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 Sep 2014 kenz
Cali Chadderdon
Do not make homes out of people
Because homes are not permanent.
Homes burn down every day;
Appliances break,
Windows shatter.
Do not take up residence in someone's heart,
because when they leave,
you will burn,
and break
and shatter;
you will be left with nothing but
ashes and
fading memories.
every good catholic is raised in believing
that there are Seven deadly sins.
Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Pride---
just to name a few.
Me? I believe there are Eight.
The original seven, and Love.
Love is a deadly, venomous sin.
it takes you from who you are,
and makes you someone you are not.
one day you're smiling and laughing,
the next day your hands shake
and the scars are blade deep.
Love, is the ultimate sin.
It changes you.
And some times,
Without you knowing it,
It changes them too.
a realization that hit me today as I saw my life change, I hope for the better, for her.
 Sep 2014 kenz
Hannah Joy
 Sep 2014 kenz
Hannah Joy
My thoughts are turbulent.
Like a clothes dryer, round and round –rumbling.
At night, these thoughts become a hurricane.
Dark clouds congregating within the spectrum of my mind.
A drizzle quickly turns into a heavy downpour,
Engulfing my sanity.
It’s as if I am consumed in flickering flames of orange and yellow.
They are dancing around in my head,
Burning my stability in its path.
Reflections of my life are rippling towards me.
Who I was, who I am…
The floorboards are creaking under the weight of all this pain I am carrying
This carousal ride is continuous,
My mind is spinning and everything is becoming dazed.
My thoughts are turbulent.
Like a clothes dryer, round and round –rumbling.
 Sep 2014 kenz
DaSH the Hopeful
Another tear falls in Tennessee
For a promise broken

       A moment's notice brings forth the painful revelation laying on your soul
    When you've lost all control thats when you're forced to get a grip
  We've been through it
     And you know I hold you in high regards
        I even tried to say "hi" to God for you
Still I'm unreligious but I pray to see you smile
     All the miles and trips and times I became distant from far away
  I know where my heart will stay
Where it started
A piece broken from a bigger vessel
   I could only dream to achieve
But still we both bleed the same

We've both seen the pain love can cause
We've both needed a pause

But couldn't remotely get a moment so we adapt and change
Channel all these strange emotions into our next step forward
       And though when I call, you try to claim you're standing still, I still hear you move back a few
       I wanna run back to you,
Fix your back for you and help you stand up
         All while trying to man up
  *This life I've created with the love of my life will find love in his life and become intertwined

       But before he does
I want him to know the amazing woman his grandmother is
       With or without a man
And the unconditional love her heart holds within
 Sep 2014 kenz
DaSH the Hopeful
The light is struck away in a cold confusing slash of night
  Black creeping at my windowsill signifying the strangeness of unfamiliar surroundings
          Changed and twisted by the lack of sound the sleep of others brings
      I stay roused in the dark
      Silence biting at my ears
            My mind asking itself rhetorical questions

        Pacing and pacing and pacing
         and pacing and pacing

Staring out my window at slanted shadows that seem to smile back
           They're very telling
They want to get in, and bad.

       *I pray to God they don't.
 Sep 2014 kenz
Tommy Johnson
The Dark Pariah and The Mouth Breather went to go get a jump start on their blackmail and their payback

All the kissup's
All the suckup's
Who think they're the best thing since sliced bread with the crust cut off
Who pick on people's foibles and leave their self-image in shambles
Not to mention all the narcissists who claim to have coined certain phrases we all use, then pucker up to the ***** of those who can keep up with the Joneses

They were going to make this world go belly up
Remove all of the potholes and speed bumps in life

The Dark Pariah wrote his plan in chicken scratch
And The Mouth Breather wrote his in calligraphy

The Mouth Breather's plan was to kick start a new denomination of hero worship
All followers must give themselves rug burn and stick up three banks in thirty minutes then put their plunder in the collection plate on Tuesday mass

The Dark Pariah's plan was to create music to their ears
That would make them hopscotch off a cliff and free fall to their deaths
This was part and parcel for his sham to exact his vengeance

But ipso facto they never followed through with their plans due to sheer laziness
And now they're both dominated by remorse and online FAQ's
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