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  Jan 2015 Paul Butters
Roberta Day
I dreamt of slow-dancing
and we waltzed until I woke
Hazy scent of desires unspoke
I, mangled with your absence,
breathe a mere thought of
reality's biting grip and rip
the blanket from my bones
Naked and exposed, more
vulnerable and assured
than ever to disclose
those tender tickles
I feel when in repose,
visceral and verbose
I spew black for it's
pronounced and bold
amplifying the dark hold
melted to my frame
Bursting free, finally
with a pounding chest,
primary shades to express,
and fear tentatively at rest
Your hand in mine gives
a soft and slow caress
and I exhale our dance
of coalesce.
  Jan 2015 Paul Butters
My life is too short
To focus on the sadness
And depravity.
I will set my eyes on You
And all that You are in me.
I will lift my eyes unto the hills; where does my hope come from?
My hope comes from the Lord, the maker of Heaven and Earth.
Paul Butters Jan 2015
Remember David Beckham
The footballing great from Peckham.
He would always bend it
So no-one could defend it.

Paul Butters
Shame Beckham didn't play for Leeds.
Paul Butters Jan 2015
In the Beginning there was Nothing.
Then Matter appeared.
Movement Mothered Time.
Our Universe Expands.
But wait!
How could there be a “beginning” if there was nothing?
For if there was nothing there would be no time.
And if there was no time there could be no beginning, or “end” for that matter (excuse the pun).

So, the “Beginning” came about only when Time began.
And Time began only when Matter appeared and Moved.
The moment when Matter appeared and when Existence began we have termed “Creation” or “The Big Bang”.
The latter implies some “Accident”, some cataclysm that just happened “out of the blue”.
Or rather, The Big Bang occurred from Nothing.

“Creation” implies that some “Intelligence” made the Big Bang happen or otherwise designed our Universe (or Multiverse or Whatever).
Some would call this Intelligence “God”.

But who Created God???
Surely we have to Begin with An “Accident”.
Could we really Start with God?
Start with an Intelligent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Immortal, Sentient Being?  
Out of Nothing?
From Nowhere.

It would seem unlikely.
Humbler beginnings seem more feasible.
An Accident indeed.
A tiny accident that leads to greater things: much, much Greater.
To the Evolution of God perhaps.
(It is possible that God hasn’t even Evolved into existence yet.
Maybe We are taking part in that very Evolution).

But then we arrive back where we started.
Back to the same problem.
How was there a Beginning without any Time.
How was there a Nothing without a Something (indeed without Existence)?
How did Matter just Appear from a Nothing which couldn’t Exist because there wasn’t an Existence, wasn’t a Something?
I just Don’t Know.

Seems the Universe is expanding into Space.
For there to be space there must be Something that defines that space, something surrounding that space!
Is our Universe in a test tube?
Or perhaps space is created once matter appears, such as that which constitutes our universe.
Space must be infinite.
I cannot imagine matter being infinite, even containing spaces.
Space must be more than “Nothing”.
Space has to be infinite,
Otherwise we would have to ask,
What is beyond space?

In short,
Life and Everything:
It’s Impossible.

Paul Butters
I wrote a blog. Then I converted it into this poem. Should get you thinking.
  Jan 2015 Paul Butters
Amitav Radiance
Dripping poetry
From every pore
Luscious skin
Oozing with love
As you walk
Across languidly
Moistening the floor
Every stanza
Adds more eloquence
To the heady concoction
Waiting to be consumed
Till the last drop
Each footstep
Creates an impression
On the heart
Graceful flutter
Of the heavy eyelashes
Seems an eternity
Stealthy criminal
Wants an open window
To sneak in
Through the pause
Slither between lines
Entwined to every word
A serpentine hold
On poetry beautiful
Trickling with sweet honey
Taste of immortality
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