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 Sep 2015 Reno Dallas
Andy Hunter
I could talk about the fallen.
Pink blossom

lying on the green grass.
As if the fall of something


you might cry


I could talk about the flowers

"smothering the branches of the tree"
thickly. As if

they symbolize love.
Or something

like it -

bright. We

could praise the Lord this way.
Some King

of some Heaven. But
that would be an image.

A pale reflection of our hope
for the wind-

fallen seeds.

it's just a tree.
Not a glance upon the face

of some deity;
a piece

of eternity.

make an image out of love?
Isn't love

We stand alone so often in the world.
Under the midday sun,
Under the cloudy full moon.
With strangers and loved ones surrounding
And yet still on our own.

I think that's what I miss most about you.
See, you were the rare thing,
The elusive dream,
My best friend who made me feel
Less alone.

We would talk from sun up to sun down
And then through the night
About anything and everything,
Our blessings and our plights.
And I knew with every word that we breathed
That I could trust you.

And that feeling of having someone
We can trust,
Someone who's always got our backs,
Someone with whom there's no hesitation,
Isn't that feeling what we all want most?

I had it
With you.
And I'll always be thankful
Even though I lost it.

I just hope that one day
There'll be someone else
Who makes me feel
A little less alone,
Like you.
But not like you.
Because next time
I'll make sure to do
What I never did with you,
I'll make sure we're on the same page,
And that we want the same things.
I'll make sure that
That someone
Isn't just someone
Who makes me feel less alone,
But also that I am someone
They can trust
With each passing word
And thus they too would feel
A little less alone.
I can write a book about you
When you don't even know my favorite color, it's blue
The same feeling I get when I am missing you
I don't know why but also when I am *with you
 Aug 2015 Reno Dallas
Just Melz
 Aug 2015 Reno Dallas
Just Melz
He loosened his hold.

He'd been hanging on for so **** long.

Finally, the realization hit after so many lies had been told.

He let go, knowing that it had always been wrong.

And it was a bold move, but the cold inside was suddenly removed.

He felt more free than he had in such a long while.

He slowly walked away, proudly showing off his freedom smile.
#7777 challenge, 7th book, 7th page, 7th line and 7 lines of a poem. My book was Gena Showalter,  'The Darkest Craving".  7th line on the 7th page was 'He loosened his hold.'
Am I missing something beautiful?
Or this is the most exquisite one that I might lose?

should I wait for better?
Or this is the heavenly best  one?

Should I be more confuse
or can make this good the best one?
I am not sure which is true
But your voice and your eye
I am sure one must lie
The wind blows
The Most High's Presence
Over the land
You can feel Him in the wind
The trees wave and praise
The wind whistles
Calling Him back
To pass over again
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