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864 · Oct 2014
Ryan Bueler Oct 2014
Well i've been driving on my own
i've been stuck on rocky time
and i've been praying for a signal
I've been begging for a sign

...from Colorado
maybe that's where i'll go

She's been flowing over passes
She's been moving through the trees
and I can hear her on the wind
oh I can feel her in the breeze

maybe thats where she'd go.
758 · Oct 2014
Modern fool
Ryan Bueler Oct 2014
Embracing the hope of an old fool
don't make much sense to the modern day.
how can you walk on streets
with soles of your bare feet
looking for ground on a paved way?

Do you not think much of the media?
Don't you know that their thoughts are hallowed ground?
Would you dare tear down all the golden calfs
to make room for God in the hearts of men?

Well keep your heart out of my hole.
keep your thoughts out of my school.
keep your art out of my show.

…you're a dying breed, you're a modern fool.

Well can I dare hold my arms out?
Can I dare speak love and for peace of all?
Or does all of this praise and my child-like faith
offend even the strongest of your ranks?

Would you ban my race from the radio
and take off all of my visage from your door?
Can you not take it when you can feel the grace
dripping from the words and coming through your walls?

I want my heart where you are
I'll put my art in your show
I'll put my thoughts in your school
I'm a dying breed, I'm a modern fool
Clarified some of the thoughts here.
634 · Nov 2014
Poets of the past
Ryan Bueler Nov 2014
Bless the poets of the past
who wrote all
without the applause
of ten thousand clicking mice

who poured out souls
on paper
in dimly lit rooms
... alone

who spoke the world
through rhyme and verse
to bless and curse
the meaning of it all

who first haunted your heart with words and lifted your spirit with prose
only for the sake of putting thoughts to the pen
           ...who made us out of 26 letters.
I may add on later
621 · Nov 2014
Ryan Bueler Nov 2014
My cheeks are cold
and my hands are oh so lonely
                                                          ­          …My shoes are strolling all alone

She's humming soft
and swaying oh so slowly
                                                        ..­.Making those moves for moving home

I better walk you there
before the sun goes down
You know its easy for souls to grow cold  alone out here tonight.
For my beautiful wife
499 · Oct 2014
Ryan Bueler Oct 2014
I am content here
with our voices low.
When we breathe
I feel Life in the sighs

In our hollow of soft lights
and pillows

Saying things slowly and sweetly.
446 · Nov 2014
Ryan Bueler Nov 2014
Well this is the spot where you'd bury me
six feet down
and lay a stone.

And these are the woods where you'd walk
sometimes to think
all on your own

And this is the box where you'd
keep your ring
that you could not bear to wear

and this is the spot where I lost my footing
right there...

I almost died, and nobody knows
I almost made a break right there
for the last coast.

I almost died, and nobody knows.
398 · Nov 2014
Your next poem
Ryan Bueler Nov 2014
Just wait to release your brilliance.
Hold on to it
...Just a little longer

Don’t let it get lost in the seas of irrelevance,
and drowned in the wake of your work

Let them feel your words
and taste your passion.
swirl it around in their mouths
and breathe it in
and rub it all in the pores of their skin.

Let them taste your genius
and ask you for seconds.
387 · Oct 2014
I knew no Love
Ryan Bueler Oct 2014
I must have been blind,
or else very unfortunate
to have missed what I know now
to have lived my life until this point
in the shadow of a cloud that is life without
the knowledge of your smile, our your laugh, or your touch

But then you came,
not like a flash of lightning, surprising me with its intensity and force
but like a gentle sunrise
rising steadily over everything I know and bathing the world in a light
and beauty I felt I had always known, but never been awake to see

and when I finally did awake to the warmth and glow of your presence
my eyes were dazed
for I knew no beauty before you.

I must have been a child,
or else extremely frail
to have been idle all this time,
to have been contented until now
without digging the foundation and hammering the nails
and tying the knots on the beams that hold together a man, and his faith, and his family

But then you came
and you did not come like the warning of a harsh winter
making men dig hasty footing in hopes of surviving only the worst of times.
You came like the promise of a beautiful spring
waking me from my slumber to plant and sow
and nourish the ground of our love and home
to last through all the trials of time, and all of the seasons of our life

And when I had seen what we had built together with only faith, hope, and love
I was amazed
for I knew no strength before you

And now here I am
swimming in the light of your beauty
and surging with the strength of your heart
and where else can I go, what else shall I do but spend my life in this place
for I knew no Love before you.
340 · Nov 2014
Life for the Autumn
Ryan Bueler Nov 2014
Planning a life for the autumn is trying
like trying to plan for when autumns due
the evidence of her is up on the counter,
lines for the life inside of you.

well where is the cherub bearing the witness,
bringing the news to the tired men?
she’s right here, she’s next to me
she’ll be stilling my restless heart again

Well you can be on my mind
but we know we are in His hands
and we can tell all our friends
that we know now when life begins

Can you think of a time when the moment was
just right for all of the challenging times ahead?
they say that you have to be
done with school,
when your moneys made.

but when all of the wicked call that
we cant hold our home together
the Word speaks its Peace to me
and He’ll be whispering to you too in time

You're always on my mind
but please know we are in His hands
and we can tell all our friends
that the autumn is when our Life begins
For Zion who has my heart, always.
337 · Oct 2014
Ryan Bueler Oct 2014
Lay my soul out on the table,
I am Cain and my brother is able
to please God with the things he brings
and oh my jealous heart won’t sing

One cold day out in the field
that devil came and I felt him reel
I took a stone and I threw it down
now my brothers blood calls from the ground.

Now the Lord came down along my road
I hid my face He could not know
"Bring your brother out to Me"
but I do not keep him now You see.

A thousand years have passed and burned
and my bones to dust have long returned
and scatter over fields that grow
to do what I did with a stone.

— The End —