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 Nov 2017 mickey finn
Lora Lee
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
Lora Lee
on this rumbling
              stretch of tundra
                  no trees reach up
                     to soothe the sky
                     there is a pulling down
                  of wind tunnel vortex
               like conifers in reverse
          an icy howl
in the bonechill
               of time
Translucent holes,
         perfectly round, are dug
                in glacial archeology
                  and in the sea below
               gelid creatures lurk,
         in the history of my
Only moss and lichens
grow on the rock,
somehow softening the
rugged textures
of the wild landscapes
that seethe
          just beneath my skin
and there, just
shy of the surface
is a quickening
a subtle pulse of veins
that pumps life
between the gales of
my heart's steppes
flushing out
           the pain
      within the private lotus
of my being
folioles unfurl
leafy shapes around
my organs
wrapping them like gifts
          as they undulate in whorls
opening my petals
in renewed consciousness
and deliberation
as a new kind of  
    dusty pollen
budding ripeness
       bursting up
       and out
   of my deepest
whirlpool pistil
nectar dripping
in viscous webs,
to be caught upon
the tongue of
a new dawning
My silky outer
wings of vegetation,
slender stalks of
          filaments and anther
have been turned
into hot steel
They protect
    the tender vulnerable
                   when burned
as poison words held up to my
watchful eyes,
                   are properly discerned
I give myself over
to this new power,
my back arched to fully embrace
what is to come,
a universe calling thunder,
the old patterns undone
I am ready
to reveal my all
as the goddess deep within
comes to release my gold
suffusing light through skin
conjured from me
a relentless strength,
                now tenfold
rising way past
soft-lit stratospheres
and orbiting
So worth listening to!

foliole-a small leaf-shaped ***** or a part resembling a leaf

filament-the anther-bearing stalk of a stamen

anther-the part of a stamen that produces and contains pollen and is usually borne on a stalk
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
47 Days.
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
47 days.
1,128 hours.
One month, two weeks, two days, 13 hours, 26 minutes and 40 seconds.

47 days until I can hold you in my arms.
Until I can kiss your lips.
Until I can hold your hand.
Until we can watch the sunrise together.

47 days until I can fall asleep with you.
Until I can stare into your eyes.
Until I can make you smile.
Until we can fall in love again.

47 days until you can hold me in your arms
Until you can play with my hair.
Until you can make me laugh.
Until we are one again.  

47 days until I am whole again.
Patiently waiting until we are together again.
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
apprentice, learner, student,
this soul please will be

forever listening
to the Masters.

let me sit
and listen with wonder

but also practise
the spiritual treasure

- meditation, contemplation
the prayer of 'being'
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
Star BG
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
Star BG
The universal language I think is Love.
Love is what fills heart, lungs
and puts feet to action.

The language of love
can be felt with
no voice hitting ear drums.

It plays in the wind
and moves inside pools of eyes.
The language of love heals
by weaving words upon tattered wings
for birds who otherwise wouldn't fly.

Love is the natural language of the soul
and all beings here in earthly form.
If you know what's in
her head, you will fall in love
with her forever.

//just like you said you would//

A haiku and a line
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
The same.
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
one year has passed
everything changed

but you?
you stayed
the same.
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
I have two angels
Taking me to the moon and
back , singing me songs
This is inspired by my earphones as I love listening to music especially whist ironing makes it less boring :)
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
The fireworks
that you used to
make burst
in my heart
has now turned
into a dull ache,
waiting to be lit and sparked again
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