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 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
Lani Foronda
we're more like trees
than actual human beings at this point.
tangled at the roots
but branching out to our own directions.
October 04, 2014
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
My insomnia is getting to me,
seeing things that should only exist;
in my dream relm.

I wonder,
can the people around me see them too?
...No, or they'd be screaming too.
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
That day is eagerly awaited,
When you & me are united,
After marital knots are tied,
And I've got you by my side,
May not be bumpy our ride,
Let it be sensuous and wild,
That's how we make love with pride.
My HP Poem #673
©Atul Kaushal
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
You are Me
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
Memories of everyone
I have known...
Stay imprisioned
in my mind.

I do not remember,
having remembered You...

In not remembering
I set myself
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
Luna Lynn
i love you so deep
if time is not on our side
i still fall deeper
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
Haydn Swan
We are the ones who walk in the shadows,
hitching a ride on the coat tails of a moonlit night,
always believing yet always casting doubts,
frowns for clowns,
taking the joke an insidious choke,
marching in line to a broken beat,
song remains the same,
dancing insane,
wake up trembling to our new dawn.
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA

I want to take away the hurt
from your face,
the struggle
that you're feeling
right now.
I am here
I'll hold you
so softly
and so tight
at the same time.
I'm offering my body
just to warm
and comfort you,
show you
that you are wrapped
in love.
I can make it better.
Feel the love
that I have for you,
only you.
It can make you stronger,
with love.

for Brian
It's always you and me,  it always will be.  
Where it takes me I don't know, but in
the dream of meanwhile
I will go.

on the temple steps, she'll gently weep in
the dream of another meanwhile sleep.

I never saw the sky so blue until
I saw it ,through
the eyes that saw through me and
now I go to see, where it is
that the meanwhile will take me.

She knew all along
she sang it to me once and in the song,she told
me of the wrongs and rights and of the crystal
amethysts that sparked diamonds in the other eyes
of nights.
Such sights in meanwhile dreams are not meant
for men of mortal means.
The dream goes on and on and in the going it is gone,
replaced and in another song goes on again.
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