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 May 2016 Pia
Snehith Kumbla
after a bout of giggling,
we quietly discarded
whatever we wore

and at the other
bookend of the act
the tent unzipping

a luxury of clouds
drifting to a *****
moon full ripe heavy
 May 2016 Pia
Rainey Birthwright
Lids open like blooms,
Blush of lips on skins,
Light sparks as we feel
Each touch of impress
Out of dark, into a sol,

Morning on the shores,
With hands leafing new
We branch over water,
Palms unlatch on lochs,
Tied bodies unhidden.
 May 2016 Pia
James M Vines
Buildings set still like barren mountains in a dry wasteland. Impoverished people wander through the ***** streets like a nomad in a foreign desert. The skyline in the distance is filled with bright lights, similar to the stars that fill a clear desert sky. The decay and death of a neighborhood has a similar feel to a dying forest. The tall light poles look like barren petrified trees and the drainage ditches resemble dried up rivers. Empty beer cans resemble long forgotten fossils. The picture of blight is the same, the desert just goes by a different name. It is surrounded by a prosperous city instead of mountains and rivers that would flow around a desert place.
 May 2016 Pia
Yet the Well
 May 2016 Pia
yet the well
calls a name.
Who could
mind the
drop, as soon
flying or falling.
Round a pinprick
of light?
 May 2016 Pia
Abdullah Ayyash
I need incentive to write
To think
To imagine
Living a happy life
I need a heart
A replacement
To the misery
You planted with your knife
I need my time
To be back
Without struggles
When we fight
I need air
To breath
To feel my lungs
Exhaling you out
I need light
To see
To spot you
Leaving my sight
I need ears
To hear
To despise
The lies you weaved so tight
I need my mind
To forget
The promises you say
Then **** over night
I need incentive to write
To warn others
To tell innocents
How all this was never right
© Copyright
Abdullah Ayyash
May 29th, 2016
What mares did you see, your mind all at sea, the girl with van gogh eyes?
What smiles you give, what lives do you live, with no lies to give - the girl with Van Gogh eyes?
The mud in your toes, the potions you brew, the singing of her voice, the girl with Van Gogh eyes
Your dark pool windows cast bright light and dark shadows, oh how they spark me, the girl with Van Gogh eyes.
Dark voids I  fall into, portal or eternal loss, girl with Van Gogh eyes
Your pale moon skin, troubadour clothes, firm curved within, girl with Van Gogh eyes
cartwheels in the grass, you fiddle away in a beautiful way,  girl with Van Gogh eyes
Starry nights twirl, earth flower I unfurl in avarice and in care, girl with Van Gogh eyes
Your butterfly child helped temper my sin, the girl with Van Gogh eyes
It lies within, curves womanly my chagrin, oh girl with van Gogh eyes
 May 2016 Pia
Anitha Panicker
Lost a few pages in the book of life.. noticed,
When trying to bind it all
Lost friends to the earthly cycle,
Who were with me through sins and bar mitzvah
Lost the love of my life to eternity,
Why did I stay back, for more experience?
It’s time for me to surrender to a world of emptiness
Where I can see faces, but, can’t make out who they are
Did I lose myself in transit OR is the transit lost on me?
 May 2016 Pia
Mohd Arshad
 May 2016 Pia
Mohd Arshad
Being simple
Is better than being smart with no honor
You never really know how strong you are until you're alone,
crying and forced to pick yourself up off the floor.
That is when you can truly see how big your emotional muscles are
and I promise
they are bigger than you ever thought possible.
Flex them.
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