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 Apr 2015 qi
Mark McIntosh
there was a time when we stopped asking
mother stirring on the sofa in the morning
father snoring in a bedroom alone

there was breakfast to be done
school and work to be attended
no time for unasked questions

there were afternoons in an empty house
surrounded by friends smoking cigarettes
teenagers testing taboos

there were evenings at the table
three plates full and another burnt chop
a gambling man at the TAB or the pub

there was a time when the laws changed
hell broke loose with a violent storm
a drive to police with a stranger pursuing

there was never a time that I knew that man
I only saw odd and he seemed an imposter
blind to his havoc and angry from changes

there then was a time of relative calm
possessions gone and a room reclaimed
constant toiling to make sure of shelter

now is a time of mirrors and mazes
light refracting through a cracked prism
realising none of this is any reason
 Apr 2015 qi
brian mclaughlin
Thou shalt not fee the gays
for thine is the kingdom of bigotry

They deserve no pizza
nor wedding cake
what you must offer
your disgust and your hate

Just don't call yourselves christian
as that you are not
remember the mount
he fed all on the spot

With fishes and loaves
he never questioned a one
never leaving a man out
oh no that wasn't done

He then commanded to love all
he didn't leave out the gays
I believe he'd be appalled
at today's christian ways
 Apr 2015 qi
like clockwork
i’m so disgusting— grease-stained, paint-stained, dust and decay. the label said dry-clean only but you put me on a rinse-and-dry cycle and called it a day. i’m all cleaned up but nothing fits the same. is this what they call salvation? scrub the sins from our sooty souls, leave them in the sun to shrink, shrivel like snails burned by salt. take it back, give it back, give me back; i’m spotless but it feels so wrong.
     how do i repay you? credit? cash? my intestines looped like garlands in my arms, my heart like a pulsing jewel in my palm? i can’t afford an arm and a leg so that would have to do. your service has left me in shrunken skin; when i burst at the seams it’ll be my guts that splatter on the floor. look, it’s not like paying you back would be hard (it still hurts still hurts).
     you tried to fix me but now i’m worse than worthless. no one wants someone they can’t show the world. it’s your fault, your fault (i’m still to blame). you made me this way, i begged for it in the first place. this wasn’t supposed to be a ******* diy. read the label next time, *******.
experimenting with a new style
 Apr 2015 qi
 Apr 2015 qi
Maybe it won't hurt as much when he leaves
because I am so used to loving him from a distance
Across the hall
Across the room
There is still so much distance even
When he is right in front of me
When my mouth sputters words that try to pull him closer
There is always so much distance
Even when I am pressed against him
With our arms wrapped around each other in a hug
I can never seem to get close enough
But like I said
I am so used to loving him from a distance
I guess a few more thousand miles won't hurt
 Apr 2015 qi
Pradip Chattopadhyay
A long shot of the stretch
where waves hug the shore
then freeze as a moment’s sketch
to never roar anymore!

Her footprints on the sandy turf
the winds would blow away
her trace of hunt from sparkly surf
for dead shells on the bay!

In her eyes glows red crab lust
her wings are ached for soar
so long the now not turns to dust
just once must love her more!

Fleeting time leaves one long shot
of cloud and dead trunk beach
carved with dream etched in thought
but never close to reach
 Apr 2015 qi
Musfiq us shaleheen
wind of summer
too vagabond
touching the melancholy afternoon
of the last pale season

flowing over the
deep yellow barren field
echoing the last mystic sound
though yet romantic
the purples are deep

butterflies are flying around
a few birds playing
on the ground
suddenly singing
uttering love

the golden yellow floating
in the eyes  
over hued

dropping on the ignored
wither leaves
as the rain drops that has made
a blue
day dream

crossing over the mind  
a jingle
leap singing
the very lost spring
scrolling into

even in the lonely dark night
rolling up
the sound
as the rolling stone
of the sounding sea

@Musfiq us shaleheen
 Apr 2015 qi
Give Me My Space
 Apr 2015 qi
Give me a minute
To read the stars
Lamenting in their stories
Their laboured twinkling far and sparse

Give me this moment
To stumble and swoon
My branches reaching for
The faraway moon

Give me a while
To be one with the universe
Hear the colliding planets
As they spill their mournful verse

Give me some time
To plot my rightful place
Within my uncharted galaxy
And collapsing space...
 Apr 2015 qi

Come sit and listen to my tale
I’ve written out in rhyme
About this very special girl
Well…Once upon a time

I watched her as she grabbed her sword
Through castle doors she strode
Her steed a mighty bloodline breed
Upon its back she rode

The villagers, a mass each side
Did cower deep of shame
To hide their faces, dark engulfed
Yet they were not to blame

The dragon, oh a wicked beast
Its flames their village feared
Roaring loud till mountains fell
This path of death it cleared

As she, so brave with golden shield
To not back down this day
Her hair a flow of springtime breeze
This dragon she would slay

While in their homes the people wept
Afraid to greet the sun
Curtains closed, bolted doors
As if their lives were done

This monster with its piercing eyes
Just laughed at their disgrace
Clawing mud and slinging guilt
A smile on its face

She raised her sword to touch the sky
So sharp this flying steel
To take this creature from its reign
Its fate her goal to seal

Through shutters, cracks of woven walls
The villagers did peer
To see this girl with maple eyes
Not show one ounce of fear

A fire like a raging wave
The dragon’s mouth did spew  
"You dare to face this charge of me
Your days I count are few"

With lightening speed she swung her blade
The likes of fables wrote
To slash this demon to its grave
So swift across its throat

The villagers came running out
To watch the flowing blood
And cheer when now their monstrous foe
Collapsed in one loud thud

She turned to face the growing crowd
Her beauty filled the air
Climbing down from on her horse
This moment she would share

"Our hero," shouted one and all
"A wondrous victory
You saved us, you are now our Queen
A place in history"

She blushed and offered this to them
"No hero, I’m no queen
This battle we have fought as one
You all have stood with me"

"This village it shall be our home
No matter what will fall
I am no different than you
No different at all"

"Together we shall face these tests
And battle ever true
For you are what makes this a home
In everything you do"

A celebration held that night
With lots of fun and laughter
For now they knew their world had found
Its happily ever after

So now you’ve heard my story long
Some truth, a little blur
You see this woman is my friend
I am so proud of her
A friend won a long fought battle today and in the process made things much easier for others around her as well.  I am so proud of her.
 Mar 2015 qi
like clockwork
 Mar 2015 qi
like clockwork
gods don't spare whispers
for wretches like me
you never gave hint
of your divinity
it burns to see your grace; i crave it anyway
 Mar 2015 qi
Spectrum Blue
 Mar 2015 qi
Blue is the boulder overlooking the bay
Loosely pocked by weather-worn stains
Unwavering guardian of all that lay
Enigmatic yet silently screaming its pains

Blue is the reflection dancing playfully
Laid generously by the twilight moon
Upon the vast canvas of the darkened sea
Elated ripples readily accepting such a boon

Blue is the halo encircling the moon
Lavish circlet gifted by the sun
Unnoticed by eyes that slumbered too soon
Evading the sands of time that run

Blue is the silhouette of a lone sailboat
Lurching and bobbing by will of the waves
Unknowingly catching the zephyrs that float
Eluding the fingers from watery graves

Blue is the man; perched upon the boulder
Lapping up the stars mirrored upon the sea
Usurped heart of his had never sung drearier
Ensnared by woeful wonderment...
*that man is me...
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