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6.5k · Jun 2014
Lustful Herb
talia rose Jun 2014
Take me up with you higher than all other existence
your effects enlighten my path
My mind defies limits and executes resistance
Higher, higher, miraculous craft
1.8k · Jun 2014
talia rose Jun 2014
No  space between us

                        between our bodies nor minds

yet  stars rest aloft
1.5k · Jun 2014
talia rose Jun 2014
Our  consciousness somber ,
though  intuition is vibrant
Gathering my  undivided attention, your swaying being bumps into mine
Static-y  sensation undefined
Lips magnetically linked, waiting to be collided.
Aroma of bitter alcohol exhales with each breath
Intellectual levels parallel with one another
Each absolute sense of warmth in your touch commands a heart trembling
Mind a fog, thoughts jog
Clumsy shoes overlapping each other
I want to be close
we need to be close
Show me all the things you keep inside
deep in your mind
and I'll show you mine
Nonetheless this is authentic
loving you while we're wasted
that is eccentric
1.2k · Jun 2014
Deranged Humanity
talia rose Jun 2014
Corrupted human beings saunter our streets
Consisting of nothing but absurd hostility
Consumed with bias and a mind confined
It seems to be
That you misconceived
The purpose of this viability.
Hate, steal, ****, fight
Living a life of polluted spite.
Nothing but blemishes in society
Simply blind to the basic factors of psychiatry.
The human mind was composed to connect
Composed to detect
Love, companionship, intellect.
We clench the power to do so much more,
Relax your fist and allow your speculations to pour.
Inessential anger increases inside
what used to be a selfless kind.
A kind who shared, one who cared.
Who built companions up and helped them grow.
Now there's egotistical maniacs, count them by the rows.
They see others as files, humans they dispose.
Follow the leader, that's a game they like to play.
Think for yourself, our brains weren't made to think this way.
1.0k · Jun 2014
talia rose Jun 2014
intellectual, alluring
caressing, communicating,  concentrating
utter bliss throughout soul
cinquain darling love
826 · Jun 2014
talia rose Jun 2014
You are my desire.
The thought of you, my mind could never tire.
You are my reason.
There must still be hope of it is your heart that I am seizing.
Desolate flaws and endless virtue,
Unnerving thoughts that you'll
leave too.
Postulating that forever youll stay,
I will remain infatuated every single day.
Please declare that youre not going anywhere.
Because this world is cold, this life is bitter.
The thought of you leaving induces a heart stopping shiver.
To the ends of the universe
I would travel...
For your hand and mine,
To never unravel.
810 · Jun 2014
talia rose Jun 2014
Craving your presence
every waking minute of the day
Missing your warm touch
I don't  like when you are away
The way you touch me and the words you say
they all add up to what makes me feel this way
My soul is melting and you're the heat
that gives me tingles and makes my heart skip a beat
this is true  you are my drug
every nod every smile every movement every shrug
my life without you just wouldn't be complete
there is no one, absolutely no one in this world
who could compete.

So with this said and with you in my head
I ask of you to crawl in bed
with me and we
can be

Because when you are away
I just don't feel the right way
795 · Jun 2014
Consider Me Dead
talia rose Jun 2014
every line of your body
each detail in your smile
dim awareness when our lips collide
all these emotions pile

if loving you would **** me
keep this in your head
I wouldn't even think twice
consider me dead
782 · Jun 2014
Our Kindred Souls
talia rose Jun 2014
An obscure certainty filled my mind, when your presence and being collided with mine.
It was that disheveled hair and youthful display that made it so, that my mind or heart, cant easily let you go.
Distance confined our physical beings, yet by some means, our intuition remains in sync, and my adoration for you will never decrease.
Cobalt beauties tear into my spirit, pulling me further and further into, the light that is you.
And it is this that gives me reason to believe that my mind was kindred for you and your soul was made for me.
It is you, my love, that I need.
676 · Jun 2014
talia rose Jun 2014
Like  an unyielding wave of  emotion and ecstasy,
mysterious perplexity,
left breathlessly astonished by this sensation of  unidentified bliss.
Dumbfounded and taken aback
there isn't a crack
in this wall of love that emerges from a light,
this is not a feeling I would ever fight
fueling these intense impulses and mind boggling feelings
each layer of this flower petal is peeling
It is concrete, this love
a stone set certainty aimed for the stars,
blood pumping wind gusts and fast paced cars.
This  inexplicable sureness floats in the streams of twisting dreams
dancing in my head
painting each wall red.
intuition at it's finest, for there is no mistake
every corner of this world would quake
if what I'm saying did not deem true.
It is concrete, this love
nor a fantasy or an illusion, I will never be freed of,
*this concrete love.
548 · Jun 2014
talia rose Jun 2014
adoration is maximized
lavishing eyes that read my mind
euphoric emotions
x*erox copy of myself
426 · Jun 2014
Oh, My Love
talia rose Jun 2014
"I am just a skater
I'm just a time wasting scrub
I have nothing to give you
except for my love
I can give you no money
I can give you no jewelry;
all that I can afford
is a promise that your heart will never be torn"

Oh, my love
I can sincerely assure
That you're all I need, you and your allure

"I cannot shower you with materialistic things
I cannot take you out on expensive binges
All I have is me
I'm simply not good enough for you,
you deserve infinity"

Oh, my love
I wholeheartedly implore
That I ask of nothing
absolutely nothing
You're my only necessity, just one request
you are the one who will treat me the best.

"So you're saying dear
that my deepest fear,
rejection and emptiness
is all in my head?
Would you say yes if I asked you to wed?
You're all I need too
Just me and you
Yet I only once more
simply ensure you,
for it's you I adore"

Oh, my love
I'm appeased and eccentric with this
feeling you suspected
You're all I need

*and more
354 · Jun 2014
talia rose Jun 2014
The memory of what you used to be still fills my mind
You used to care about me.
You used to be kind.
Ripping apart the tattered remains of our relationship,  each and every day.
My consideration for you has began to decay.
Equivalent stress lingers within us all, but it is You,  who has taken the greatest fall.
I remember when you liked me
I remember when you were there. When I look at you, all I see is empty despair.
At first I had began to believe, that I'm your greatest disappointment.  

Yet now I know the truth has been revealed..
I have not failed you.
You have failed me.

— The End —