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 Oct 2024 Persephone II
 Oct 2024 Persephone II
Like the dawn
The glorious sunrise
Pinkish hues awash with silent beiges
And the sun
Is a fiery orb
Coloring life into every living thing

I feel the new
With my breath
In and out
And I think of the ocean
The powerful ocean
I can feel it within my heart,
The waves rumbling through my veins

I can see the new
In not so distant visions
Of a future full of growth
I’ve healed so much
And yet there’s more
More of the new
I open my doors
Let it all in
All the gloriously soothing beauty
Of life’s simplest pleasures
Healing me

There’s been a crack made in my lifelong illusions
I’m beginning to feel clarity, and not confusion
Saying yes yes yes
To more beauty.
Empires have fallen
For a beauty lesser
Than yours
Helen of Troy would pale by your side
mental illness is the
most expensive thing
i've ever owned but
never wanted
I'm so sad. Like a 50lb weight that sinks to the oceans depth
Like my love for him swells and dips
That ocean current I'm swimming away from
It  is to lay on a white sandy beach and soak in the sunshine
Melting and rising with the sea's waves
Why is my path diverting from him?
What direction am I on now?  I don't know. It's the deep unknown.
What creatures watch closely?
Mermaids watching over me.
I shall sit and wait here. Til I rise , and sprint into the sun so bright .
And walk away from the ocean of us, of him and what I was with him.
I was lost and so sad when I wrote this. So confused and knew I'd made a decision to walk away from the love of my life. But to choose love for myself, that was what was needed at the time.  I had to  change me  what I thought my life would look like after our relationship was ended.
the moon, shrunken, faint
as pencil, as if the wild nettles
of night carried her loads.
her glazes the raptures of
dancing stars.
her stencil mark a white crescent
leant on cloud.
the trees shudder in the
wind, break their promises,
forgive no one.  
the tide listens to her rhythms,
traps them in water, distils
her victories, unwraps the dark,
stretches it out.
hi, everyone - i am sorry to report that S R Mats has stolen one of my poems (this one) and tried to rewrite it under the title Strength to Strength. i blocked S R Mats when she said she wanted to steal my work which i was not happy about - she said all poets steal each others work which i disagree with- also she seemed to think my originality was ok to steal. i have advised eliot and will take this note down when she takes down her very poor attempt at a poem. not sure what else to do
Moonlight shining
In the graveyard and
Shadows dance among
The headstone silent
Souls whisper
All through the night.
Graveyard 🪦🪦

— The End —