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Mar 2018 · 338
Women Day Poem
Max Gleiberman Mar 2018
Weary of MANkind equality near,
Where objectifying mimics esthetic nature.
Womens openness mirrors earths nutrients,
While ovulating magic envelopes nature.
Feb 2016 · 587
Head held high
Max Gleiberman Feb 2016
As the troubles come, the sorrow drifts in,  losing who you are, emotions gone to far, though know there's light in every life, be strong and hold on for eventually ones self love will shine on!
Feb 2016 · 354
Max Gleiberman Feb 2016
My thoughts of you is what posses my smiles, art to my eyes a vision of beauty, with your touch opens me up embraced forever, to realize every moment with you is one to cherish.
Feb 2016 · 598
Max Gleiberman Feb 2016
The touch of your soft skin gets me breathing deep with lust, as my kiss lays upon heavens mahogany goddess. My mind entranced with visions of your true beauty as the primal urge to caress and press all of my passion against yours, sweat, skin and the smell of *** bringing us closer to one another!
Feb 2016 · 895
Max Gleiberman Feb 2016
I woke this morning with you on my mind, truth is its déjà vu every time,
me imagining grasping your soft  thighs as my insatiable appetite pleads for your subtle lips and beautiful Brown eyes, an alluring vision, passionate bliss consuming every fragment of my mind.
Feb 2016 · 388
Internal battle
Max Gleiberman Feb 2016
Trapped in my own thoughts I ponder how I feel, if I even do at all.
No true passion arises as i wisp on by, lost in thoughtless emotion gasping for some reason why!
for me is to only blame,
but still I can't break through the fear of the lingering shadow of shame!
Feb 2016 · 284
Internal battle
Max Gleiberman Feb 2016
Trapped in my own thoughts I ponder how I feel, if I even do at all.
No true passion arises as i wisp on by, lost in thoughtless emotion gasping for some reason why!
for me is to only blame,
but still I can't break through the fear of the lingering shadow of shame!
Jan 2016 · 537
Max Gleiberman Jan 2016
Beauty that encompasses the setting sun a vision of which makes my heart skip a beat, my eyes entranced with the pure definition of perfection beholding my ideal heaven
from within your beautiful eyes, eternal lust that hypnotizes forever mesmerized with everlasting pleasure.
Your adorable little nose,  your seductive soft lips all through my mind reminiscing the first time we kissed!

— The End —