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I will Fix you,
I swear I can,
Take my hand you'll see.

I can Fix you,
Just a Little bit of Love,
Maybe a bit of tape for your heart.

Some how I'll Fix you,
No matter how long it takes,
Or the distance needed to travel.

I will Fix you
I can Fix you
Some how you Fixed me
I need some fixing myself
i was fine   before you so i
will survive after you, but
it's  just  that   i'm   having
trouble figuring out  what
parts of me have    always
existed     and  what  parts
are         your         creation
It's always been funny to me
How parents are always quick to blame you
For their  diminished bank accounts
And stretch-marked thighs.

As if you asked to be a torn ******
On a drunken night.
As if you asked God
To **** you out onto this earth.

I have loved and
I have lost and
I've gone to church,
Never bore the cross
But I'm able enough to see
When I'm not welcome.

And I'm not welcome here.
If I come to you once in the silence of morning
as the sunlight weaves strands of wild fire through my hair
will I taste on your breath a new love slowly dawning
will your eyes be enraptured on finding me there.

Will you hold out your arms, will your soul sweetly beckon
as lightly my kisses your passion will find
sweet petals bloom scarlet in rapturous welcome
as ivory flesh with yours softly combines.

Then I will return to the arms of another
and all will be lost in the passing of time
aside from the fate that our
hearts must now suffer,
nevermore to be yours, nevermore to be mine.
I was addicted to you;
you were allergic to me.
© Alisandra Gray, 2014.
When life is asleep
And my only company is Lady Lightning
And Madame Thunder
I sit wondering
If the rain against my window
Has ever trickled down yours
If the water that soaked my clothes as I walked home
Has ever run down your face
And reached your eye
A tear in reverse.

Are you seeing the same bolts of lightning that I am?
Does the light give a faint glow to your night
Where it illuminates the dark for me?
Do you hear this thunder growling?
Can you hear it shouting its presence?
Would you hear me shouting your name?
Would my voice carry over this emptiness?

Would you listen?

The rain is fading
Yet the thunder still calls
And dear God does it sound like your voice.
Midnight thunderstorms are my favourite
 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
we are a paradox
we're the same soul,
but we come from different planets
we're made of the same flame,
but we burn in different ways
that's why you're both chaos and remedy to my heart
Stuck between
Not wanting to exist
But not exactly wanting to die
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