousand times to get the pieces to fit just right.
Nothing is going how it should nothing fits at all. It seems like one dramatic, drawn out, fall.
All this hype they set such great expectations.
That all turns into debt, rejection, the need for a higher education.
The endless need of a higher education holds you back from your grate expectations
Nov 2015 · 481
My muse
Samantha Clark Nov 2015
When we first encountered one another, I tried to think of you as just another brother.
But seeing that you are a different kind of man.
Nothing real seemed to go according to my plans.
Bold and loud. Always the center of attention. I couldn't help but see,
you had a different kind of intention.
You made me smile, you made me laugh.
You made me rethink my original plan.
You make me feel things I have never felt before,
a deeper kind of joy when I see you walk through my door.
Suppose to stay friends, not suppose to feel.
But now you're all I think about, that kiss really sealed the deal.
The thought of you keeps me up all night,
the thought of you brings a new sense of fright.
It's like living on the edge not knowing what to do,
are you going to be my one true love?  or is this just a ruse?
I'm willing to take the risk and hope to one day say "I do."
Because you have inspired me.
You have become my muse.
Is this love? Or is this lust?
#muse #inspire #isthislove
Sep 2015 · 717
Thank you
Samantha Clark Sep 2015
You make me smile, and you make me laugh. You make every day amazing.You are crazy, wild, and free. And I hope that you never do leave me. You always bring sunshine with you, everywhere you go. That smile, those eyes. What's a girl to do. I've seen you break hearts, and I don't know what to do, mine is next in line if you ever do choose to say the word. One small word that would tear my world apart. But living on the edge with you has made me feel so free. I have traveled because of you, I have seen new creatures, danced to a new song, learned new words, tasted the southern charm. You are my southern charm. Even if you say the word, I know that it will hurt. But you have opened my eyes to a whole new world, even if I have to be in it without you. You have made my life worth living. And I just want to say Thank You.
Always keep exploring
Random thought.
Aug 2015 · 619
Misery in memory
Samantha Clark Aug 2015
What started with such happiness, always ends in pain. With such misery, there isn't much to gain.
What happened now? What has changed? Why am I left alone standing in the rain.
I can feel my heart breaking, my world crumbling all around.
When I start to stand, is when I start to drown.
My eyes are filled with tears, I have no clue what to do.
All that seems to come to mind are memories of you.
That smile you would give me,
that took my breath away.
The way you whispered my name at the end of a long, exhausting day.
Your green eyes glistening
with mischief and delight.
The silly jokes that you would tell, now just keep me up all night.
My eyes are filled with tears and there's nothing I can do, but try and get through this misery,
Misery of missing you.
Stand strong, even when you feel like there's nothing to stand for, there's always you, stand tall for you.
Aug 2015 · 478
Samantha Clark Aug 2015
We said hello that night long ago
Where I fell in love and didn't even know.
You bat your lashes and give me that smile,
You have no idea that you drive me wild.
You always tell me lava, a cute way to show your love. Always followed with the most amazing kisses ad hugs.
But you won't ask me the question I want to hear the most. To show some commitment and for me to be able to boast.
Then I find that you have another girl. When you were the center of my world. It looks like you are stringing me along. She doesn't even know of me, how long has this gone on.
I try to keep my cool and keep it all inside, no matter how it hurts I stay by your side.
Through the other girls, the people that you meet. I keep my smile shining bright even with my heart at my feet.
I am here beside you through all this pain.
I am here for you through the sunshine and the rain.
You say you are leaving and we will be miles apart.
You don't understand you already have my heart.
You can be in Kansas, Kentucky or New York. Or sitting right beside me eating with a spork.
You always make me smile which is why I stick around.
You have my heart with you and that is bringing me down.
I just need to remember that sometimes it's better to let go.
I need to say goodbye and find my next hello.
When you know you should leave but don't know where to go
Jul 2015 · 577
Reach for the stars
Samantha Clark Jul 2015
Running through life. Not knowing where to stop. Reaching for the moon striving for the top.
One day you will get there just wait and see. I hope when you get there, you don't forget about me.
You move so fast. As quick as can be.
I just want you to stay at the bottom with me.
I know that you can't you are reaching for the stars. I wish I could be right where you are.
Strong and independent.
A leader you will be. All you have to do is just wait and see.
"Reach for the moon, even if you miss you still land among the stars."
Jul 2015 · 2.2k
Samantha Clark Jul 2015
Always waiting and I'm not sure why. Times would be better if I would just try.
I keep to myself waiting on you,
Waiting to see if you make the first move.
Waiting to see if things will change
Waiting to see if I can break from this pain.
Spend all day waiting and what did I do. Nothing at all except wait on you.
It's time to stop waiting and make the first move.  It's time to find my own personal grove.
Time to get going, time to be brave.
Time to show you all I am not afraid.
My time is now, I hope you all see it's time to stop waiting and be brave
I can't wait.
Jul 2015 · 3.6k
Samantha Clark Jul 2015
I've been waiting for so long! It's that time of year.
The barbecue is burning, the sun is finally here.
I can hold your hand. I can smile from ear to ear. Happy to finally see you this joyful time of year.
The fireworks have started! I'm excited as can be. Until I look and notice you are not next to me.
I guess I can understand.
You have your life to live.
You make the choice.
There's not much more I can give.
I will keep on smiling even through the pain.
It's a lesson to learn something I can gain.
If I stay tough and can stick it through. Maybe one day I will find the road that leads me back to you.
And we can watch the fireworks this time next year.
The 4th of July for you
Jun 2015 · 388
The L word
Samantha Clark Jun 2015
Try not to worry. Try not to fret. It's just a little word. It shouldn't lead to debt.
You keep it in your head you let it slip from your mouth.
But do you really mean it? Is that what it's about?
The L word means a lot. I hope that you can see,
because of you it has really effected me.
I want to scream it out. As loud as I can be!
I want you to know you mean more than the world to me.
But times are changing and so has the word.
Now it's said with no meaning, it's just a regular verb.
It's ok I get it. You're leaving for the war.
But you said the L word and then you slammed the door.
You left me in a tizzy. A confused and dizzy state,
when you said the L word in a way of hate.
For such a little word it sure can pack a punch.
That day you took my breath away. I almost lost my lunch.
Tears came streaming down my face as I tried not to scream.
"Why does this feel like a bad dream!?"
I want to believe you, I want you to see. No matter how far away you go, you still mean the world to me.
It's ok I get it! You are leaving for the war. I will save my water works till you are out the door.
When it's time for goodbye I hope you will see. The L word means a lot, especially to me.
So say it from your heart, or don't say it at all. And know no matter what, I'll be here when you call.
Please don't go.
Jun 2015 · 268
My response.
Samantha Clark Jun 2015
She can be your sunshine, or leave you standing in the rain.
If she leaves you out there, she won't have much to gain.
She can say she is sorry in a million different ways,
She can be your sunshine or leave you standing in the rain.
She hopes that you can hear her, as she whispers very slow.
"I really do love you and don't want to let you go."
She wants to be your sunshine, to hide you from the rain.
No matter where you go, she wants to kiss away your pain.  
She didn't mean to hurt you. She doesn't want to lie,
It feels like all she can do now is just lay down and die.
Will you be her sunshine or leave her standing in the rain?
Remember it's your choice on what you lose as well as what you gain
He posted it. So I might as well have it too.

— The End —