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2.1k · Jan 2015
Mandy Rochel Jan 2015
I watched as a bird
(Perched upon a limb)
Fell to the water
(And drowned from inside him)
I wanted to save it
(But there was no purpose I could serve)
It sank deeper each day
(With its own mind as a life preserver)
I filled lungs when it needed to breathe
(But God needs you to get air on your own)
I wanted it to float
(i think it wanted to drown)
Wings are meant for flying in the clouds
(Not swimming in the sea)
So when you throw that empty bottle
(Please God just don't hit me)

although I'm not sure how much more pain you can cause me
M.R. Poetry
900 · Feb 2015
M.R. Poetry
Mandy Rochel Feb 2015
Your essence as a whole is an impenetrable force field of which nothing can destroy except what's inside.
So don't get yourself down
679 · Feb 2015
M.R. Poetry
Mandy Rochel Feb 2015
And your kisses shot fireworks all through my veins but I swear to God baby it was the best pain
671 · Mar 2015
(M.R. Poetry)
Mandy Rochel Mar 2015
Clouded thoughts of you incript my mind
and my hands grasp my chest as I seem to have lost the ability to breathe somewhere along the winding road where on every corner you sold me lies. I thought the innocence you portrayed was liable to your soul but I was hypnotized by the way your eyes wandered my body and the color in them stole the vividity of my creative mind so now as I sit and try to combine words that will never fully portray the sense of wonder you left me with every time you failed to reply to my missed calls and texts I question whether you genuinely loved me or loved the idea of my body against yours in the moonlight.
******* for all you made me feel
660 · Jan 2015
M.R. Poetry
Mandy Rochel Jan 2015
ocean tides
carry sea salt
onto the quiet shore
only to wash it away
(This is deep if you think hard enough)
593 · Jan 2015
M.R. Poetry
Mandy Rochel Jan 2015
You extinguished my hopes,
and you shattered the bones
protecting my heart. You
single handedly ripped the
breath from my lungs saturating
every atom with your presence.
I suppose though it's okay that
you hurt me because life isn't
always fair. And the ones we
love don't always infatuate
themselves into us in the
alikeness in which we did to
547 · Mar 2015
M.R. Poetry
Mandy Rochel Mar 2015
and my thoughts remind me..
You couldn't not give up on something that gave up on itself.
that's why i can't blame you for leaving me
545 · Mar 2015
M.R. Poetry
Mandy Rochel Mar 2015
The sadness our souls endure only mend us in the end.
("eleven words that I found buried inside my darkness")
537 · Jan 2015
Broken Glass
Mandy Rochel Jan 2015
Shards lay amidst the ground
All of this house and not a sound
The screams from my dreams keep me awake
Put down the ******* bottle for ***** sake
You are killing yourself every drop that goes in
This is by far your most damaging sin
You say that when you drink the ***
It lessens the feeling you compare to as numb
Baby I come home and your passed out on the floor
You'd never even know who walked through that door
I grab the bottle right out of your hands
I wake you up and prepare you to stand
You fall to your knees and grasp my bruised feet
I fear it is in hell we will once again meet
Watching you die everyday is not easy on me
Please just get it over with so I can finally sleep
M.R. Poetry
531 · Jan 2015
M.R. Poetry
Mandy Rochel Jan 2015
And I didn't talk to anybody for weeks. I just went through my daily deeds as if they were engraved in my mind and I was programmed on everything I did. I felt like a robot. I mean, I felt nothing after the night I felt everything. I will never understand how one could embrace someone in hatred. I thought his arms were made for loving and I thought the enticing looks he spared me meant something more than my body.
492 · Mar 2015
M.R. Poetry
Mandy Rochel Mar 2015
The taste of your lips stains not only the places you kiss, but every other atom that reminisces inside me.
Blood flows through my arteries but nothing compares to the fireworks that shoot through my veins that no one can quite see.
Your body laced into mine makes me realize home isn't always a place, maybe it's something with lungs and two eyes.
And those two eyes rest among your face, and they make me forget the world and I can't help but get lost in them sometimes.
And the lungs I talk about find shelter beneath the rib cage I feel under your skin when I run my fingers down your spine.
I have only one wish in this ever changing world and that is to possess the ability of calling you mine.
437 · Jan 2015
M.R. Poetry
Mandy Rochel Jan 2015
From an innocent age
I have always held an inborn fondness for winter
The way the cold air brought people together inside
And the fact that no snowflake was ever the same.
But as I have increased in age
I have found less redundant things that appeal to me about the Jack Frost season
For I now relate the the way everything freezes over
And you cannot feel the tips of your fingers
And new comfort has been located in the elongated periods of darkness
And I have found a deeper meaning
In the way snow falls, but doesn't always make it to the ground
263 · Jan 2015
M.R. Poetry
Mandy Rochel Jan 2015
The nights you filled my lungs with blackness were the nights I couldn't breathe.

— The End —