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No memories
No triggers
No other reason for my tears

Just one guitar
Just one voice
Just the music in my ears
Have you ever heard a song (for the first time) and it was just so beautiful that it made you cry? I have. Many times. This time it was 'Let It Go' by James Bay.
In the dark night, before dawn,
A darker shadow drew near —
Death, a despicable guest,
Come to take what's dear.
Under the covers, deep in dreams,
I did not awake with fear.
Dauntingly, I was lost in oblivion
While Death drew breath right here.
Rest in peace, Bora. I really hope there's a doggy heaven for you.
I'm scared of the unknown, the dark
Scared of what I can't see,
Scared of slipping, falling to my death
Scared of permanent injury.
Mom, I'm still a little boy.
Mom, save me from my fears.
I'm terrified of you dying. Never, please.
It scares the **** out of me.
I ******* love my mother more than anything in the entire universe, no question.
I'm hers, undeniably,
But I'm afraid to make her mine.
I'm too comfortable by myself
So I fail to give her time.
A better man will make her his,
Then I'll rightly be left behind.
All because I'm an introvert
And a coward combined.
She's amazing but I spend too much time with myself.
I'm afraid she'll find out
If she gets too close
That my breathing is ragged,
That I'm both sweaty and cold,
That my heart is beating furiously,
That she matters more than she knows.
That her mere presence affects me,
And it's not something I can control.
I remember how she hugged me and how scared I was.
I was afraid to let you in.
You had no clue of what I hid.
Perhaps you fell for the idea of love
But I couldn't be the person you fancied.
And when I let you see who I truly was
You spat out your words like acid.
"I don't know you anymore."
You never really did.
To the friend who expected more than I could give.

The poem looks like a jar with the title. :D
"You know, I worry about you."

"Oh, you shouldn't. I'll be fine."

This lie slips from my mouth

Like clocks tell time.
A poem from the point of view of important people in my life
The romantic ending to a love story I wrote

Jude Kyrie

He married me because
I was pregnant I am Sure.
Well double pregnant really
it was twins.
I never thought that he could love me
or that I could dare to love him.
It just felt the right thing to do.
But it changed when the twins arrived
I have never seen anyone as happy as him
well unless you count me in that is.
He was so good looking so gentle
What did he ever see in me?
I was always cheating and losing
on diets to keep myself a size fourteen.
My hair frizzy and wild.
But he made me feel beautiful.
How did he do that?
We went for a Sunday evening walk
It was fall in central park.
We walked the twins
in their double stroller.
The leaves had turned
red and amber
under the chilling winds
of late New York autumn.
The late fall sunlight
lit up the park in reds and golds
against the grey outlines of the old city.
A city that had seen many such love stories.
I see Michael holding the twins in his arms.
I could see the love he had for us all
in his beautiful eyes.
The same eyes that had
some major optical defect.
An aberration that
I had no understanding of.
Because he saw me as
beautiful and worthy of his love.
And in that single moment
There in central park on a red carpet
of rustling autumn leaves.
I felt him walk in into my heart
through a door I had always
left unlocked for only him.
As he entered inside me
to a place on this earth
that was destined for him alone.
I closed the door quietly behind him.
Locking it with the only key that existed.
Then throwing it into the urban woodlands
never to be found again.
sometimes tears speak louder than any word you could ever say,
and sometimes scars help you see the pain that others have felt
some love can tear you wide open
and some hatred can make you stronger than you ever were before
In a state of eternal fear
Frozen within the throws of time
A blissful state of mind
Where silence meets reason
Ignoring the doubt
I think of what I have become

Into the fire,
Mentally decapitated
Lonely n tired I watched
As logic was murdered

Lost inside the rays
Dazzled by greatness

As logic was murdered and slowly it faded
Into the fire;
Paralyzed by seeing clearer
Disremembered, Frozen and hated.
Let the blades be my final home.
I've lost the desire...
Sensing the arrival of a brand new season

Lost inside the rays
Dazzled by greatness

Slowly my life passed
As I watched them ****
All the hopes and lives
And upon them standing
This should be known
To lives that they don't own
And through this road alone
I will roam...
Lyrics of the song The Wanderer by Chaos Descent. Written by Mahdi Dn. and Sarah J.Sham.

— The End —