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forestfaith Jun 2018
Shuffling of feet.
Shuffling of ants.
Waving of hands.
Swaying of leaves, not planned.
Blinking of stars.
Blinking of eyes.
Walking of feet.
Walking of the wind.
The feet of the young beside the old.
The feet of youngones beside the feets of their guardians so that they won't be cold. Inside or out.
My hands on your shoulder.
Your hands on mine.
Sunset painting my face and yours.
Together marveling at the marvelous course of birds in the sky.
The music of this world.
The Orchestra is here.
They are near.
Hello guys. Can't wait for The next generation Sunday tomorrow!
forestfaith Jun 2018
How can your heart break.
When you didn't give your heart.
You are in charge of your heart.
You are responsible for the things of your heart.
You are responsible to guard it.
That heart is yours.
Guard it.
Reset it.
Put it upwards to the heavens.
When it reaches it's default of discouragement, blame, anger, hatred, disappointment, self-doubt, over-confidence, reset it a perk it back up to the things high above!
In the heavens above!
Wooooi just watched a sermon on three healthy habits of the heart by pastor furtick and it was great! Number one, know how to hate. A healthy kind of hate of course. Like I hate bullying, I hate laziness, I hate over-confidence, I hate racism whatsoever. Number two, learn where to hide. We are so used to hiding in fake hiding places, seemingly safe hiding places. Are you running into he conflict or away from it? God is your strong tower in the battle not away from the battle. You can hide in plain sight when you trust in the goodness of the Lord! Amen! Lastly, know how to hope. Hope is living! Act upon it! you don't  hope it's not cold, wear a coat and go out anyway! Act upon that hope! Place your hand on it! Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen! Amen! Check it out! Elevation Church! It all happens in the heart but it doesn't start with the heart! It starts in the habits. Habits create the condition of your heart! Please do check it out! You must!
forestfaith Jun 2018
Shot Guns.
Lives gone.
Trust is gone.
Verbal swords,
love gone.
We are not safe anymore.
Hard to trust.
Hard to feel safe.
Hard to feel quiet, at peace, when minds are feeling unsafe.
Hearts tensed up.
We can't even walk into the place we love without feeling afraid.
Just trust in God in these times.
He would guide and keep you,
all the days of your life...
all the time...
Shooting her and there, accidents here and there, people molested ***** even by their "trusted" ones. All around the news. Hardly any sense of safety or love or peace or joy anymore. All these are making people cold...
forestfaith Jun 2018
Sorry for the highs and lows.
Sorry for the ups and downs.
Happy then sad.
Cheerful then mad.
Back and forth the needle goes,
Yes and nos.
Confident, then lost.
Bursts of energy, water-like limps.
Knows, and foolishness,
Kindness then ungratefulness.
Compassionate, angry at first.
Ups and lows.
Yes and nos.
I am so sorry.
For the changing host.
Different person in different times....
forestfaith Jun 2018
God is the eternal true living breathing loving one.
god is the one in the world. The one of idols. That. ?
Don't get messed up guys. It's God not god
That's why I hardly tag God in the tags. They change it to lowercaps which has a different meaning. But yeeeee I understand hope you have a great day ahead! Sorry if I offended you in any way...
  Jun 2018 forestfaith
He put all of his
Trust in the Savior, Jesus
Christ, and all was well.
forestfaith Jun 2018
I hope you saw the smile at the side walls of your eyes.
I hope you saw the wave of a hand underneath your eyes.
I hope you see the pain we have even behind the painless smile.
I hope you see how far grace has carried you.
I hope you see the faces of those who are dying in the inside.
I hope you see the swaying of the trees and the laughter of birds remind you that you are alive.
That you are His.
And He is yours.
You are God's children! And he is your God!
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