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Rachael Judd Sep 2016
She walks with elegance
And speaks songs of silence
Rachael Judd Jan 2015
He said,"I could never let you go."
She replied, "baby, you already left."
When a man says hes never gonna let you go, thats when you already know hes gone.
Rachael Judd Aug 2016
I crave the attention but I won't admit it
Rachael Judd Dec 2014
Look around you
This is it
This is your life
Are you living?
Are you just watching life
as a passerby?
Rachael Judd Oct 2016
Lust is such a powerful drug
In seconds you can become so addicted
You don't even begin to realize you are an addict
Just craving lust
Rachael Judd Sep 2015
i am a ******* mess

i am a ******* mess

i am a ******* mess

i am a ******* mess
Rachael Judd Jan 2015
After this storm passes
I'm leaving
To a grand place
I'll never think twice
Or take a second look back
Ahead a greater things
Far beyond my comprehension
And i believe
That i will find my something more
Rachael Judd Nov 2015
I promised you that I would follow you into the dark, but I never knew that the darkness was buried deep inside your chest
Rachael Judd Jun 2016
Maybe I'm a little to hurt inside
So I glide the blade along my thigh
Because there's no where left to hide
If I make myself as broken on the outside
Then maybe I won't have any tears left to cry
Maybe I can die
So the world can tell my lie
Of a life with no bright side
All that's left is my bleeding thigh
Rachael Judd Nov 2015
"And with my last shaking breath I'd ask you why."
Rachael Judd May 2016
Like the cigarettes I smoke I enhale these regrets.
Rachael Judd Nov 2015
I have loved to many boys
Who weren't made to love me
Rachael Judd May 2016
This world is crumbling down
And I'm left in the middle of the rubble.
Rachael Judd Mar 2016
I fell in love with him
Like the night sky falls in love with the moon
So quick and so dark
Rachael Judd Feb 2016
Please don't rip your heart out trying to save mine.
Rachael Judd Aug 2016
I am not a person
I am a shadow
Following in the footsteps
Of someone who
I don't even recognize
Rachael Judd May 2016
The truth is, she didn't need a savior; she needed a love to wrap around her caressing her with the sweet sense that someone out there craved her attention.
Rachael Judd Jul 2018
My death with be liberating

And I do not say that in the sense
That I am searching for a cliff
To take a good jump off

I am only trying to find an honest way
To tell you
That I am clueless to what happens next.

You see,
There is a fine line between
And mortality.
Rachael Judd Oct 2016
She has lived her whole life saying she wants to be a Poet. But inside her, all she is searching for is to be someone elese's poetry.
Rachael Judd Nov 2016
If I told you I loved you,
What would you say?
Would you love me too,
Or walk away?
Rachael Judd Apr 2015
You are a balloon, swaying away in a ******* hurricane.
Rachael Judd Jul 2018
She smelled of old books and great stories
If you looked upon her you could see all the lives she lived through in all the pages she read
Like the ink left the paper and found a home within her skin
She was a walking novel with hidden stories living inside her head
When she spoke the world grew silent just to hear the untold words she held tightly within
As if her words were oxygen and without them no one could breathe
Her eyes the color of stormy skies
If you looked close enough the black in her eyes was an endless void, a doorway to the world she hid inside.
Rachael Judd Apr 2015
Maybe it's the sound of your name that brings me to my knees
But maybe its my lungs telling me to breathe
Rachael Judd May 2015
"Life is art,  it's this huge blank canvas that we paint stories on every moment since the day we were born."
Rachael Judd Feb 2016
I hate the rain because it's only enough to get my feet wet, and not enough to let me drown.
Rachael Judd Jan 2016
I used to think you were my safety net, that if I fell you'd be there to catch me.

Now, I've realized you were just a brick wall that when I fell I crashed into it like a wrecking ball and you weren't there to build me again
Rachael Judd Jun 2015
We've spent many lives loving the same people we love in this lifetime. We will love then in the next, our hearts will shatter by the same man, just a different face. In this life, and in the life before this, we all fall in love with the same person.
Rachael Judd Jan 2016
Staring into his eyes I was kissing the devil in the pale moonlight.
Rachael Judd Jul 2015
There are so many eyes in the world and I can only see yours
Rachael Judd Apr 2015
Eyes like a rainstorm
I know I should run for cover
But I'm caught in the headlights
Rachael Judd Jul 2015
Will you still hold me when my body goes numb and I can't even feel my own heart beat, let alone yours?
Rachael Judd Mar 2015
You think you know someone till thier life is put to the test.
They shrink like a coward,
They hide behind every wall or corner they can find.
While you stand there,
Taking every bullet to the chest.
Rachael Judd Jan 2016
My body is starting to decay without you
Rachael Judd Jan 2016
You just wanted someone to *******.
Rachael Judd Dec 2017
Everything that exists in our universe,
Whether it can be seen or unseen,
Consists of pure energy.
All matter, even our thoughts and emotions have their own vibrational frequency.
Our subconscious thoughts are inseparably connected to the rest of the universe.
As our conscious mind dwells habitually on a thought or idea, they become imbedded within the subconscious mind.
They form into the dominant vibration and it resonates with similar vibrations drawing them into our lives.
The whole universe is mind
Rachael Judd May 2015
I never gave you an answer on why you should stay,
I just gave you questions that made you walk away
Its hard find a new road to travel down,
When all these roads lead to the same place
The home of where i last saw your pretty face
You could say i miss you, but that might be a lie
This medication makes memories fuzzy
And sometimes i cant even remember you name
People say you had me at hello
But im starting to think i only loved you when you said goodbye
When you weren't mine the world crumbled ontop of me,
Left me suffocating
Sometimes i think i hate you and every memory you put in my head turned to dust the day you left
But people change and when i think of you, your face isn't your face, and your somebody new
You gave me a candle for my birthday,
That i used to burn everyday
It was wrapped in glass that made the candle last.
After we said our goodbyes
I drove for hours with the candle in my passenger seat, staring at it between the headlights shining through my window.
After crossing a bridge with mountians reaching the clouds I threw it.
With all my might, and in the faint distance i heard a shatter
But maybe that was just my heart.
You have me a package with your handwriting on it, you told me not to laugh at your chicken scratch.
I tore it to shreads and left it to the flames.
Watching it burn.
Rachael Judd Apr 2015
Have you ever ran so far your heart races and your lungs are screaming for oxygen? Thats how I feel everytime you look at me. Though I'm never running, just standing still. Watching.
Rachael Judd May 2016
Watching you
Watch me
Craving for you
To just touch me
Feel my warmth
On my thigh
Tell me
Not to cry
Hold me close
And squeeze me tight
Tell me everything
Will be alright
Grab my hand
And dance with me
Tell me
Of your dream
Kiss my neck
And whisper in my ear
Tell me there is nothing
Left to fear
Touch my scars
And kiss them softly
Tell me how
You love the sweet
Smell of black coffee
Sleep with me
And hold me lightly
My heart is delicate
Tell me how
My voice is angelic
Make me smile
And make me cry
My heart is yours
And yours is mine
I'm watching you
Watch me
Rachael Judd Nov 2014
You might have fancy cars,
diamond watches,
designer clothes,
and money.
But just think about this for a second,
our coffin will be the same size,
our dead bodies will rot in the same way,
and our bones are the same bones.
So why shame me for who i am? for what i have.
Because on the inside, we're all the same.
Rachael Judd Apr 2015
Sometimes staring into the nothingness is what gives us answers to questions that our mind hasn't even comprehended, its gives us an answer to the inevitable question. What happens when all this is over?
Rachael Judd Mar 2015
When did it stop? Did you stop loving me when I couldn't speak cause my throat was so tight from screaming in my dreams? Did you stop caring when I threw the sheets over my head because I didnt want you to see me crying? Did you stop loving me when I talked about my past and my future? Did you'd wish I'd just shut up? Did you still love me when you held my head in your hands and kissed my forehead and said "this love will never end"? Did you still love me when you showed up with messy hair and flowers in your hand? What about that time we walked through the park with our fingers intertwined and you said "although the sky is grey, the color in your mind colors the whole sky"? When did you stop loving me? When I couldn't get out of bed in the morning because love just wasn't enough strength to keep going? Was it when you left for a vacation with your parents cause they wanted you to think about your future? Was it because maybe I wasn't apart of that future? You said till the end. I didnt know that the end was a month ago, I thought the end was when I was dead. But now im barely breathing, so I might as well just be on my death bed. When did it stop?
Rachael Judd Jan 2015
When the stars collide,
And the only life we know of turns to dust,
I'll still be here,
Waiting for a second chance to start again.
Another hello,
And a second goodbye
Rachael Judd Mar 2015
Its not always what we planned or thought it would be, but its what we got and sometimes when the darkeness fades, it's golden and it's greater than we expected.
Rachael Judd Mar 2015
You, such an amazing girl. Your mind, the way you look at things and express your feelings in your writing I think is just amazing. You don't ever give yourself credit when its due. You work so hard to make the the people you care about happy. And it killed me inside when you said you thought you werent supposed to be her. Dude as much as you work, you deserve it. You taught me its ok to cry. To don't give up. Keep trying. And supported me through everything and that's something no one has ever done for me and I'm thankful and I don't know what this world would be like if you weren't here. Times get hard as hell and they hurt like *** but you keep going, you never stop. I feel like you need to be appreciated more. I've never met someone as strong as you. Your the reason I'm as strong as I am today. You literally haven't left me ever. You showed me what it feels like to be loved in a way
that not so much people get to experience. Is true friendship. To me your my best friend. I don't want you to think for a second your not worth it. Your beautiful. They don't make them like you anymore.
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
Weeping willow trees
Surround the grass beneath my feet
Sun rays
Blind my eyes with a soft haze
White Dandelions dancing
Cover the pain of suffering
Carved writings
Remind my head of past memories
Under the falling leaves
Words spill out of my eyes
Onto the book of lies
Thoughts of death
Contained by the strive of full filling life
Everything is ethereal
I cant write worth ****, sorry
Rachael Judd Aug 2015
Poetry was her lifeline. If she did not write, her voice would suffocate her, and her screams would silence her. Her hands would shake and her lungs would break.
Rachael Judd Jan 2015
In a tall field of yellow-green grass
Picking flowers from the roots
Putting them behind your ear,
And through your hair
Feeling the wind flow through our intertwined fingers,
The sun filling your dark brown eyes with golden specks
The dandelions dancing in the breeze
Your steady arms wrapped around my shivering body,
Promising me a safe harbor,
That maybe i am not forever alone
The sky forming clouds of gray
The blue slowly begins to fade,
A raindrop falls, and rolls down your cheek
Your smile spreads from eye to eye
Filling me with happiness and feeling alive
The sun is gone,
And your eyes are darker
Making me feel warmer
And as the rain continues to fall
I stand with you, hand in hand
Heart and soul
Poured out onto the wet field of yellow-green grass,
I realize now in this moment that i love you,
And i am prepared to have my life shattered into pieces when you leave,
But i will remember this memory.
Hand in hand,
In the yellow-green grass.
Rachael Judd Dec 2014
Your voice makes the blood im my veins dry
Your smile takes every last breath i breathe
Your soul takes my heart to the grave
Your body makes my skin shiver

I get a rush of nervousness when I see you walk my way
I feel flushed when you say my name
I shake with anticipation when you touch my face
I feel relieved when you breathe on my neck and tell me im all you've ever needed

You make me feel crazy
But i swear i couldn't be happier
Rachael Judd Feb 2015
Rachael Judd Apr 2015
You are the stars in the sky

You are the beat of my heart

You are the frozen ice in the trees in the midst of winter

You are the cool breeze on a hot summer day

You are the song I have on replay

You are the the warm blood running through my cold veins

You are the still water in the river by the abandoned house

You are the light in the darkest of night

You are the love in sad dark mind
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