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Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
On this new Monday morning.
This Monday is so boring!
Ordinary days I despise by roaring!
Dull times in my life like today. I cry.
Day after day. Same old same old dreary job and life this day.

Do I have a choice?
An Awesome day I can choose.
Unexpected surprises I can choose to give. The
Thing to give,
Today will be mind-blowing,

To one and all. This surprise will
Turn your day Awesome too!
This unforeseen gift, this
Day is wrapped in an
Awesome smile with, "Have a great day! "

On this ordinary, dull day. Do an unexpected thing today.
Turn this day awesome.

Smile at someone today.

© 2013 - 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
Autumn blows in like a messy, cloud.
In the rains of autumn,
The air is frosty fresh and tastes of honey.

The tree dies like a rainy sail.
Inside our imagination, the trees cry colorful tears.
Winter leaves begin their journey's end.

A carpet of many colors lying flat,
Breezes blow rainy carpets of leaves,
Sun loves fiery, leaf breezes.

Cool boys play swiftly in piles of yellow, red and brown autumn leaves.

Daylight's candle is growing shorter.
Give up the fight.

Close the windows, close the doors,
It's going to be a cold night.

© 2012 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Beautiful Autumn Leaves! Wonju, Korea
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
At incredible heights.
There is an awesome view.
I step out onto the platform.
I look below and see the earth's curvature.
Along with white small puffy clouds with
Oceans, that look like mirrors.

I take a flying leap!
Into the nothingness.
No sound no wind.
Then suddenly!
Gusts of wind hit me as if from a tornado.
The silence has become a roar!
I continue to fall and see
That the clouds have become large and overshadowing.

I continue falling through the clouds.
Suddenly! I see patches of brown and green squares.
I say, "My fast ride is soon coming to an end."

I pull my ripcord,
My parachute opens.
I float slowly down to the beautiful earth.

I have fallen from incredible heights
to incredible lows.

What a rush! ! !
Can we do that again?

At Incredible Heights.

© 2013 - 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Inspired by and dedicated to Felix Baumgartner - The European Skydive Legend.
Felix Baumgartner's supersonic freefall from 128k' - Mission Highlights
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
Call me love,
My heart is yours forever,
Name your price.

And I will do anything you ask of me!

I'll bring you diamonds and gold.
Be it whatever you wish.
There is not anything I wouldn't do for you love!

The secret revealed.
"Call My name and I'll Be There."

© 2013 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
The secret is revealed by reading the word at the beginning of each line of the poem vertically. This then forms a sentence, when read down with an additional message.
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
In my eighty second year of life,
On this wondrous blue planet Earth,
I lie here in my hospital room bed,
Waiting for life to end in dread.
With my minister, family and friends,
Surrounding me with love, on this day of dread.
To see me off on my journey,
To the golden gates above.
As I look around this dreaded room.
I see a familiar face in this scary, sad place!
With an amazing smile,
And a dazzling glow around her face.
This familiar figure and face,
Walks to my bed side space,
She takes my hand,
I get up to stand,
I felt this must be my angel Grace.
Don't worry she softly whispers.
Look to the future, not the past.
We're going on a wondrous journey.
We fly up through the ceiling,
Into a beautiful sunlit blue sky.
Though the clouds, into space, We fly...
On past Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
We move into the darkness of deep space,
At a faster pace,
Then fly towards a very bright star.
Brighter than anything I've ever seen!
We then pass into this wonderful warm, soothing light.
This must be the doorway to heaven. I exclaim!
Even then, I begin to see glimpses of a.,
Wondrous blue world at the end of this warming light.
We fly toward this wondrous blue and white world.
My angel Grace and I begin to fly down,

Though cloudless blue skies, at a slower pace.

Into a room with many angels dressed in blue and white,
Surrounding a beautiful figure and face lying,
On the bed. With one angel yelling, “Push dear Push!.”
My angel Grace then says, “Your new wondrous adventure of life is about to begin.”
Then my angel Grace releases my hand,
And says, “Always remember to look toward the future and forget
the past.”
My Wondrous Journey never ends...

© 2013 - 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
The Known Universe by AMNH
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
It is early Sunday morning
at St. Luke's Hospital. In the maternity ward.,

Where I adored this beautiful face ---
What a wonderful, amazing, astonishing place.,
With such a pretty smile and face.,

Before I could cry out to your pretty face.,
An angel in a blue coat took you from our place.,

I began to cry out:
Where are you taking this pretty face?

I cried, cried and cried.,

Next. The angel in the blue coat. Took me from our place.
Can this angel be taking me back to your pretty face?

But no!

This angel took me to another pretty face.,
Everyone kept calling this pretty face, “Mommy, mommy, mommy...”

For the next twenty-three years.,
While I did my growing and learning.,
Mommy was my only pretty face.,

It is early Sunday morning at,
St. Luke's Presbyterian Church.,
Sitting there, in the church pew.,
I see a pretty face.,
I cry out, “Have I ever met you in another place?”,
The second day we met!

© 2012 - 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
4MEN feat. MI - Here I Am [Eng. Sub]
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
Sa-rang had always loved Seoul. Her dreams with crowds, around the Han River day and night. It was a place where she felt delighted and safe.
She was a popular, courageous, soju drinker with charming dark eyes and beautiful pink lips. Her friends saw her as a lovely, quiet hero. Once, she even gave a cup of milk to a lost kitten. That's the sort of woman she was.
Sa-rang walked over to the window and reflected on the colorful lights of her surroundings. The moon shined like a spotlight searching for someone.
Then she saw something in the distance. Or rather someone. It was the figure of Ron. He was a daring king from a far off land with blond hair and vast shoulders looking at the water.
Sa-rang gulped. She was not prepared for Ron.
As Sa-rang stepped outside, and Ron came closer, she could see the substantial glint in his blue eyes.
Ron gazed with the affection of 10,000 kittens. He said, in quiet tones, "I love you, and I want love."
Sa-rang looked back, even more surprised and still looking at the enchanted book. "Ron, please stay until the day I die," she replied.
They looked at each other with pleasant smiles. Feelings of love, like two teens, dancing at a very friendly K-POP Concert, which had piano music playing in the background and two admirable young women dancing to the beat.
Sa-rang regarded Ron's blond hair and vast shoulders. "I feel the same way!" revealed Sa-rang with a delighted grin.
Ron looked nervous, his emotions blushing like a red rose he wished he had.
Then Ron came inside for a nice drink of soju.

(C) 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
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