A lonely tree
Broken, afraid, abused.
It craved comfort
And it craved love.
There, there, lonely tree,
For I will be your sun.
Shining on the ground
Helping your leaves grow.
A scared tree you are,
Filled with broken branches.
I will help you grow new ones,
Stronger than the old.
A healing tree you are,
Starting to grow new buds.
Still so fragile,
Your branches are all new.
A happy tree you are,
You dance in my rays
And they only shine for you
Grow happy tree, grow.
And a growing tree you are.
My rays bounce off you
So everyone sees your beauty
And gets shade from my rays.
A loving tree you are
Giving me purpose as the sun,
Giving you life
Is what makes me shine.
A busy tree you are,
Housing new life,
Wishing just once
For a cloud all day.
A happy sun I am.
Even when the clouds
Block my rays from you,
I know you are under there.
A cloudy sun I am.
Some days I peak through
And glimpse my happy tree,
Forgetting about my rays.
A sad sun I am.
Happy tree is there,
But happy tree, is busy tree,
And forgets about the sun.
A rainy sun I am.
Let the rain fall for days,
Only to hope my busy tree
Is growing.