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 Sep 2014 Rachel Duggan
Aaron Bee
blood in
Eyes large and
pupils dilated
like large black
images of
others acting the
wild, intoxicated, and
I fell in love with you on molly
I fell in lust with you on ****
Felt bigger than myself
Wanted you and no one else
on LSD
But heartbreak came with sassafras
You looked at me with eyes of glass
Because the high can never really last
And now my dreams live in the past
 Sep 2014 Rachel Duggan
 Sep 2014 Rachel Duggan
gay gay gay gay gay
gay gay gay gay gay gay gay
gay gay gay gay gay
have a nice gay
I dream of endless skies of blue

blotted with clouds

that lightly flew

I dream of rippling waves of seas

streaked with sunlight

stalking the breeze

but most of all

I've dreamed of you

Your curvy lips spread in a smile

your fingertips touching mine

A lock of your hair, black as sin

across your face, grazing your chin

I've dreamed of you, whispering softly

singing me a song, dancing not so properly

I run to you, to hold u close

before you vanish, utterly to my woes

Haunting my dreams, just to make me suffer

when I jolt awake, in pain i utter

cries of despair, not finding u there

Dreams of joy, dreams of wonder

everyone dreams, they love going under

one would think, i am loathe to dream

on cold nights, waking to a scream

but most of all,

I've dreamed of you...
Why do we dream?
I'm not so sure
I believe in fairytales anymore
They're so far-fetched,
Finely etched
Into tombstones of color

My mother used to tell me
I'd be loved someday
But that could never be
I mean, just look at me

Sitting here
All alone
Constantly checking my phone
Knowing he didn't call
Knowing he never will
But wanting it so bad, it's almost real

Prince Charming took one look
At my face full of grief
And decided that was enough to leave

He found another girl,
I'm sure of it.
How could he not?
He's so full of it
Telling girls he's the only one
Their fairytale has finally begun

And they believe it too
Until it ends of course
He gets bored
And leaves
Or finds someone better
And leaves

Either way
Prince Charming ran away
And I'm left with
No hopes
No dreams
Not even fairytales
To put me to sleep.

I've come to accept that all of my worries about tomorrow and how I'll be remembered yesterday
has manifested itself into something far greater than stress.
And I know living with this
can only make every situation worse instead of ever getting better.
But right now,
       in this moment,
                     I am okay.

And that is good
enough for me.
I absolutely NEEDED to get this out.
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