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 Mar 2015 qi
this fear
 Mar 2015 qi
you've not slept a wink
but the ugly truth glares
right back at you through the fog and is pushing
you quietly with its bony fingers, in the small of
your back. laughing and taunting, provoking and probing
some ridiculous interference, or a crazed mania
that begins setting your teeth on edge.
'you can't fight fire with fire,' your mother always said.
but that's not true and the green
eyed purple headed monster that is fear will
rear his ugly head, again and again and grimace at you
pushing you down into the muddy ground,
beating you into submission. and he's making a deal of it,
trying to slowly wear you down, bit by bit.
'give up' he growls, eyes flashing wildly.
but the warrior inside you soldiers onwards.
you'd be a sorry sight curled up on the floor, wracking
sobs tearing through your fragile body.
none of this makes sense to your little
brain. but it should. your mother told you it would be
'a wild goose chase, you're the one who'll win, not fear.'
but in your heart of hearts, you knew that was just consolation
for the child who was scared of the monster under the bed
the expectancy of life is so much worse than she ever promised
*and it's not safe. you're not safe. no one's ever safe from fear itself
 Mar 2015 qi
Your beauty shines especially when you help those around you,
I can see your inner light shine brightest
when you are standing dearly beside him,
and let him know that you will always be there.
Let him know that you will stand by him
even at times when he's given up.
Let your beauty free, let your beauty roam,
Let your beauty shine through,
for I know that you're beautiful.
You know who you are. ;)
Not really a poem, but I think it does the job! Best of luck, dearest. I know you will do great! <3 ((((hug)))))
 Feb 2015 qi
like clockwork
 Feb 2015 qi
like clockwork
it’s harder to let go the second time
when it’s been eight years and
the baby fat is gone from her cheeks
frumpy uniform now bold skirt and boots

but her eyes are still the same
and her gait still pulls you into her orbit
you’re a comet that’s circling back after all these years

she commands the air you breathe in
you’d empty your lungs for her again and again
there’s a puppet string tied to your heart
tugging you along after her

she hasn’t changed a bit.

but this time you’re just a dusty toy
tossed aside for fresher faces
and all you’re left with is
blurred memories
a longing in your chest
for the time when you knew her best
for nostalgia's sake
 Feb 2015 qi
Watch me in some corner of a dimly lit bar,
you will not recognize me;
I look the same, it's just that
when I laugh my face resembles
that of another woman.
I left my job 4 months ago and have done nothing but
climb every mountain.
I watch the sun drown the city I hate and
it emerges beautiful, and wavering;
Glowing in the dark is
the only way I know how to love it.

From the top,
I count every room I have ever slept in
one, two, three, four, five, & six;
The only thought I can hold is that
of the spilled cups on wooden nightstands
I am selfish, I am endless wasted days.

Sorry for writing you after so long
but I  guess I just miss
the person I was when
you still knew where to find me.
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