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Olga Valerevna Mar 2014
Begin at the beginning
in a time where you and I
Were something like a mirror
for the people in the sky
And even when the rain would fall,
reflections didn't change
The thought of something different
would've simply sounded strange
I wondered if your voice could lose
its harmony or hide
The moment I considered this
I felt myself divide
I couldn't hear another word
you'd ever speak again
No not in its entirety,
the way that it was meant
So how do I explain the things
I hear you say instead
Without the threat of adding on
or tearing off a shred
Put bandages around the wounds
we've given to ourselves
Begin at the beginning
only this time, somewhere else
title taken from Kye Kye's, "Reach"
Olga Valerevna Jan 2013
something's been crawling all over the inside of my skin
it's you
Olga Valerevna Nov 2016
my hands are in my eyes today for all the world to see
and everything is Smaller than I ever thought it'd be  
I see so many people disconnected at the hand
and they all welcome madness they're not forced to understand
a turning of the Cheek is not a practice anymore
when stakes are cast like seconds while humility's ignored
there's nothing left to torture, barely anyone to blame
so stuck inside a storyline that always reads the same
but if we don't engage our time with empty bitter thoughts
the trains that move in Circles will eventually burn off
for when we start to recognize the motives others have
the judgements in themselves will disappear as they are passed
though time may still be wasted by the lot of those run
it will return to those who have been waiting for the sun
Olga Valerevna Nov 2024
If I could meet myself again when I was twenty five
I’d only check the part of me I thought was always right
I’d have a conversation with myself in such a way
that broke my heart completely so that it could be remade

I’d stay for every question I know now I should have asked
I’d offer up the answers that I wish I would’ve had
If I could meet myself again when I was twenty five
I think my heart would be the same, I’d only change my mind
on growing up, on sisterhood
Olga Valerevna Mar 2015
Have some water, drink the calm
I have been here all along
At the edge of all you are
you may think you've gone too far
One more step is all it takes
Turn around and feel the shakes
Breathing heavy, thinking fast
you will find your way at last
Not because you couldn't then
But today begin again
It has everything to do
With the body you will lose
Settle in to something more
Something that you had before
You are here and Love is now
Like the rain it's coming down
two years of years
Olga Valerevna Feb 2013
There's something strange in my anatomy
something there doesn't belong
to me.
Olga Valerevna Sep 2012
the one they are and the one they want to be

      well this is me, fighting duality, making an attempt to wholly be free 

i can tell you assuredly - i'm not scared, admittedly 

i have no idea what it is that I'm doing
i don't understand what it is that I'm pursuing

if such is life I willingly, shall spend my days accordingly

i'll not expect too much you see, only take what comes to me

       i'll keep it close within my reach, hide from those who steal to be     

one of me grasps easily, the other let's go skeptically
Olga Valerevna Aug 2015
my head has been expecting
something I cannot explain
a blending of the senses
to unsettle the mundane
and at the peak of madness
I will ask myself to leave
to tarry in the stillness
of my transient reprieve
I need to speak with someone
who would never do the same
a person with a body
that's forever His to claim  
I'll banter with my being
'til my words appear to be
a message to the people
of the soil and the sea
return to me the burden
that was light upon my back
I cannot be the human
I am ready to attack
for My yoke is easy and My burden is light (Matthew 11:30)
Olga Valerevna Feb 2018
I feel like I’ve been lived in like a home without a lock
Like everyone who’s been here never even cared to knock
They walked through open doors and laid their bodies on the floor
I hadn’t the authority to stop them coming more
I’d crawl into my bedroom where I’d try to fall asleep
So busied, drifting, turned about by all that I could see
The days began to pass without acknowledging my steps
“you weren’t really moving,” said a voice into my breath
It’s time to walk the hallways, it is time to find the key
It’s time to tell the people here, “I need you all to leave”
Olga Valerevna Oct 2015
**** the blood of envy
Boil it in pots
Tell me I am simple
tie me up in knots
Not another body
conquered by your cells
I will be tomorrows  
people never tell
Possible conclusions
you had never drawn
Where are all the colours?
everything is wrong
Bitten by a spider
gnawing at its web
We are not together
I could never tell
where does the time go?
Olga Valerevna May 2013
so many conversations in my head

it's like I never

Olga Valerevna Jul 2023
I’ve noticed how my memories come flooding back at once
The farther back I go the more intense that they become

I think about my formative and adolescent years
And realize the many things they taught me about fear
To feel it first, to face it, then, to minimize it all
To spread my heart so thin that I could barely even walk

I stepped into adulthood feeling strange and unprepared
To spend my time with people who were never really there
I leaned into forgiveness and I learned how to move on
And those who walked beside me knew about it all along

I’ll walk into today and all the days I hope to have
With every single sense in me — I will not live in lack
I’ve noticed how my memories have brought me back to You
The Only One Who’s ever been through what I’ve been through, too
for the those who’ve always walked beside me
Olga Valerevna Jan 2013
when blind men go walking, what do they see
but the backs of their eyelids, a shadow of me
and much is the same, my own personal state
with vision so blurred that i too can relate
i wish i could say that this wasn't the case
but i keep on failing to walk in your grace
mechanical movements are all i can make
practiced so often they're without mistake
but i almost hope that my body will rust
decompose fully and turn into dust
for then i'll be carried by wind once again
to places i've seen in the past but have left
and this time i promise that i will not leave
until i can guide with the sight i receive
Olga Valerevna Jul 2013
A chariot of creatures was circling the sun
And moving by its light and exposing everyone
There's no such thing as hidden, nor stone that's left unturned
And all the earth's uncovered, in waiting to be burned
And even all the fishes who populate the seas
Are dwindling in number, a school of vacancies
If anyone was counting, they too have disappeared
Unraveled in the darkness to which they had adhered
Becoming one is easy when death is in the air
For anything that's breathing will enter in its lair
But some will see a second, another kind of end
A ghost of desperation that chose to play pretend
title taken from Polyesno's, 'Counting Fish'
Olga Valerevna Dec 2013
I haven't gone beyond the skin
Beyond the bones I've settled in
And when I stir within myself
I search for what can make me well

The water's gone and so I thirst
My state of mind is getting worse
Fatigue has plagued my body full
A weariness I never knew

I want to say a lot of things
Before my voice no longer sings
I move again, my lips in queue
The notes are gone and I am too
Olga Valerevna Jan 2019
see, there are no lines in the face of your soul
no Time that can pass like time weathering bones
it’s all so internal, incredible Truth
The Hands of The Clock that are carrying you
may hope they are bringing be hope you receive
when passes your person, you die as a seed
that falls on the soil of Life and not death
Eternally growing, Eternally breath
«И иное упало на добрую землю и дало плод, который взошел и вырос, и принесло иное тридцать, иное шестьдесят, и иное сто.»
‭‭От Марка‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna May 2015
To move through genealogies
consider what it takes
The blood of those before
you filled with all of their mistakes
And what you've given into will uncover how you came
A sort of inquisition to eradicate your name
I called myself "the others" if I staggered or destroyed
Made everything inside of me
so purposely devoid
If not by my own doing
then by those whom I had known
To whom I was connected, thought, believed I could call home
Today's a separation
I have never known before
Or one that I'd forgotten
since I leveled with the floor
There's nothing on the bottom but I cannot seem to look
Much further than the dirt of earth, the silver that I took
The people are in pieces
and my head tries to compare
So often I can only find
the source of our despair
I go to bed in cycles
I can barely seem to keep
Awake so long I wait for dreams
to make me fall asleep
If anyone can see me or engage my busy head
I'll breathe before I speak again, let life be what is said
what is won, what is lost - what will stay, what is tossed
Olga Valerevna Nov 2012
I gave away my coins today to those who liked their shine

knowing that the gold I need was nothing I could buy

Instead I'd find it in the sea, atop the folding waves

a blanket I'd be bundled in then kissed with sunny rays

I'm walking now in misty air and what I hear confirms

that time elapsed was not a waste, it helped me to return

To that which goes beyond the flesh, defines my only name

reminds me still, it's what I seek that in my life will reign
Olga Valerevna Jan 2019
the sound of what is Perfect is so critical to know
for how else can you navigate a single thought alone?
you’re at the grace of mercy in where ever you may be
and everything you’ve given should be all that you received

by sharing of your fortunes you’ll gain infinitely more
and never see a need or a desire gone ignored
you’ll never be forsaken nor be ever left for dead
you’ll always have a Helper Who will comfort you instead

and by His every reason to be here with us this long
He’s paved the Way for everyone, for everything and all
«И Я умолю Отца, и даст вам другого Утешителя, да пребудет с вами вовек, Духа истины, Которого мир не может принять, потому что не видит Его и не знает Его; а вы знаете Его, ибо Он с вами пребывает и в вас будет. Не оставлю вас сиротами; приду к вам.»
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭14:16-18‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Nov 2012
among the trees 
to grow the one 
inside of me
Olga Valerevna Aug 2012
I wrote you a letter and took it to bed
To ponder upon all the words that I said
Some of them sank like the heaviest lead
And I started to doubt whether they should be read
A hot pursuit broke out while I tread
I thought I'd be running until I was dead
But when I inhaled the scent of their bread
I stopped pressing onward and ate them instead
My mind began racing, so quickly it sped
Causing a halo of smoke overhead
I realized the ink from the pen never bled
The letter I wrote was all in my head
Olga Valerevna Sep 2019
I stopped myself halfway to nowhere
let all of my thoughts come undone
gave up every sense in my body
so I could be led by The Sun
I brought my own voice into stillness
and silently held out my hands
“I’m tired, I’m worn but I’m breathing!”
You breathed me back into Your Plans
Your Truth is as simple as Nature
the reap and the sow of a seed
hearing You say that You hear me
is The Truth I’d forgotten I need
“Надейся на Господа всем сердцем твоим, и не полагайся на разум твой. Во всех путях твоих познавай Его, и Он направит стези твои.”
‭‭Притчи Соломона‬ ‭3:5-6‬
Olga Valerevna Dec 2012
I've been sifting through
fragmented parts of my
life and this puzzle
doesn't seem to make

But I know time
cut the edges and
scaled them to size,
to fit in such a
way that nothing is

Thus bend and break
still as I might,
I can change only
the number of shapes
I'll sustain, piece by

all of me has already been made
the whole picture remains unscathed
everything will be put to use here
I've been feeling the need to write.
Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
whenever I see you, I travel in Time
I catch you in corners in both of my eyes
remember your story for both of our sakes
and walk on The Water as you do, with Grace
I pencil in nothing, in Pen it is writ
I can not erase what Forever will give
your joy is my Sun and your pain is my own
I feel you so much I could never throw stones
“Когда же продолжали спрашивать Его, Он, восклонившись, сказал им: кто из вас без греха, первый брось на нее камень.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭8:7‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Aug 2013
Give me your hand I will hold it in mine
Darling tonight we'll go backwards in time
When one of us opens let one of us close
And gently conceal what the others expose
Carry my soul with, wherever you go
To put me in places I'd never have known
And when you need rest I will pick up the reigns
Follow the road that your dreams have sustained
Wake up and see that I've always been here
That it has been you who has kept me my dear
And not only this, but I too have held on
Here in your head when you couldn't respond
Bury the seed and let's bloom once again
Into each other, forever
The end.
Olga Valerevna Aug 2013
Inside a mind that wasn't mine
I somehow came to realize
That where I took my thoughts before
Would never matter anymore

The roads I paved had disappeared
And deemed me faulty engineer
Disgraced the pace, upon my face
She saw the wall and did not wait

Suppose I'd tell you what to say
You used to ask me every day
And when I'd talk you'd tune your ears
Then cover up in salty tears

The sea would claim the life you lost
Return to you the latter lot
You held it close so many times
And claimed the right to reconcile

Yet here we are in subs and pars
Collected into mason jars
I'll shatter you, you'll shatter me
Our fragile state will set us free
title taken from the opening line of 'Re-offender' by Travis
Olga Valerevna Feb 2013
Pour the water on my head, make compasses your hands
I'll move and shake until I break, until my legs can't stand
And on the floor beneath the jar I'll see what made the stream
The letters written on the base for sleeper's eyes to dream
These words I've heard so many times make patterns in my mind
And rearrange the borders of the cities that don't shine
The sun is hid, the moon is down, there's nothing but the dark
And so I guess I'll find a way to build myself an ark
I've never been an architect but I know one who is
And as I lift my voice to speak I breathe the winter's wind
This ice that freezes on my head reminds me I can melt
The heat that's stored within my flesh set fire when I knelt
Olga Valerevna Aug 2015
I cannot see the temple I was given long ago
Was buried through the winter then it melted with the snow
But every single summer when the earth receives the rain
I let myself believe I can be falling with its pain
Collected are the fragments of the person I have been
The water that belongs inside my coriander skin
The scent is something stronger than my memory recalls
But what is more familiar now that I can feel at all
Wherever there are bridges there my body also be
Above the rivers running while containing all of me
I've moved with all the seasons but I always end up here
Between the world that knew me and the place I disappear
I know you know
Olga Valerevna Oct 2012
I walked around the world today
and tried to count my steps
But everything that came my way
just took away my breath
Shortened, strained and surface deep
I felt my chest release
Quiet whispers I'd not keep
for they would one day cease
Blurry eyed and hazy souled** 
I spilled into the dark
Ill prepared and not yet gold
I'd barely felt a spark
Nothing etched into my life
'cause my degree was low
Patience weathered turned to strife
so I would never glow
Sipping words too hot to touch
I'd burned up what's inside
Insensitive and calloused much
my skull had opened wide
Olga Valerevna Aug 2015
Reality was simple 'til you made up one your own
And brought me into scenery I never would've known
A separate togetherness, a circle with an end
I'd call it all the bitterness if I could comprehend
But here I am in pieces mixed with everything we are
Still writing my conclusions on my body like a scar
I never burn the paper but my fingers feel the heat
The rage of this insanity beginning in our feet
I hear the only remedy is letting past be past
Undoing every string that ever answered when I asked
I'll leave it up to stories I can bury in myself
'Cause no one needs to hear about the one for whom I fell
fall in, fall out
Olga Valerevna Feb 2019
I rattled You awake again while falling fast asleep
I need You to watch over every dream I want to keep
I put it in my head You are the Only One I trust
and if I do not visit You my body turns to dust
I pull apart my character more often than I don’t
to realize I’m nothing when I’ve given up my soul
the whine of life is bitter, more-so with each passing day
so let me never Give You up, no matter what I say
«Из праха подъемлет Он бедного, из брения возвышает нищего, посаждая с вельможами, и престол славы дает им в наследие; ибо у Господа основания земли, и Он утвердил на них вселенную.»
‭‭Первая книга Царств‬ ‭2:8‬
Olga Valerevna Mar 2013
meet me in the moment and carry me away
tell me there are better things in store for us today
tell me you're a dreamer, night can be our guide
we can live inside our heads, a place for us to hide
space will claim our bodies and bind them in a knot
keep them where the people are but never let them rot
time is not the issue, granted we're asleep
riding out infinity like rivers running deep
synchronized completely, a level playing field
fluid rationality is finally unsealed
title taken from Alt-J's "Tessellate"
Olga Valerevna Nov 2022
I’ll slowly disappear in you until I am no more
no subtle synchronicity will bring me to your door
I’ll write of you in poems and I’ll miss you in my dreams
I’ll wake up every morning growing through our in betweens

I’ll slowly not forget you and the parts of me you touched
my heart will break a thousand times and for the both of us
I’ll think of you in passing as we go our separate ways
I’ll be okay, you’ll be okay, let swiftly go the days
a poem inspired by Pablo Neruda’s, “if you forget me,” and Perry Como’s, “Sunrise, Sunset”
Olga Valerevna Jun 2022
let not go of your tenderness, it keeps your heart a whole
it catches every breath you can’t when you lose all control
when every single part of you, your human and your mind
has made you feel so destitute, with nowhere left to hide

let not go of your tenderness, it remedies your thoughts
it gives you new perspective and untangles all your knots
when everyone surrounding you commiserates with fear
do not forget the heart you have still beats in you, my dear
“Для дерева есть надежда, что оно, если и будет срублено, снова оживет, и отрасли от него выходить не перестанут:”
‭‭Книга Иова‬ ‭14:7‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Sep 2015
You work them all together every finger to the bone
For I can show you nothing when I'm standing on my own
We turn into each other by remaining who we are
Collectively sustaining all the matter in the stars
I'm close enough to human to remember we are one
That if we never scatter we can wake the rising sun
a warmth for what our bodies have been fighting to explain
Our strength is in the numbers and we haven't fought in vain
like five fingers on one hand
Olga Valerevna Mar 2024
I listened to the rhythms of my every single day
and learned that I throw daggers more than I could ever say
I keep my body grounded but I keep my mind afloat
still, every intercession comes from my own Spirit’s Hope

I listened to the words I kept on letting out of me
and learned that I can’t bury what I cannot not believe
You keep my body moving and You keep my mind intact
with every intercession, You make all of me come back
Olga Valerevna Aug 2016
Put those angry words away
hate adds nothing to a day
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
I once believed your heart to be another beat of mine
the only other consciousness I ever could define
but sooner and not later I was tried ‘til I was blue
and suddenly my memory said, “anyone but you”
I recognized the cloud your eyes once begged of me to see
now all you’ve ever been before means nothingness to me
you comforted my body and you broke into my Soul
so I considered treason be the only path to go
Olga Valerevna Dec 2018
I’m crawling on all fours to reach a Light that’s fading fast
while everything behind me strikes my bones into the past
the strength it takes to move resembles Weakness come on High
a struggle unrelenting with a reason in its eye
the longer I can stay here in a stare with Life itself
the more a chance I have to breathe another single breath
the back of me is ruin so let onward be my gain
The Hope in me is stronger than the cause of all my pain
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20 NKJV
Olga Valerevna Apr 2013
what remains is equal to the value of the null
Olga Valerevna Aug 2012
you're scaring all the people off
the ledge where they have come to scoff
and now they all begin to cough
from choking on their words

atop the hill they'd rattled on
about how they were all the spawn
of everything that comes at dawn
especially the birds

it must be why they got away
with every word that they would say
they'd fly and hide and go astray
by piloting their wings

but feathers kept on falling from
every flock and turned them numb
until their throats would eat their tongue
and they'd stop saying things
Olga Valerevna Nov 2023
if you could hear the dissonance between your mind and soul
would you put up a fight or would you let it take control?
would you give in to anger or be humbled in its midst?
would you consider dying to the things you can’t resist?

if you could hear the voices of the present, future, past
would you become a pillar or an ever-moving mass?
would you pack up your life entire for where you want to go?
or would you turn your head around to everything you’ve known?

if you were offered nothing but a Promise you can’t see  
would you surrender all the things that bring you to your knees?
would you call flesh your person or the part of you that is
a vessel for your Soul to carry out what you let in
“Жена же Лотова оглянулась позади его, и стала соляным столпом.”
‭‭Бытие‬ ‭19‬:‭26‬
Olga Valerevna Jul 2015
My desire exists
And it is what I say
I wanted affection
But not in this way

your face is a fire
I  cannot compare
To anyone present
For no one is there

And I am a shadow
Of figments like you
The sorry exposure
you will not undo

So come to the corner
And open the door
Let's be in the moment
We cannot ignore
inside is the outside
Olga Valerevna Aug 2012
breathe a sigh
align your spine
and mine
move with me through time
while staying on the inside
don't hide
please try
I believe we won't die
this lie
says why
molds together our cry
and I
back dive
hoping you will untie
your mind
let my
body rest in your eye
there's nothing to deny
we are giving our lives
they are taking our lives

we have given our lives
*who has taken our lives?
Olga Valerevna Sep 2013
I knew before we ever spoke I'd never have to hide
That it was you to whom my lonely being had been tied
I put my feet upon the road that led me into you
And though we couldn't comprehend, I felt you feel it too
You took me down the windy path that showed your every part
And when our light was bright enough I raptured to your heart
I let it keep a beat for me too many times to count
Relied upon it's rhythm which I could not live without
I learned with grace to carry you, the only love I could
I hope you know you taught me this, I hope you understood
Remember me entirely, remember when I can't
And beckon me, but silently, my head awaits your chant
Olga Valerevna Jan 2018
there are words on the ceiling, there are words on the floor
there are words in my body I can’t take anymore
I have begged to be borrowed but to never be had
for I know who I am and there is no turning back
believe me I have wandered and betrayed my own heart
but Hell could never keep me from my falling apart
in the dust at the bottom of whatever I’ve left
I will find a whole body that is made of Your breath
Olga Valerevna Sep 2016
when are you the child you had always hoped to be
today is gone tomorrow and the past is all you see
if yesterday's a liar will you ask why it has come
or has it proven honest by the rising of the sun
it's not for me to question anything you won't accept
but on the edge of reason I am bowing with respect
for knowledge at its greatest cannot stand the test of time
eternity surpasses every border in our mind
continue with the maybes and you'll learn to understand
Humanity has challenged the beginning with its hands
we've built so many cities while we've torn so many down
the likelihood of lasting begs the future not to drown
the children we're creating bare the weight of all we've done
I'm forfeiting my body for the sake of *everyone
Olga Valerevna Jun 2018
[If] I could coil back to kindness and give it back for free
I’d spread myself as thick as I could poss-ib-ly be
surrender my tomorrows to the days I’ll never own
forgive myself for follies I had never thought I’d show
a word-for-word confession is the song I want to sing
a melody where Truth alone abides in everything
though I have been dishonest both in practice and in preach
I’ll fold myself in half at knee to learn instead of teach
for wherever there’s a lesson there is infinitely more
a way of life surrounded by a never ending shore
to dive into its ocean means to struggle and to fight
but know that after all is done, you’ll make it through the night
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