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Francis Oct 2023
The pearly gates seem foreign,
A daydream away from today,
He talked about Hades like Sin,
But what he neglected to mention,
Is that Hell is from within.

A dystopian travesty,
Civilizations amuck,
We fight,
We ****,
In pursuit of happiness,
Whatever that is.
What if this is hell?
Francis Oct 2023
The things that you seek,
The things that you feel,
What makes you feel like you,
Would never be what will heel.

He might flatter you,
He might make you feel pretty,
But will he be there most of all,
When you’re feeling down and ******?

I did it all,
I did it true,
What the ****,
Is wrong with you?

When that spark burns out,
When that new guy retreats,
You’ll have nothing and no one,
You especially won’t have me.
Speaks for itself.
Francis Oct 2023
For she knows exactly what she’s doing,
Showcasing a new “love” when,
You were boxed and stored.
Out with the old, In with the new,
How I exhausted my love for you.
I see you purposely aiming your sights,
At the shell of a heart you crushed with might.
I hope he can give you plenty,
I hope it’s not for a twenty,
You shallow troll with lacking class,
You can go and kiss my ***.
My ex and I broke up two weeks ago. She’s already with another guy at the bar on Snapchat. I know her. She posted this on purpose to make me jealous. But all it does is show how she belongs to the streets.
Francis Oct 2023
How do you do,
Mr. Shadow on the wall,
No rudeness intended,
But I did not miss you,
In your absence.

Remember when I was young,
Remember when I was weak?
You stole my sense of purpose,
I let you in,
And you had your way with me.

One step forward,
Ten steps back.
Each step backward,
I felt your breath on my neck.
This time is different.

I reflect on yesterday,
Today is the day to ponder,
Today I see one small change,
I’m strong,
No longer small.

Same problems, New mind,
Loneliness still haunts my soul.
Your presence gives me agita,
Cramping my style,
In this newfound perspective.

Back to square one,
Back to my square roots,
These exponential problems,
Are not yours to guide me through.
Get away, Stay away.
I’m back in the same place I was when I was a teen, battling the grief of a breakup, staying up late in bed to reflect on my thoughts— with depression lingering, except one thing… I’m a much stronger person now. I won’t let it become me.
Francis Oct 2023
Little One,
Oh Little One,
How sad you seemed to be.
You ****** and moaned your grievances,
Not knowing you were free.

The world seemed so big.
When you seemed small,
The problems that you’d seek,
Today I yarn to reminisce,
How much you’d hate to be me.

Little one,
What caused you such delusions,
What caused you so much pain?
Your life was like a fairytale,
No losses and no gain.  

Come take a gander,
In my world,
See how you’d toss and turn.
Your thoughtlessness and gravity,
Would tumble, crash and burn.

Little one,
Oh little one,
The problems that you find,
Are darling little memories,
In a world as ****** up as mine.
I haven’t visited this site in a while. Reflecting on the poems I wrote in my teen years, I see now how much better I had it as a youngster.
Francis Oct 2023
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall,
How I’d wish to love them all.
An angel for a night to sleep,
A passion for my heart to keep.

Fluids drip drop down her spine,
How lucky I am to call her mine,
Whomever her may seem to be,
Resulted from my fantasy.

Its lonesome here in darkest night,
I’d love to come…
And take a bite,
Of forbidden fruit as sweet as lore,
Tasting lips and basting more.

It’s hot and heavy in this bed,
I’m solo here with marvel dread.
Reflecting on my loveless life,
I crave the scents of a luscious wife.
Yep. About that time of the night.
Francis Oct 2023
I’m tired,
Want to sleep.

Stop laughing,
As I weep.

Stop hiding,
In the corner.
Stop lurking,
Like a creep.

The only way,
To rid of you,
The only way,
To sleep.
I’ll draw you,
‘Till the crack of dawn,
To satisfy your needs.
This takes me back to a time in middle school when I caught my best friend (at the time) compulsively, discreetly drawing this eerie, disturbing doodle face on the bus ride home. I asked him what he was drawing and he said that it was this kid named Cornelius that comes out at night in his room. According to him, Cornelius said that only way he’ll leave him alone is if he draws him a lot. To this day, I can still draw the face he drew, and wish I could share it with this poem. This unfortunately made us drift apart, as I was too disturbed to remain in contact.
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