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You threw me to the snakes
leaving me to fend for myself,
discarding me like an object that
you had grown bored of.
when i crawled out from the pit
more powerful than before,
venom coursing through my veins ,
I became the monster.
I became the one to be feared.

How easy it is to forget that monsters are not born
but made
and my dear,
you are responsible for every inch of the creature I have become.
If I believed, would I follow?
Ask no questions simply swallow…
A judgement off balance.
A darkening of sight..
A readiness to ****…
On some godly flight….

Did you believe?
Did you follow?
Drink the Kool-Aid
And quickly swallow?

I am not asleep
I am not afraid
I still believe in peace
While war’s on parade…
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Diplomacy is not weakness it is the mindset of a peaceful existence.
 Sep 7 Peter Garrett
You’ll fall out of love
When you notice my flaws
And one day you’ll wonder
How you ever loved me at all
When the end is near
The lights turn off
And the sky turns black
Will you stay my dear?

When the end is near
The animals start to run
And the wind gets stronger
Will you stay my dear?

When the end is near
The people around us are all gone
And we hear nothing but silence
Will you stay my dear?
I smile,
             but I don’t mean it
I cry,
             but you don’t see it
if time
             is what’s at stake
our lives
             are slowly fleeting
swat your hands through the web of our plans

you and I are not connected
         we are,
              strangers again

so what do you believe
are you still innocent to think–
that your lock is still genuine
that it'll work with my key?
 Sep 7 Peter Garrett
you might not
have been my first love
but you were the one
who hurt the most.
- i ache for you but i'm still bruised.
It was all real
For a moment
And I was sad
When I woke
But happy to have
Spent an hour with you
Even in the shortest naps
I live lifetimes with you
The worst traits to have in a relationship,
I'm chalked full of 'em
Might have all of 'em
Been awhile since I counted 'em
Kinda lost count of 'em
Then lost track of 'em
Surely didn't embrace 'em
But didn't try to erase 'em
I was either born with 'em
Given 'em
Or backstabbed with 'em
Then blamed for having 'em
Now all I'll I'm left with is 'em

(haiku x 3)

Life is a river
we swim, we drift...a cycle
of rising....falling.

is ******* soft riverbed
we reel....sometimes drown,

we give up, they dry
we fight...we breathe....rivers flow!
ripples do follow.

Copyright March 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(Wrote this a long time ago, and while writing, I thought of a fellow poet, our good  friend, Harlon Rivers.)
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