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Dear Sir,

I want you to fill me up
With all that hot sticky ***
And let me push it all out
so you can watch
when youre all done

I love our bodies connecting as one
and especially the feeling of that skillful tongue.
youre curvature fits me so perfect
That all pain from the inches that barely fit is so worth it

And the butterflies create
their rhythmic
flying circuit in my belly
when you use your fingers on
me like that old tele

you give me a rush with every touch
and flood me down below
caught in the palm of your hand

I wouldnt want anywhere else to go
All the stars as one in unison
Make up the galaxy we're in,
Floating around a white celestial
Being on this planetary ship.
We'll wind up in the "path of Gods,"
A self-made volunteer appears with an
"Informative" plan to share "love's book,"
To speak of "things we'll find on this journey,"
No future planned stone can be pre-overlooked.

And in the skies float the particles
That started out light years away
Have finally made their touchdown,
Leaving the express universal highway
A rocky chunk of history found it's way to town.

A story that is so ancient, so in tune with time,
That it even has developed a star-struck
Lightning fire in the backyard of galactic life,
And what sprouted from the ashy rubble is us,
Eyes hands and feet and all to experience,
To explore the many creations of natural love.
My express views aren't against Christianity itself, I merely believe that the speaking of what the actual origin of all life is and how it started has not yet been established for simple men to explain, that ignorance and traditionalism go hand in hand, and that there is no crime in simply seeking the truth in many different places.
Paint me a Hero;
one who can fight
my demons for a spell,
as I sit to rest.

Just hold me tightly,
and tell me I'm not alone,
if but for a while

-by Mercurychyld
Sometimes we all need a hero.
Was it love?
That shot us into thin air making our insides burn
Like the universe was punishing us
And setting fire to our heart?
Was it lust?
That turned us into the dust that collects on your bedside shelf
That your mother nags you to clean?
Was it love?
That made us break into abandoned buildings at 4 a.m and see flashing lights outside the broken glass windows
Then racing into the trees with racing hearts that could barely breathe?
Was it lust?
That pushed us into this nothingness but disire and we craved every part of one another until there was no space left between us?
Was it love.
Was it lust.
Just a swipe of the pen
and a turn of the page
Your heart shatters
as her blood splattered papers
Reveal the monster inside
Just a swipe of the pen
and a turn of the page
You find you're just an
ink stain in the book
If there is a her
And if there is no other way.
Just leave it like that.
I can always act
Like I don't care anymore.
Wearing off like a raccoon claw
On my skin.
I wore my heart on my sleeve
Countless times for you to know.
Time went from
You being eager to then distant.
I know I was wrong.
So I'm gone.
I hope you're happy
Even if there is another her.
It's fine.
At that moment,
you were a metaphor;
a face,
a mask,
for everything
I need, desire.

At the moment,
you are my scapegoat;
a place to go,
a direction in which to throw
he should've been.

In that moment,
you will rise to my smile;
my eyes,
my heart
to be all
I deserve.
 Mar 2015 Delusional Minds
Uncommitted as ever
Yet I convinced myself this is better
Better than the cold I feel
Inside my head nothing is real
Eaten alive by my own demons
Yet I still thrive for no reason
Given no proof that you'll stay
Settling with just pushing it all away
I've decided I won't care
I don't want to be made aware
So let me forget how to live
We both know I've got nothing to give
Everything's been taken from me
And I just don't want to be....
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