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  Sep 2014 Michael DanielThane
She glistens beautifully on the river night
With blurred sparkles yet glinting
She waited so long for her daylight
But He only came when she’s sleeping

He shines brightly with infinite fervor
Giving life to the ones in pain
He knew it’s impossible for them to sustain
To see her once he’d always hoped for

They always knew it was unviable
But their love bestows hope on earth
Their curse afflicted despite their denial
Yet they still believe in their oath

They’re inclined to do their utmost
Knowing everything will eventually be in tarnish
Not remorseful to what they lost
Until they prevail on what they wished

They finally met from time to time
Only to be torn apart again & again
Yet they cherished their eclipse to rhyme
**For the love they always believed in.
I always envy those who are in a long distance relationship  who got married or decided to live together. They didn't give up. It's really heart wrenching to wait at the other end  to wait like a few months to meet or the worst, once a year.
But then when you think about it. If two people are really meant to be together, they will be.
Even if they're like 15000 miles apart, if they're bounded by fate for each other. Nothing will break them.
And this i got inspired  by looking at the eclipse . It was really beautiful:)
(And I reposted this because I feel that it deserves more recognition. So if you guys could repost this it would be awesome. Cause I want to let those who are in LDR to know it's not that bad, you just have to believe. But then again you have to choose too)
The day we met I told you I loved you,
And you laughed at me.
Four years to the day and I said it again,
And you kissed me on the cheek.
Our personalities bite at each other.
You're sweet and kind;
I'm aggressive and bitter.
You're the first thing people see about me;
I'm the last they see of you.
Four years to the day,
And we still complete each other's sandwiches.
I make obscure references,
You buy me the things that fuel them anyways.
People don't get us.
Maybe it's because I'll always love you
And You'll always see me as a sister.
Our friendship is tightnit.
Like the sweater for cold weather that I keep in my trunk just for you.
I know you like the back of my hand,
You know me more than anyone else could ever understand.
Four years to the day,
And this time I wouldn't change a thing about us.
Because I'll always love you,
My unrelated non-blood sister.
For the one who means the world to me.
every good catholic is raised in believing
that there are Seven deadly sins.
Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Pride---
just to name a few.
Me? I believe there are Eight.
The original seven, and Love.
Love is a deadly, venomous sin.
it takes you from who you are,
and makes you someone you are not.
one day you're smiling and laughing,
the next day your hands shake
and the scars are blade deep.
Love, is the ultimate sin.
It changes you.
And some times,
Without you knowing it,
It changes them too.
a realization that hit me today as I saw my life change, I hope for the better, for her.
"it's not fair."
i'd say,
and my mother would reply with
"life isn't fair."
she was right,
it's not fair that i gave you everything and it was not
it's not fair that i spend every second missing you and you don't even think of me
it's not fair that i love you and you hate me
well, life isn't fair.
but maybe death is.
  Sep 2014 Michael DanielThane
You're all I taste..

Besides the nicotine
and the alcohol
I've been doing since
you were gone.
i'm trying to fix my relationships with
the things that i say i hate
i love you, allergies.
thank you for
letting me know when the seasons are changing
i love you, split ends
thank you for
telling me i need a haircut
i love you, sore throat
thank you for
making me stop screaming
i love you, ****** internet
thank you for
making me go outside
i love you, mommy
thank you for
i love you, girl he cheated with
thank you for
making me realize i wasn't the first choice
and i love you, baby
thank you for
breaking my heart
Life is like a good suit.
Expensive to maintain at times,
Flashy when done right.
And sensitive to the things around us.
Life is like a good suit.

Life is like a silk suit.
Delicate to the touch.
Easily worn down.
And repairable when given time.
Life is like a silk suit.

Life is like a suit. So wear it carefully and show it to a few, because life is like a suit. It needs careful care, and love with every wear.
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