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The last time I cried, I told myself it would be the last time.
The last time I'd remember what it feels like.
What it feels like to be a stranger in my own eyes.
Like glass thats been shattered a thousand times.
The pieces never fit together right.
I'm tired of breathing just to survive.
When the ground is breaking, and I've lost my light
I'm drowning in a sea of lies, until I'm tired of trying.
As I stare in the mirror
longing I will someday recognize ,
I remembered the last time.
The last time I cried I told myself It would be the last time.
I told myself I'd be fine.
Am I?
Dear Future Daughter
Don’t worry about making right choices
After you born on this planet
Because choices are what you are gifted

Do remember courtesy of love
And give it to your Mom
Who open your eyes
After she kept in you in her warm womb
Nine months and Nineteen days

Dear Future Daughter
I don’t want your favorite colorist must be pink
Like any other ordinary girl
It could be anything
Which symbolize you a real astonish bold amazing girl

I don’t want you to be normal girl
Who live under someone else life
And trapped by dogma
Live for you
Live for your happiness

Dear Future Daughter
I won’t worry about what your hairstyle is
I won’t care what your fashion is all about it
I won’t stubbed you
Because you are the outcome
Of my amaze marvelous *****

No matter what life is up to you
No matter how many boys fallen in love with you
Not a big deal how many Purpose you would be going to rejecting it.

Dear Future Daughter
I promise I will love you with all of my heart
No matter what and your smile will be the upside of my day
I don't need you to be perfect, although you will be perfect in my eyes.

©Saujan Gyawali
15 December 2014
 Dec 2014 RaNdOmPoEtRy
 Dec 2014 RaNdOmPoEtRy
How long is forever?
feel good inc.

(reply in comments if you'd like)
 Dec 2014 RaNdOmPoEtRy
she swings
thinking about her tomorrow
she swings
to get away from her sorrow
she swings
while her master is away
she swings
to get away from her fate
she swings
not laughing
she swings
discreetly as they continue fighting
she swings
knowing that she is reckless
she swings*
*counting seconds to her death
this is about child labour. in my country, child labour is still prominent. the other day, i saw an underage babysitter,no more than 13 years of age swinging on the swing while the kid continued to play elsewhere. her expression,her tears and empathy drove me to write this.
might add more later
 Dec 2014 RaNdOmPoEtRy
I’m so afraid of being that person,
That is known to not have friends,
I’m so afraid of losing yet another friend
That I just keep my mouth shut.
Yes, I would like to voice my opinion,
But there are always consequences with that.
Instead I sit at the back of the room
Behind a group of friends
I pretend like I fit in,
But I know, that I don’t.
My only friends seem to be the lyrics in songs
Songs that I listen to at 2am when everyone else is asleep,
But it is the time when my brain is most awake,
The bursts of creativity,
The bursts of truth flowing through my head,
And it hits me.
Yes I have people I talk to everyday but really
If they could choose between me, the girl at the back of the room
Or the girl they sit next to everyday
Its an obvious answer.
I guess I am afraid of being alone,
But when I think about,
I already am alone.
 Dec 2014 RaNdOmPoEtRy
mostly it is the darker days,
   povoking thought.
tracing memories from
   forgotten fingertips.

words silenced.
voices forgotten.
perfect mornings.
  always changing.

    mostly it's the same.

feeling reality,
    fleeing god.

tonight, it's perfectly
clear to me.
i'm sorry.
© Shang
 Dec 2014 RaNdOmPoEtRy
There are so many things that I regret
The list is longer than I can write here
Each day brings more regrets
I regret that I do not learn from past regrets.

I regret not saying I am sorry
I regret not forgiving and moving on
I regret not being fully honest
I regret not letting you in
I regret...*

Reminders of past failures
Ever in the forefront of my mind
Getting lost in the confusion
Reality that I live in
Trying and failing
 Dec 2014 RaNdOmPoEtRy
SG Holter
The sound of her voice when
she finally calls.
the sound of the night as it
giggles and falls.

the sight for these eyes that are
bloodshot and sore;  
the sight of her eyes, saying
lonely no more, that

hold me with gazes across
any space, that trace this old face,
holding smiles in their place.
the holding she does with her arms

as I drift into slumber and sleep,
can both cradle and lift any man's
manly heart needing comfort and
rest. they keep any secret and

stand any test. I am drunk on her
skin, I am high on her smell. I am
demon in Heaven, she's angel in

now fallen has night, and it fell on
its head. its lack of awareness  
envelopes our bed.
drifting off first, as so often I do.

it's the day's final words:
-I love you.
-I love *you.
No idea what the point of this is, other than fun with rythm and breaking lines.
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