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May 2015 · 848
First love
Maria-Elise May 2015
When I saw him again, I was no longer nervous.

When I talked to him again, I was no longer convinced that people that love you so dearly can turn their backs on you I'm a second bc suddenly 16 months felt like 2 minute commercials in between the tv shows right before something majorly dramatic is about to happen.

I questioned everything, I believed nothing. For once in my life, my heart was strong but oh was my stomach weak.

I wanted to touch him in the most innocent way you can say it.

I wanted to see if he was real even if his words weren't.

Because though you never truly get over your first love, you get over the lies, wrongs, and injustice they've committed.

He told me I changed him 2 years ago. And when I saw him yesterday he said it again, but I knew the difference between the 2. Falling in love changes people, but so does getting hurt.
May 2015 · 373
Maria-Elise May 2015
I stared at a picture we took when we were happy.

But for some reason, I feel nothing but pain.

Make it stop, I tell myself.

Please, Please, Please, make it stop.
May 2015 · 592
I hope you want me too
Maria-Elise May 2015
I always dreamed the day where I would bump into on the street.
I like to picture myself happy, with a smile on my face, staring into your eyes playing back every memory that we had.
You would look the same, older of course. You had the same old white t-shirt you wore when you were a teen.
You would tell me about your family, I would tell you of mine.
We could laugh here and there, talking about the moments that got us to this exact moment.

I always dreamed of the moment where you would tell me you were sorry, for making my heart break, my eyes tear, my body ache. I would smile.
I would thank you for the life I have now.
You would tell me you had to go, and I would tell you my hopes of happiness that would go your way.

I always dreamed of the moment where he would say goodbye again and my heart would do nothing but ache for him. Many people won't understand this part, but I dream of this day because I want nothing but my heart back. He has every single piece of my heart. Every single piece of my **** heart. I hate him for it, I really do. I dream of the day that I can get reunited with my **** heart. And the second that, that guy takes a step away from me I lose it all over again. I lose him all over again but I would do anything to be with him again.
Maria-Elise May 2015
Even though he was gone, I still felt him there.
Haunting me.

He was there in my greatest moments, in my thoughts and in my prayers.
He was there in my worst moments, in my head but never actually there.

I closed my eyes, counted to ten, and tried to get you off of my mind, but it's been too long of a time.

I can't think of my life without you which is strange because that life is what I'm living now.

I swear sometimes that I hear your name. I can't get you out of my head. I can't get the feeling out of my heart.
I hope that I get over you soon
Maria-Elise Dec 2014
I didn't want to be cliché about it,
but he was the sun after the rain.
He was the light after the outage.
The courage in fear,
and the dessert after the meal.

He was the sigh of relief after a long day,
he was the wind in my sails on the vast ocean of my open heart.

I didn't want to be cliché about it, but there was no other way to describe the way I felt in my heart. Anything was possible. There was no reason to listen to sad music anymore, because for once in my life I was happy.

The poems I wrote weren't just strings of word simply pressed against a dead tree someone processed so we can write on, but heavy weighted letters that put together the reasons why you could look at a person and feel more at home than the place you grew up in.

He sat there asking me how much I loved him,
I pictured the rest of my life,
and how nice it would be with him holding my hand for the rest of forever.
I didn't want to be cliche about it,
"As much as the night brings out the stars, after the hours of them being covered up."
Oct 2014 · 510
Maria-Elise Oct 2014
They tell you to find something to love in every person you meet,
but I took the wrong advice.
I found someone to love everything about.

They tell you, "happiness comes from within"
but I found sanity in all the wrong places,
if your arms were a house I'd be home.

They tell you not to cry when its over,
but to smile at the time you've spent,
so how do I do that when I don't remember how many days it takes to revolve around the sun, because all of my days once revolved around you.

I can't fall in love with strangers, because someone I don't know took my heart.

I am a different person now too, and all I can think about is if we will meet again.
Maria-Elise Sep 2014
He asked me to write him a poem.
I thought it would be easy,
but it was as if I didn't know him.

I stared at a blank page for hours.
One word hit me hard,
and that word was flowers.

A dozen of them red.
And that is when I realized,
the words that could be said.

He came into my world.
I'm happy as can be, that of anyone,
I became his girl.

It's like my favorite song,
I will never stop replaying.
I could here it everyday, forever for so long.

He doesn't have an area that he could ever lack in..
Never seeming sparse.
He speaks to me with actions.

My mood is always good.
And this makes me happy to say,
saying, "I love you too."
Will always make my day.
Sep 2014 · 444
Take the gift
Maria-Elise Sep 2014
I met a girl that was in love with the past.
She kept a photograph with her everywhere she went.
It was the photograph of her and an ex.
"He will come back one day," She spoke.

I met a girl that was set on the future.
She kept a calendar in her purse at all times.
It was as if every day had something significant occurring.
"So many good things are happening!" She believed.

I met a girl who was focused on the present.
Every opportunity that arose she would take.
It was a second nature for her to live life to the fullest.
"It seems wrong not to." She was convinced.

Remember the girl that was in love with her past?
Yeah well, her ex never came back.
She looked forward to the future, when she'd find a new lover.
She ripped the photograph.

Remember the girl who carried the calendar?
It became booked.
She never had free time, and wanted to live in the moment.
She threw the schedule away.

And the girl who looked forward to every day?
She became old.
She couldn't do all that she wanted to do, and frequently looked back on the past.
She smiled constantly.

We are all on a journey of life.
Each day is filled with opportunities.
Don't wait till it is too late to realize it.
"Today is a gift, that's why the call it the present."
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Regrets are prohibited
Maria-Elise Sep 2014
To the all the guys I have kissed:

My first,

I thought you were sweet
too bad it didn't last

My drunkness,

I don't know who initiated it
perhaps it is better that way

My first boyfriend,

I thought you meant it
but I was the one who felt it.

My mistake,

You were a rebound.
I was payback.

My foolishness,

You leaned in and I felt bad.
Guess guilt is a nasty emotion.

My first love,

You wrote a song I loved to sing,
I wish you never forgot the words.

My payback,

I am sorry I used you,
I cried when I got home.

My sorrow,

I wish you told me you had a girl friend,
so I can break your neck, they way you'd break her heart.
Sep 2014 · 335
Maria-Elise Sep 2014
We were the Sun and the Earth
He gave me warmth, I gave him purpose.
He lit me up, I gave him a reason.

However, like the Sun and the Earth,
our orbit was an ellipse,
close to being perfect, but was always a little off.

I walked right past him in the hall today,
it reminded me of house the Earth revolves around the sun once a year.
Then, the distance grows.

I know you don't realize it,
but the Earth needs the Sun to function.
Then it hit me.

I have forgotten
I was one planet out of 9.
And I needed you more than you needed me.

{MC} © All rights reserved.
Maria-Elise Sep 2014
They say you write about one of two things:

Either the last day of summer,
when you're sitting at the edge of a cliff with your 3 best friends.
You're talking about the future and realize they're the only ones who had your back.
You watch the sunset and plan to take on the world together.

Or you can write about the day after that,
when you and your friends split up in 4 different ways.
You never speak to them again.
The only thing you have left is a bunch of strangers,
decorated in picture frames.

— The End —