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 Aug 2020 Robin Carretti
Everyday I appreciate
my wonderful family
It’s the best love ever

Love my hubby and my children with all my heart xxxxx ❤️❤️❤️
...bobby stole a car
george jumped
the open back window
we tied robbie up
left him on some ones porch
were surprized when
the spainish people carried
him into the house
(so much for robbie)
we egged chamburg's parents
put a box on a porch
with john inside
rang the doorbell and
across the street to hide behind a car
john jumped out
the lady screamed
the husband yelled
john ran
came back the next night
attached a long cord to
the empty box
rang the doorbell....

hang on st. Christopher

the moon
        was never fuller
and we all enjoyed
a little madness for
Candle flickering
Please don't
Show me the darkness

Please don't
Show me the thoughts

The unbearable pleasure
Of the pain
Drips from my own thoughts

written 5 August 2018.

by The Lenora.

All rights reserved.
A whirlwind of stagnant breeze
disturbs the warmest stillness.
Solar rays shimmer and coalesce
forming images of the Summer Girl.

Fragrant scents in light colours
float gently from her hair.
Flowers laced with golden thread
adorning her head like a wreath.

Chasing the shadows of clouds
across the heat haze so strange.
Her body lithe and newly alive
darting and flitting dragonfly style.

Arriving at the painting of the dawn
and here to nurse the day.
Leaving at the doom of sunset,
wisping images of the Summer Girl.

©Pagan Paul (07/06/14).
Old Poem
fire as four eyes met
love is an auspicious flame
lets ignite oceans
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