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Byron Galang
Philippines    Just one guy that tries to live through everyday
Hayley Paige Mitchell
Australia    16 | discovering myself | dreaming of tomorrow
Liz And Lilacs
America    My writing is from the heart. I spend little time planning my poems. A thought pops into my head and I give it freedom. All ...
Courtney Joy
Along alone, Come one come all, We join and gather we frolic and fall Dancing to the same tune As I am me we are ...
F/Canada    Canadian Reliving to Relive
Haley Elizabeth
20/F/In my head    Hello fellow Poets! My name is Haley, age twenty. I write what I think and what I feel, and I hope we can interact and ...
F    //i post sporadically at best
18/F/India    I am a falling stone in a world of glass.
SG Holter
Fenstad, Norway.    Norwegian. Construction worker at daytime. Poet, musician and artist at night. All poems are the original works and property of © S.G. Holter, unless otherwise ...
Leielani E
19/F    Current student trying to make moments to smile about each day.
Melbourne, FL    Forensic Psychology student at Florida Institute of Technology.
Ellyn k Thaiden
Amongst The Stars    I am a girl who writes Her soul onto a page And she shares it with the world Who's soul is old with age My ...
Omnis Atrum
Attempting to put imperfect thoughts and emotions into an imperfect medium.
Lover of Words
Avinash G
Breanna Stockham
Ohio    I'm a delicate soul and the world is rough, but I won't be afraid, I'll just soften it up.
A mind of an ordinary girl.
I have not used this page in years but I'm back baby - it's funny looking back at your life through poetry
Selena Naomi
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