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8.0k · Apr 2017
To Be a Girl
Paige Apr 2017
To be a girl it means that you are frail, right?
That can’t possibly understand a thing
To be a girl it means you stay up day and night
Trying to get that big, shiny ring

But that’s not true, for a majority that is
We have a secret passed down from mother to daughter
The secret is that we pretend to be his
But our hearts belong to one and another

At age 6 being a girl meant you liked pink and played with dolls
But that changed
At age 8 being a girl meant you liked skirts, dresses, bows
That changed too
At age 10 being a girl meant that you were expected to have a crush & kiss him
If you didn’t, you were an outcast
At age 12 your interest in education was to diminish
By age 14 you realized that when a boy slapped your ***, you enjoyed it
And if you didn’t you were a lesbian
Ages 12-18 we as girls are told to not show shoulders, knees or skin of any kind because it might distract the boys
I never heard the guys being told to dress a certain way. Have you?
No? I didn’t think so because it might ruin their ego…

Being a girl means that you are blessed with self hate
It’s automatic and hard to lose
There is always an imperfection…

Being a girl means that even when it’s hot, you wear jeans and a baggy tee
So that you don’t have to deal with wondering eyes
Being a girl means that you must look your best ALWAYS or else you’re trash
But not too good or else you’re a **** looking for a good time

Being a girl means that you grow to hate yourself so much that you can’t even look at yourself
Unless you are in public, then you have to act vain

Being a girl means that you have to listen to guys calling you fake because you hate a girl but you’re friends with her the next day
What those guys don’t know is that she saved you from a situation that could’ve made you lose what little dignity you have left

Being a girl means that when you see a grown man starring at a baby… take that baby’s spot
If that means you have to be his princess, babygirl, WHATEVER, for the night
And when you are called a *****, **** the next day, just remember that you helped that child

Being a girl means that when you’re a mother and your little girl asks you why the boys at the school rate the girls on a scale of 1-10 you have to look at her with the same look your mother gave you and tell her,
That being a girl means that you have to be smart, that you have to work 2-3 jobs just to make the same as a guy with 1 job
      It’s not fair, but that is how it is.  

You have to hug your baby girl when she comes home and tells you that her teacher yelled at her for wearing a tanktop or when a boy touches her even when she told him to stop
To be be a girl means that your are strong
To be a girl means that you are resilient

To be a girl means that you have a secret that is passed down from mother to daughter
And that secret is **Unity
I remember things like this happening to some of the strongest women I know...
I wish that I could also do it from a guy's p.o.v but I really can't relate to that
4.4k · Jan 2017
The Fairy
Paige Jan 2017
There was a young girl and her name was Carrie
All she would dream of was being a Fairy
She would come home with tears down her face
Thinking of the words said made her heart pace
To the park she would go to try and get a look
Writing and drawing in her small book
One day she as was there jumping towards the sky
When all of a sudden she heard a small cry
She looked to her feet to behold a rare sight
A small frail fairy starring up at her in fright
She picked up the being and took it back home
Up to her room where it could freely roam
As the days went on the fairy grew sad
Because of that Carrie became mad
One day the fairy had asked to go
Carrie was so mad that she roared out a ‘NO’
The fairy’s heart hurt
For Carrie had begun to treat it like dirt
Slowly the fairy thought of a way
When Carrie would leave it’d ask to come play
Carrie accepted without a clue
But before the time came she already knew
Before she had left she locked the fairy up
Away it went in a small plastic cup
Loudly the fairy screamed out for mercy
Calmly Carrie said ‘You should have loved me”
She picked up a lighter and set it aflame
Looking down at the fairy with no hint of shame
As the cup lit up and the golden flames licked out
Carrie covered her ears as the fairy began to shout
She grinned at the cup with no hint of remorse
From that moment on her life went off course
She soon became crazy and also was bitter
Mad at that fairy for not wanting to be with her
She then gave up with keeping up with her lie
And quickly decided it was her turn to die
She wrote a short letter for all those who cared
Re writing the life of which she had bared
The finale few lines spoke of her fears
But only the last two were covered in tears
These were the words that were said
Right before Carrie had shot herself in the head
I am a young girl and my name is Carrie
As I grew up I dreamed of being a fairy
People would laugh and break my joy
They didn’t realize that I wasn’t a toy
My dream soon came true in a sick twisted way
I didn’t know that I would turn around and say
That fairies aren’t real to those who don’t see
And being able to know one comes at a fee
I was one of the few who had to pay that cost
I was once found but now I am lost
I am ready to go for the clock is ticking
My heart and soul is now one for the picking
I guess it is time to reveal all kept hidden
For I was the one that had it forbidden
Because I am a young girl and my name is Carrie
And I’m leaving this world the queen of all fairies.
1.2k · Feb 2017
Paige Feb 2017
I dedicate this poem to everyone who is hurt
This poem goes to the people who have dealt with it all but manage to
Because you guys are STRONG
You never give up
You guys know that the pain you've felt gives you POWER
So that you will never back down
Forget superman or batman, they are nothing compared to you
YOU are my hero
ARE you up to my challenge
A moment of silence is dedicated to you
HERO is what you should be called
I dedicate this poem to those who are up to the challenge of life
I dedicate this poem to those who have hurt but refuse to hurt
I dedicate this poem to those who will never give up
I dedicate this poem to *you
1.0k · Apr 2017
Paige Apr 2017
He called me beautiful
But he made me feel ugly
he hurt me
I can never be fixed
he denied what he did
But bragged to his friend
Is that all I am?
*A toy?
this guy thought it was ok to touch even when I said no. But this is not the first time something like that happened, and I hope it never happens to anybody
909 · Mar 2017
Paige Mar 2017
Wrap me in your arms into your embrace
Hold my body tight and softly caress my face
Passion is what I feel when I look into your eyes
When your lips touch mine I let out soft sighs
With a mere kiss on my cheek
My legs suddenly go weak
Your kisses are so sweet and warm
Causing the butterflies in my stomach to create a storm
My lips are for you to clasp
And when you do I'll let out a gasp
905 · Mar 2017
Death Flirts with Me
Paige Mar 2017
Death flirts with me
And I love it
He tries to make me see
And when I don't He throws a fit
He knows that I love him
For He is my dearest friend
Whatever He asks of me He knows I'll do on a whim
I hope my adventure with Him will never come to an end
Death flirts with me
And I want Him to
Till the end of time we will be
He whispers softly with a coo
Paige Apr 2017
You were the Sun
And I was the Moon
Silently wishing to be the World so that I could feel your warmth
Even though I was surrounded by the Stars I couldn't help but feel lonely
Counting down the days when we would pass by each other
And pushing myself to eclipse with you
I felt so useless
Like I was nothing
And felt hurt by the things your world spat at me
I would try to disappear but kept coming back because I didn't want to lose your warmth
I need your warmth
Without you I would lose my glow
Without you I would not be the Moon
It's scary to know that I have to depend on you when you don't have to depend on me
Why can't I be your World
Why can't you love me
You were the Sun
And I was your Moon
But you belonged to your World
What are you?
The sun, world, or moon
900 · Mar 2017
My Old Friend
Paige Mar 2017
Hello old friend
Nice to see you again
I admit I'm not ready for this dance to end
Before it even had a chance to begin
I know that you are bored with my little game
But for you to try and end it has become such a shame
I know that people usually give in to your pull
So that they don't deal with your wrath
But as you already know I'm as stubborn as a bull
And after all of this time I've done the math
That you can't fool me
Or tell me what to do
I'm surprised that you don't see
That if there is no me there is no you
#deardeath #friends #dwtd
885 · May 2017
Paige May 2017
It *****.
to have a crush on someone.
And you know that you can't have him or her.
But you still have the butterflies when you hear their name.
And you look at them whenever you can hoping to see them looking too.
Yet you know that they will never feel the same way as you.
But as you look at that person you just know.
Maybe that's why it's a crush.
Yeah it *****.
A lot.
It doesn't matter how old you are
We all have a crush
I know that I do
who is your crush?
855 · Feb 2017
Thrill Me
Paige Feb 2017
Take me away
And never let me go
Pursue me in this dangerous game
Test your limits and my boundaries
Show me a world that I've never had access to
Make me feel things that I have never felt before
Have me wondering what will happen next
All I want is for you to thrill me
Steal my breath away
Keep me on my toes
That is what I need
Can you do that?
I'm searching for something but I don't know what it is yet...
855 · Apr 2017
Paige Apr 2017
Hey there future me
I hope you are doing great
Right now I can't see
My future as of late
Have you gotten stronger
Or realised you're perfect
Don't let your feelings wonder
Just know that you are worth it
Have you found love
Are you happy now
You are blessing from above
822 · Feb 2017
My Devil
Paige Feb 2017
I stare at you
As you stare at me
Give me an adventure
And I will give you one too
Let me live
And I will make sure you see
That I am no amateur
Your love is what you must give
My passion is what you will receive
I honestly don't know the meaning so interpret how ever you want ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ
771 · Jan 2017
Reverse Andy Challenge
Paige Jan 2017
write 10 negative things about yourself
1. I'm ugly
2. I am FAT
3. I self harm
4. I'm my own bully
5. I'm not smart
6. Every day I think of a way to **** myself
7. I don't like emotions
8. People bully me
9. I've been molested...multiple times
10. My demons are my my angels
668 · Feb 2017
My Best friend
Paige Feb 2017
My best friend is a very unusual one
But it is always there for me
It always calms me down
For my eyes only to see
My best friend knows all of my secrets;
And yes it always keeps it
It does what it can to take it all away
Don't worry though for those who are jealous
You can have a best friend too just like me in a way
All you have to do is buy one at the store and it is all for you to relish
649 · Feb 2017
Paige Feb 2017
Silent tears
Loud lies
Withering pain
You can't deny
Strangers glare
Friends deceive
Whispers dare
It's all naive
631 · Apr 2017
Paige Apr 2017
I am a wanderer
Looking to find myself here
I'm trying to see myself in a mirror
That is shattered into a million pieces
As time goes by my image becomes clearer
Yet instead of going up my confidence decreases
Struggling to glue the mirror back together
Through this toil my turmoil releases
The blades are as soft as a feather
As they dance across my skin
I have found myself now
Does anyone relate to this?
I hope not.
549 · Feb 2017
Paige Feb 2017
My feet are on the ground
But i'm falling
My head is spinning around
And my words are stalling
People act like they care
They don't
Begging for them to help as I fall into despair
They won't
Everything that I touch breaks
What I see disappears
My soul aches
Yet they all sneer
I know that it's not worth it
And my life will soon be delayed
I'm tired of all this *******
So I pick up that razor blade
They didn't listen
So the scars on my body is part of my mission
534 · Nov 2017
Wilted Rose
Paige Nov 2017
Our love was like a rose
At first it was lovingly cared for and vibrant
But over time we both began to neglect it
It began to wilt
Our hatred caused it to wilt
And once it started to die there was no going back
It could not be renewed
Just like our love
Though the rose was still vibrant in color
And still smelled sweet
You could see how fragile it had became
As if at any moment it would break and fall apart
Like any kind of neglect would cause the petals to crumble
But although this rose-our love was nearly dead
We continued on as if everything was okay
Because we was so used to seeing the beauty
We refused to agonize the ugliness it now possessed
Are you caring for your love?....
523 · Feb 2017
I'm Not....
Paige Feb 2017
I'm not beautiful
But i'm not ugly
I'm not smart
But i'm not dumb
I'm not funny
But i'm not boring
I'm not outgoing
But i'm not shy
I'm not strong
But i'm not weak
I'm not perfect*
But i'm not fake
496 · Mar 2017
Tame Me
Paige Mar 2017
I am wild
There is no one that can capture me
Free is what I'll be for all eternity
Everything bad fills my body
And I love it
Many think that they can tame me
And claim me as their own
But I refuse to belong to someone
Unless they belong to me as well
I create chaos
I live because of it and will die due to it too
I love a challenge
Or a good game of cat and mouse
Please give in to the chase
Test your skills and attempt to do what all others failed to do
Are you up to it
Please say you are and don't stop
Try to catch me and live in my world
Don't be afraid of the future
I promise that I won't be in it
It is the present time that I will be in if you win
Come and get me
I'm waiting
Paige Jan 2017
When the earth slows down to match your heartbeat
And you inhale in what he exhales
When you blink but still remember every detail about him;
His eyes.
His smile.
His laugh.
You know that where ever he would go you would follow
Even though you know that He is deadly
You still give everything you have to him;
You heart.
Your soul.
Your mind.
Because even though you know that he will eventually **** you
You wouldn't have it any other way
Every kiss He has snatched fills your body with poison
But yet His laughter is your only Antidote. Nothing else.
When ever you are with him, Your world is colorful
Yet when he leaves, the colors start to fade like your memory of Him
Poison runs through Him;
His heart.
His blood.
His soul.
But every time you two are together, it is barely recognizable
Every time He turns to look at you, you see that it is not just you that is dying
But Him as well
Because not only is He your poison
You are His.
465 · Feb 2017
Paige Feb 2017
He spoke his words
Out came the truth
They felt like swords
Shattering the eternal youth
I guess it is time to let things go
For my time it ticking away
I am tired of putting up a heartless show
The words I thought will never come out to say
438 · Sep 2017
Paige Sep 2017
Listen up
This goes out to all of you
I just wanna bring up the things that I've been through
First off I am multi cultural
Meaning that I am part of many things, but I don't belong at all
Secondly. I'm a Female.
How about you sit and listen to what it entails....
A young girl, driven by dreams
Only to be brought down by men with low esteem
But hey, what can I do?
What i'm saying is that if I don't give in than it's an issue
Oh no! Did I just say something wrong?
How about I change the subject, so that I don't prolong
Anyways, what was I saying?
Let's talk about the anger and hate people are displaying
Wait, is that too much for you to handle
Maybe I should stop before the president declares this a 'scandal'
Whoops. There I go again
I know that ya'll are waiting for this **** to end
But hey, it can't. Because this is the truth
And I'm sorry that you heard it, from a troubled youth.
Just a little rant.
Feel free to give me your opinion on the stuff that I brought up!
419 · Feb 2017
Paige Feb 2017
Person: You are pretty

Body: Have you seen this...ugh

Mind: Do you hear her thoughts?...

Life: Want to know how she lives her life

Me**: Thanks but it's not true
#truth #thinkingtomyself
413 · Feb 2017
Paige Feb 2017
She only wanted love
Her feet close to the edge
As she looked down from above
Mouth forming a lonesome pledge

Tears streamed down her face
Remembering the words said to her
She knew she was a disgrace
Yet she was unsure

But as she looked down
She noticed with a sigh
That no one was around
So she peered up at the sky

Did they really love me?
Whispered softly in her mind
And as she thought of the monstrosity her mind came to be
Who knew this would happen they were all so blind

Letting out a faint smile
She let go of her grasp
After thinking for a while
And during her fall she did not let out one gasp
408 · May 2017
Good or Bad
Paige May 2017
Good or Bad?
What am I?
I'm not good.
I am bad.
I  destroy.
I destroy peace.
I create.
I create Chaos.
Do I?
Do I dare think that I might find someone that won't fix me
But instead will destroy with me?
That together we will create beautiful chaos
I hope.
I wish.
Can that happen?
To me?
A creator.
A destroyer.
is that what I am?
Tell me.
Is that Good or Bad?
377 · Jan 2017
Paige Jan 2017
OKAY. Is all I am ever told.
OKAY. Is how I look.
OKAY. Is how I feel.
OKAY. Is me.
364 · Jun 2017
Paige Jun 2017
She slept with the stars and danced with the moon
347 · Apr 2017
Paige Apr 2017
I                                                           I                                                             I
  Want                                             Want                                                Want
        ­   To                                           To                                               To
               Be                                        Be                     ­                      Be
                   Free                               Free                                   Free    
                          And                        And­                           And    
                                  To                     To                       To      
                                       Be                 Be                   Be        
                                           So             So              So    
                                               At         At         At
                                                        PEACE ­   
                                              At         At         At  
                                          So             So              So  
                                      Be                 Be                   Be    
                                  To                     To                       To    
                          And                        And  ­                        And  
                   Free                                Free                         ­        Free  
               Be                                        Be                     ­                      Be  
           To                                            To                 ­                             To    
   Want                                              Want           ­                                    Want  
I                                                         ­   I                                                             I
It took a LONG time to do this
316 · Feb 2017
Paige Feb 2017
His eyes are of the galaxy
Dark and mysterious
His mind is like the clouds
Light and free
His words are like blades
Sharp and painful
His soul is like the light
It either kills you or give you redemption
He is a ghost
He is there one moment but gone the next
#lettinghimgo #pain #ghost
303 · Jan 2017
Paige Jan 2017
I know I shouldn’t do this; I gotta let it go
But after all these years quiet; I’m gonna let you know
I’m so sick and tired of you leaving me
Tired of bearing the tears that you refuse to see
Remember all those times you said that you’d be there
But then you turned around and left without a care
Momma says you love me, is that even true?
I mean with the way you’ve been actin’ I never knew
I’ve been told that you are sick in the head
So I lay down in my bed
Wondering if you care
Or if you are truly there
My head is spinning
The dark thoughts are winning
Hell I know you took yourself to court over some ******* child support
Is that all I am to you?
Some child that leeches off of you?
A young girl begging for love
But knows that she can’t even get a simple hug
But dad you should know
That even through the pain
And the attempts to reach out but went to vain
I’ll never give up or let you go
289 · Feb 2017
Paige Feb 2017
Smile* because you are you
And nothing is going to change that
No matter what they say stay true
Don't let them walk on you like a mat
Smile because you are free
Free from the hate
And anyone can see
That you are done being irate
Smile because even though you don't feel happy
You might just help someone too
Yes I know this sounds sappy
I just wanna see you smile because I love you
275 · Jan 2017
Paige Jan 2017
I look but don't see
touch but don't feel
and talk but don't speak
I know can still do that
but I won't.
262 · Mar 2017
Paige Mar 2017
The lights are out
Here where we are
People scream and shout
Fear soars out far
Sides are taken
Backs turn
My body is shaken
And honesty is what we yearn

— The End —