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And if you are to love,
Love as the moon loves.
It doesn't steal the night,
It only unveils the beauty of the dark.

And if you are to love,
Love as the rain loves.
It doesn't wet the bodies,
It only washes the sad dirt of the souls.

And if you are to love,
Love as the wind loves.
It doesn't drift away,
It only cleanse you to the core by invading through each pore.

And if you are to love,
Love as the sun loves.
It doesn't radiates heat,
It only pours its warmth on you to enlighten your way.

And if you are to love,
Love as the star loves.
It doesn't delightfully twinkles,
It only reminds you that not even death can separate two hearts.

And so forth,
if you are to love
Love as the whole universe
& not just a part of it.
 Feb 13 nova powell
when people are in love
they often say
they simply fell
tripped over their own two feet
face forward
and into the arms of their beloved

i did more than simply fall
onto the ground of your love

you, for me
were an ocean
and i dived
almost painfully
into the waters of “you”

i knew i could not swim
but i did so anyway
i was drowning
entangled in you
surrounded by this being of “you”
engulfed in this feeling of “you”

and i did not know what came over me
but i let myself drown
i did not try to swim back up
because if i went back to land,
releasing myself from your grasp
that would mean losing the feeling of “you”

and after
submerging into the depth
the love
the passion
of “you”

how could i ever leave?
the wicked heart of man
keeps straddling the fence
playing to both sides
until the day it up and dies

always talking out
both sides of its mouth
quick with a compliment
while slandering the next instant

the wicked heart of man
does everything it can
to promote itself
down the pathway straight to hell

fickle as a hurricane
has no problem dropping names
likes to be in the limelight
hides its sins in the dead of night

the wicked heart of man
includes in its plans
everything it can do wrong
entices you to sing along

moves to its own beat
makes you believe it's make belief
all this because it can
...the wicked heart of man
 Feb 13 nova powell
Am I even religious? I ask myself.
Am I spiritual? I ponder.
Feudal, socialist, capitalist, fascist?
Am I more over here,
Or more over there?
What's my hereditary, what specific mix;
Where exactly am I from?
From where did my family come,
Where have we been?
What did we take part in?

It's interesting,
But where are we going?
What's the heading?
Graceful, deft, the fingers dance,
upon damp earth, cracked yet vast.
Yet--will it bear fruit at last?

Boundless harmony entwines,
guiding softly through the night.
In dim-lit hush, you swore it right.

I shall tread though miles may call,
you shall reach with art so fine.
With the seed, I breathe anew,
with the melody, you enshrine.

— The End —