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 May 2017 M Harris
There's a time, somewhere between 12am and 6am,
When all artistic, damaged or insomniatic souls
Feel like they're completely alone
Even though we're all awake and feeling the same thing.
12am is still too loud, still too car engines and shouting,
And 6am is too light, too exposing and awake, aware.
It's blackness but for the starlight puncturing holes in the sky,
That's when the magic arises and enchants us.
The way the moon looks at us and begs us to untrouble our weary hearts,
So we do it, and we do it willingly.
She is the most unfaithful lover, and it is beautiful.
How she cherishes each whispered secret so deeply
That it leaves a crater on her being.
How she takes on our pain unflinchingly,
And only needs 28 days to feel whole again.
There's a time, somewhere between 12am and 6am,
When the most trapped souls can feel such freedom.
Not entirely convinced that insomniatic is a word, but it should be.
 Apr 2017 M Harris
Heedlessly, do I wonder
if perhaps you, too, are alone this night;
gazing beneath the veil of a starlit sky
gliding in the vast emptiness
between the starts.
 Apr 2017 M Harris
slipping in her wet painted petal
bitten by the sting of his bee
her first time, he fumbles being gentle
excitement dancing in his driving need

instinctively possessed
arcing her hips experimentally
his maleness sweetly carressed
teasing his need, tremendously

each submersion in her sweetness
peaking waves swelling in her breast
entwining rhythmic explosiveness  
pulsating gush, plunging over the crest
Metaphorically speaking... lol
 Apr 2017 M Harris

    are like
        in the sand.

         They tell...
          In so many
         where you
         came from.

        How far
       you've walked.
       How lightly
       you've trodden.
        And how hard
         you've dug
          your toes
            in deep.

           don't get
           washed away
            so easily
             by the tide.

 Apr 2017 M Harris
blue mercury
fractured limbs/fragile lugs/soft-skinned dreams/sweet slow dances

loving you is like spilling gold out of my veins, like rose hips soft and shivering under warm fingertips. being yours is you being mine, but always reaching for you to be more.

in my stomach are glistening oceans, and my swallowed pride the size of vicodin pills. a small town girl's high on love and laying in her bed.

lilting laughter/lovely lights/revival of language & direction/return of lucid daydreams

you are my first thought when i wake, and my last when i fall asleep. i'm so very in love with you. the more days i spend being your girl, the more i want to be with you.

i always want to be where you are. my head on your shoulder, you rest your head on top of mine. we're holding hands, and it's like we fold into each other like russian dolls.

comfortable skin/crushed sapphire/lovers blessed/lush bones
i'm so in love
Happy was she,
never knew can feel.
Paid a good fee,
pain that never heel.

Night were fight,
that left her apart.
Days were delight,
that staked her heart.

Happy was she,
after making a run.
Paid a good fee,
now had left none.

Beauty was gift,
got many to follow.
Could beauty shift,
which left her hollow.

Happy was she,
by starting new life.
Paid a good fee,
by walking on knife.

Memories and scars,
body had them all,
Many nights behind bars,
her fear were that tall.

Happy was she,
never gave up hope.
Paid a good fee,
never trying to stop.
A salute to those girls who are forced to work as ******* and they run away from these red light area.
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