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 Nov 2014 Mediocre
 Nov 2014 Mediocre
It's inevitable.
So why do I fear it?
Why am I drowning in an ocean of thorns whenever I think about it?
It's as if my heart is having an earthquake when I realise I'm ageing,
Because I don't want to grow up.
But time goes by so fast,
Maybe if I look the other way it'll all pass?
 Nov 2014 Mediocre
Argentina Rose
Woke up telling myself I love you

but you had been up all night nailing my coffin shut
 Nov 2014 Mediocre
paige v
they say she's a rainbow
but all I saw in her was a million shades of black and gray;
she's more like an earthquake,
destroying everything in sight
with one bad decision based on a million thoughts.
she may have been beautiful
but she split the world in half
with trembling cries and sliced wrists.
she's a natural disaster,
no one saw her coming
suicide is not beautiful.
If only they knew
That the girl that makes them laugh
Cries herself to sleep
Every.  Single.  Night

If only they knew
Within those quick words
Is a cry for help
But it seems like everyone is deaf or just plain oblivious

It turns out silence can hurt you more than any ill intended words
 Nov 2014 Mediocre
 Nov 2014 Mediocre
Oh sweet temptation,
Do not be a fool,
The pills are paradise,
Payment is cruel,

Oh how I crave you,
All your seduction and sedative,
Take me to heaven's gates,
My failures have been repetitive,
 Nov 2014 Mediocre
Mark Lecuona
The sun smashed the window into a thousand pieces
Scattered photosphere
Illuminated cuts
Hydrogen, helium, ion magnets
Demanding the rain to follow
“Rain upon them evil doer!
Bring your darkest cloud
And you will see how you cannot defeat the light!”

She said, “I could never do that
Your veins
Your voice
Your screaming body
It’s not right that you possess these gifts of anger!”

He said, “All of my mistakes have gathered
And the insistence that I care for every ritual
And of those who would control our lives
It is all here now and the windows can no longer protect us
We need the darkness to end the darkness
And then the darkness will know that what is dark is not light!”

The moon plunged deep into the melancholy of the oceans
With tides of tears entering the arteries of past glories
Sweeping across the land only to exclaim:
“I no longer care for your presence
Do not ask me to help you with each new lover
You are unable to remain true yet you bring them to me
I am not a mirror for your lies anymore”

He could not escape his madness
These things poisoned his mind
There was nothing that seemed to be of itself
What needle pointing south?
What melting pavements in winter?
What shade blistering his skin?
What darkness through the window at high noon?

He lay still
A shard for every pore
A drop of rain for every drop of blood
A lie for every truth
A question for every answer
It had broken his mind
And at that moment he finally realized why he was alone
 Nov 2014 Mediocre
Just Melz
There's an ice storm in my brain,
        my thoughts
                     are sliding
                out of control,
         there's a fire in my chest,
                        making ashes
          of what's left of
                     my soul.
A big THANK YOU to Sir Poet and Frank Ruland for inspiring this little "poem" out of me, I'm so proud to call y'all family. ❤

— The End —