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Trying to be everyone's clown
While feeling an anchor of reality drag at my guts.
Face paint drips around saline rain,
But everyone sees the drawn-on smile
And joke that my mascara's running.
Lucky mascara, I think; wish I could, too.
Perhaps I'll cry out,
Wipe off the face,
Hope that everyone sees it this time...
But there's already a crying clown across the street.
One with a shinier soap box...
And nary the burden of effort to show for it.
If history repeats itself like we play our favorite tunes
If human beings tend to orbit just like planets and their moons
If the mind and heart expand like scientists know the cosmos is
If good and bad can balance out in some kind of osmosis
If people can be kind at heart but even more so, kind in deed
If the human touch outweighs every other basic need
If dreams are more like memories the soul has lost and found again
If we're just strangers in a strange land imagining some greater plan
If, as life goes on, all things give in to rapid rise and fall
If all this is true, maybe that's why I'm not afraid of you at all.
If a tree falls
When no one's around
How do we know
If it still makes a sound?
If a star disappears
And no one sees it go
Then how, I ask you
Did we know it ever glowed?
If a girl hides her pain
And pretends that she's fine
How will anyone know
That she's dying inside?
 Aug 2015 Rob Cochran
Sam Hain
The apex of pleasure,
   (There's nothing more pleasing),
Is reaching the ******,
   Then powerfully sneezing.

 Aug 2015 Rob Cochran
First, stick your hand down your throat and try to ignore the pain because this, my darling, is not the part that hurts.

Remember how it feels as it beats by itself: ba dum ba dum ba dum.
After you've memorized the pattern pull it out quick and easy and give him your heart.

Your throat will burn with the effort it took. Your eyes will water. Your fingers will tremble. And your mind will call you a silly little girl for the umpteenth time this year.

But it's not because you fall for boys; it's because you're still that silly little girl that wants daddy's affection. Your mind is calling you a fool for loving this old gambling drunk but you ... you like the way he holds your heart.
You do not realize the power that you have given him.

He squezzes it, tosses it around, throws it up like he wants God Himself to reach down and catch it. He's playing with it.
You fight for it back. You fight to keep it up and before you know it crimson covers your fingers, tears cover your cheeks.

You say if this is love you do not want it; he drops it. Like the beer bottle that shattered into millions of pieces, he leaves the mess for someone else to clean up. He leaves it for you to clean up.

It cuts you but at least you can feel.
You pick your heart up. It's in peices. Your fire. Your passion. Your love was never meant to be something that was easy to swallow.

It puts itself back together. Your throat closes it self off. You don't know if your alive until you touch your chest.

Ba dum ba dum ba dum
I just wrote this. It's really depressing I think but it's true. Questions are welcome or any feedback in general. Love is a cycle people, some cycles are just better/easier than others
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