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 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
Joe Cole
The air, sultry, full of menace
Thunder heads forming over the distant hills
The animals, birds silent. Gone to places known only to them
They know what's coming
A rabbit a bird they can sense such things
Soon nature is going to reveal her pent up power
Unleash red electric blue bolts to rip the sky asunder
Then, then the very air will reverberate to the crushing sound of thunder
Dogs will cringe and humans wince then at natures electric orchestra
At music they do not comprehend
Some will pray to unknown Gods believing now their lives will end
Comes now the first drops of what will become
A deluge of icy rain
For some that is a blessing as it falls on barren plains
Now the power of nature for all to see
So powerfully revealed
Yes, some may die but many will be healed
Thus is the balance of nature
The weak and old must die
Life is like the ocean and
The ebb and flow of tide
A storm has been building for some hours now and the thunder heads are forming over the southern hills. Between me and it the rip stop nylon of my tent
 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
Joe Cole
Throw away the writing pad and pencil
Chuck the lexicon in the bin
Just open up your minds
And let imagination just flood in

You don't need to ponder deepest thoughts
Will this be right or wrong
Just let your heart speak out the words
Just write that brand new song

Dont worry if its not quite right
Punctuation not in place
Spelling mistake a missing dot
Well **** that's no disgrace

Just write the words that fill your mind
And swamp your every sense
Throw away the rule book
Don't let your mind be bent
Time to say goodnight
 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
Maria Gaviña
Born to be used, ***** and abused...
No one gave her the attention that she needed.
She spent her days feeling broken and defeated.
He made her feel ***** and helpless, but she found a way to make it hurt less.
She would leave her body behind.
Go aww and out of her mind.
Everyday she cried, every day inside a little she died.
Cut yourself open, watch yourself bleed.
Little girl so broken that's just what you need.
 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
Em Draper
Ghosts of snows
swirl, slow...
fall humbly 'top
our heads-
each leaf
just where to step,
how to avoid

Long aft
the idle melt,
facades evaporate;
leaves brisk breaths of
while ghosts of laughter play...

Warm. Sure. Steady.
It bristles the skin-
I'm fine
just knowing.
 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
Patrice Diaz
I tried to hide it all inside
I tried to keep everything at ease
But what I didn't know--
something that often happens to me --

Was that I,
I was bringing pain to myself.

I kept my thoughts to myself
Wondering, does anybody ever wonder?
Wonder as I do?

We live in a place
A place that needs to be reminded
Reminded so often

That we are all loved.

Some show it
Some say it
Some feel it
Everyday. Everyday of their lives.

*But I guess that isn't enough
 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
broken fingers,
broken hearts
and lost loves
who will stay
forever hidden
in manhattan.
 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
Joe Cole
I saw the old man circling the tree trunk
Weather beaten skin, bent gnarled hands
and piercing blue eyes

He seemed to study every knot and crack
in that ancient timber

Then without a word turned and picked up hammer and chisel

The wood chips then began to fly and like confetti on the ground lie soon in heaps some ankle high

Occasionally he would stand back and look but never once a rest he took

Mallet strokes both hard and soft some from under some aloft fell there with unerring skill always busy never still

Long into the night he worked now by the light of an oil lamp and so the tree stump 'neath his hand then became a work of art

At long last he stood and turned to me and said three words " that'll do lad"

I approached to see just what he'd done and there I saw the perfect rose every petal and leaf in place the slender stems in the breeze did sway

With no plan or picture he had made the start
And created the perfect work of art.

So what is creativity? Well that's your next challenge.

No love poems because they've been done a million times. This time something unique
I decided to repost this after reading it, was going to change a few things but decided that its fine as it is
 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
Just Write
 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
I need this, need to write this fantasy
I need to get away from reality
Get away from every suffering
It's too much, until it's choking me

I won't stop, I won't come out from it
I won't stop even when the truth hit
It keeps me alive, keeps me going on
Ignore the times I have been scorned

I'll keep on writing and seep deep inside
I'll write whatever that comes to mind
It's a tough choice I finally made
Even when the scars began to fade

Won't stop, it helps distract me from the pain
I'll keep writing even in the pouring rain
When the sun comes, when it appears
Even when all the pain disappears

It'll come back again and bring me down
It'll come back and deepen that frown
It'll bring tears, it'll make me weep
It'll even make me lose my sleep

They're not worth it so I'll forget them
I'll write the dreams I once had dreamt
The dreams don't make me cry like they do
Nor leave me alone in darkness too

Write, hand, make those fingers move
It'll save me, I know that it's true
Won't put the pen down, I'll never stop
But I'll let out my tears if I need to sob

Write a fantasy far from this wretched life
It is, after all, better than taking that knife
I'll go into a life better than this
I'll forget about the pain burning on my wrist

I'll write, I'll write all that I can write
Write until my tears have ran dried
Write until the blood had stopped flowing
When I'm done, I'll move on to another story

Fiction, addiction, what's the difference?
Write, even when my fingers had stiffen
You can never take it away from me
I won't stop writing what makes me happy.
 Sep 2014 Pinkroses
Em Draper
In nights when
a crisp humidity
wraps its
Jolts within me
thoughts of a cove
where as a
scattered clandestine
burrowed on their
into the pallid sand
who soaked herself
with salty sea,
then pledged confidentiality...
until I grew,
and could take

Let the whispered
and with you
ethereally toward night.
One can merely
not a single soul
will catch
here nor
though what's
to fear?
Only that which is
deeply known:
I was,
I am,
a child still-
never grown.

Red sky,
stowaway embers;
fallen from youthful lips.
Let ride away on
bobbing crests.
At low tide,
an even lower
walks the shallows.

— The End —