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M Clement Nov 2012
**** this dude is annoying as hell
Says the over indulged little man on his
Hipster compy

Can you feel the self-loathing?
Good. Cuz, this is me slitting wrists

Nothing is really that impressive when you write it yourself
I’m never proud of the words
Arranged on paper

But ****, that guy can poet.
**** English, I do whatever I **** well please
Let me chill you.

I’ve heard children be labeled as mistakes
I still can’t believe that.
I could sit here and write salt all day
That **** would still surprise me.
Like a one-legged ****** bursting out of the cake on the 4th of July.
8.8k · Apr 2014
M Clement Apr 2014
I just want to write one more,
      before I become an adult again.
Time to go do things.
7.3k · Apr 2014
M Clement Apr 2014
And just like that,
         He's back to square one
                Feeling a lowly sort of depressed
         He thought was over
Oh so long ago
Welp, tonight's been great.
M Clement Dec 2012
Drink me away
Drink me away
Drink me near

Where's you fridge
I need a beer
To help forget
And to add more calories
I didn't eat today
I hope my momma's proud of me

Give me love
Give me life
Give me *** for memory

***** and redbull
Is my frenemy

Bring me to waters,
Early in the morn.
Bring me to waters,
Two doors from the dorm.
M Clement Aug 2013
My father always had a picture
hanging up over the mantle.

It was an oil,
possibly acrylic, painting.

I've always been terrible with art,
and the definitions and distinctions

It had a gold-leaf frame, and I recall,
as a child, staring at the shine
that the sun reflected off of the
beautiful gold that surrounded the

The picture itself, however, was
far more extraneous:
a deer head and the body of a businessman.

The suited businessman's body sat in a chair,
within the painting, but instead of a man's head
poking out of the collar, there was a deer's head.
It was adorned with antlers, two to be exact, and
it sat above that mantle, staring emotionless into you
or the distance.

I was never sure which it was.

And after my father passed, I inherited the deer head
and the body of a businessman.
I have an idea for a series of poems revolving around the title of this particular one. I hope to see it to the end as well as pick back up on some previous goals of poetry.
3.7k · Nov 2012
Cocaine and Waffles
M Clement Nov 2012
Staring at a blank page
Why won’t my brain fit into you?
Poetry’s my new ****
I hope the cleanup’s easy

Jazzy enterprises
It’s time for some improv.
Do I look like a **** to you?
I say to my stepmom

If I wanted my comeback
I’d get it off your mom’s chin.
I love it now,
That faded, stupid grin.

Go **** your high horse,
I bet it’ll reach you.
Horses have big *****
Like the people who win web arguments

Congrats to you,
Oh ye fake SOB
Shakespeare, rather queer
Bites his thumb at thee

I can’t say I enjoy this
Painting on paper
Words being the brush
To which I’m engaged by

I’m doing this for you
You better know
I find no joy in this
Like war on veteran’s day.
3.7k · Jun 2013
M Clement Jun 2013
He came,
He left,
She followed

Turquoise paintings of purple hues
Often bring about madness
4th degree burns turn blue
In sunlight
Breaking 4th wall
**** in hand
Third-leg stand
Exhaustion creeping over bones

The vitamin
Makes a graduation
From the bowels of the high

Exact measurements
My ***** is this big
Preschool measuring
There are 3 cups of juice left over
How many ounces in a cup?

Pig pen
See men
Wafting around in filth

Await for something post period
Pregnant pauses
I may start posting a backlog soon.
M Clement Dec 2012
Wet, dripping
Hot, sweaty
Meatpacking shop
Cutting up cows
Cold ***** in your local safeway
I have no *******
Prompt: "Cold *****"
3.5k · Jan 2013
Bear Puns, I like it.
M Clement Jan 2013
They say miming of one's work is the best flattery
Those scientists better check their hypotenuses

Poem getting grizzly
***** better have my honey
3.0k · Jun 2014
M Clement Jun 2014
Willing to give and receive
oral ***
to and from the opposite gender

I nearly shouted in an airport
I nearly came on your face: short

there was nothing there
There was nothing there

Crazy people with their crazy hairs
Lazy husbands with their Lay-Z chairs

I nearly ******* myself up.
I ******* myself up.
I ******* myself.

Lustful irrealities succumbing to brain thoughts
in the part of mine own crime scene

Is it really that bad?
Is it really that bad?
Am I really that bad?
2.7k · Oct 2013
M Clement Oct 2013
Apple bottom *******
I take time for snitches

Stitches for fourth degree burns
I’ll meet you in the ditches

The trenches
The sneakers

The benches
For tweakers

Let’s be family on the further side
Of normal

Let’s be ******* on the closer side
Of formal

I rhyme when it comes to me
I shine when she **** to me
A throwback to the more inappropriate rhymes of yore.

I dislike that I like it, but it is there nonetheless.
2.7k · Sep 2013
M Clement Sep 2013
You, you son of a Think
Everything I You did for you.
You piece of Can
What the Censor did you think would happen?
Are you Me surprised?
You shouldn’t be,
You *******.
I had a bit of fun.
2.7k · Mar 2013
The Streets
M Clement Mar 2013
He sat, completely repentant
He had hurt her before, he knew
There was defeat in his shoulders

"I would like to pray about this," he said, searching for change in a greater aspect.

She needs a husband who's going to be around
Better around beating than away?
He had put that past behind him
She felt reason to bring it up
She needs a husband
He's there, but apparently,
Not enough
Defeat in his being

She keeps talking and talking
Saying the same things over and over
Beating him with the same verbal stick
He feels awful
He knows his wrongs
He lacks self forgiveness
He fears himself
He fears losing her due to his own actions

He desires to pray
He wants, and is seeking change
She's stuck
Stick in hand
On the attack

She's stuck in a
No forgiveness in the
Hardened heart
He's defeated,
Wanting so badly for change
I watched this scene unfold before my eyes. I'm not sure why I was a bystander, and I wanted to speak; however, it was not my war; it was not my place.
2.6k · May 2014
M Clement May 2014
And with that,
Words drift away in smoke
As pages crinkle, and blacken slowly
And we mourn for the loss of information
For the loss of wisdom
As the words float loftily in smoke
And covers burn with fervor
Prompts from Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook. This one was: burning books.
2.4k · Dec 2012
Bad trip(s)
M Clement Dec 2012
Angry skies and gnarled trees
Fish fly by in the wind
Spitting out water

Pavement's grand fissures
Bushes with briars
Five feet long
Tearing at the flesh of passersby

Grass of razors
Chairs of torture
Tables of barbed wire
M Clement Jun 2013
There's a plethora of albums in my mind
And a good deal weighing on my heart

My brain desires fluctuation
Bipolar fixations based around emotion
And Unicorns with rainbows on blue,
wearable ocean

And everything is a microcosm
seemingly inconsequential
When looked at solely from
the view of entrusting it to You
And all the fear that rides the
coattails of such a decision.
Wrote this in the car after a trip to the bookstore.
M Clement Jul 2013
I could be on Ecstasy
But I’m not.
I’m a pill.

I could be on Crack or ****,
But I’m not
I’m white, and rock solid

I could be on Marijuana,
But I’m not
I don’t even have enough green to buy groceries.

I could be on poetry,
But I’m not
I’m just formal and wordy.
M Clement Aug 2013
I remember that day specifically;
How could I forget it?

The day my wife passed.
Or left.
I consider it the same.

It was July of 2003, and
the 17th day of said month.
She looked at me bewildered.
As women are oft to do when they don't understand me.
She said something that I only
remember as incoherent.
For I was elsewhere.

She had stated something
about my lack of work.
While it's true,
I had not seen my cubicle in weeks,
I had more important matters in which to attend.
She lacked understanding,

And as she reached for the piece in which I was staring at,
Threatening to tear it up,
To burn it,
I lashed out in such anger that I ne'er knew was possible.
I screamed
as through force, I knocked her down.
I threatened to tear her up,
to burn her.
And with wide eyes filling with tears,
She left me alone
Alone in the house
Staring silently at the deer head
and the body of a businessman

That my father had left me
When he left me

The inheritance of the deer head and the body of a businessman.
2.2k · Feb 2013
It started with an email
M Clement Feb 2013
I just sent an email to my Mom.
Part of me feels it
Part of me wonders if I'm overdramatic

I feel like ****.
Like, I feel different than when I felt depressed
But this is still not a place I want to be

I never feel ok anymore.
I'm not even sure what ok feels like.

I keep wanting to drink for all the wrong reasons
I never get drunk
But I always want to reach that happy nirvana
That "tipsy enough to forget all your worries" place
There's something seriously wrong with me

I haven't actually talked to my family in AZ for over a month
I schedule skype dates with a woman I'll probably never see again
More than I do with my own father.
What type of **** is that?

I looked at ****, I ****** myself today.
I feel like the biggest ******* this planet has seen.

I also lack self forgiveness.

I got an email back from a priest today.
I told him I'd be interested in joining the priesthood
I realized I might have been lying,
But honestly,
I don't even know!
I feel like I'm sitting on my thumb,
Trying to figure out the world as it
Races by me,
Unwilling to stop and allow me to catch my breath
Or read the signs or understand a **** shred of anything

This is what I'm talking about
Part of me feels this,
And the other part just scoffs, and says I'm melodramatic
Pick yourself up
Dust yourself off and figure out
what the hell you're doing

I feel so alone anymore.
Like, if there's not someone by my side
I somehow lack basic humanity.
Like I need someone to be there
If they aren't, I'm obviously not worth much

I closed the blinds four different times today.
I didn't want the neighbors to see my actions.
After a certain point, I closed them to watch a movie
And I haven't opened them back up,
even though
it would probably cheer me up a great deal

This is probably one of the longest "poems"
I've ever written.
It's not poetry, it's freestyle
Not like it matters,
It's like an art major defining the different strokes that an artist used in a painting
Like I give a ****
It's still a painting

Lent is one of the hardest times of the year.
I feel it with every fiber of my being.
Nothing about this situation makes me feel ok.
I feel out of body, out of mind, out of soul.
I'm pretty sure, at this point, St. Peter wouldn't let me in.
In my heart of hearts I want it desperately, but
The rest of me still says no.

I'm so messed up it's ridiculous.
And I sent an email to my mom chronicling her son's failures
Her son's issues,
And why,
Her son
Needs to go back to a counselor
Because I'll be ****** if he's not "fixed" yet.
This is me being completely honest. I'm in a pretty bad place right now. This was therapeutic to write, and while I don't know if anyone can "enjoy" it, know that I hope it reaches you in a way that helps you.
M Clement Dec 2012
Allow me
For a moment
To run my face along the keys

Listening to hip-hop
It's the mainstream poetry
Spoken word to beat
Bring the anger,
The fury
The feelings

But make sure it's ****
God forbid
If it's not ****, it's pathetic,
Well, for me.

Bring me emotions
All colors
Bring me depth of spirit
Dark and light
Bring me truth
I want to see the world in your

Bring me music,
Of all kinds
Just know that now,
Hip-hop is keeping me busy.
2.1k · Dec 2012
Intelligent... (10 words)
M Clement Dec 2012
I have no clue
What I'm doing right now.
2.1k · Feb 2013
On the beaches of Normandy
M Clement Feb 2013
I’d love to take up the flag for something meaningful
And by ‘love to’ I mean hate
And by ‘something meaningful’ I mean anything
2.1k · Dec 2012
A lot of chatter
M Clement Dec 2012
Normally, I have something to write
But today is poorly lacking

Too many arguments in just as many days
Comebacks are the things I'm saving

Did I mention virginity?
Want to see my V-card?

Let's call this high school baby,
I can be your point-guard

Sexuality and innuendos
Silence, is what I need.
Let's play horse, baby
I'll be your steed
2.0k · Jun 2013
M Clement Jun 2013
I thought I'd write something about breakups
But then I gave up

And that made me happier.
M Clement Sep 2013
Food-bourne illness
setting rot
Taking time to *******
and thinking of the give and take
and give and take
to *******
Masticate on words of rhyme
and with beer and lime
take the appropriate amount
of lemon juice
and squeeze directly into the
all-seeing eye.

With no fear of reconciliation
and no idea for recollection
and no money for the collection plate
I'm left at odds with the fact
that I used *******
three times in this
jambalaya of words.

Stream of consciousness? I just wrote, so... enjoy?
2.0k · Mar 2013
M Clement Mar 2013
The Kuwait Warriors are in my Jeans
My new favorite cartoon
Saturday mornings, sugar cereal, spoons
I use force to deal with the mentally ill

Prison gauge my earrings, brah
Psychiatric hospitals for playtime with myself

I can ******* to hippopotamus
Look to me like I’m amazing
I’ll be a living god

Not really, more flu shots
Put them in my eye
Sky for my eye and flanksteak for my heart
Give me all the Bacon and Eggs you have

I call my mustache the crop duster
Cuz I’m always cleaning bush with it
Blow a load
Of cash
On my body shots
M Clement Aug 2013
I’m not sure what implored me to put the picture as my centerfold.
Of that I’m sure I’ll never know.
Instead, I just did. No questions asked.
Though the picture had always perturbed me in a slight, quiet way, it was something that my father prided enough.
Why should I not pride it as well?
Besides, my wife said it really “tied the room together”.

I told her that I still didn’t understand that phrase,

But that’s neither here nor there.

Every day, I passed that painting on the way out the door,
And on the way back in to the heart of my home.
My wife and I embraced a multitude of times
in front of our deer-headed ******
In his suit, painted onto that canvas, framed with gold leaf
That shined just so, when the sun hit it.
And I’ll always remember that my father left it for me
When he died.

Me specifically.

I inherited the deer head, and the body of a businessman.
Finally got the inspiration to write part two. Though I have a general outline of what I want out of this series, I'm not sure how it will end, or even what each poem will hold. I'm very excited to see how it turns out. Are you?
1.9k · Mar 2013
Walking on a Sunny Day
M Clement Mar 2013
Yellow jackets’ yellow jackets
Licorice made of Venison
Stand over there, quite queer, my dear
While I drink a handle of Jameson

**** wizards and Eddie Izzard
Speak to me in glad tidings
Astronauts, sweet lizards' space gizzards
Jump over the back of book bindings

***** the misconceptions
Drive off the road into gravy
Split the checks, and **** on decks
Mistake my sound perceptions

Habeus Corpus
Parlay with ***
Start with darts
And move to the porpoise
1.9k · Feb 2013
Bean Juice
M Clement Feb 2013
Transvestites handing
Out caffeine
Coffee cross dressing
Blonde wig
Chiseled features
Red dress
Peacock out to compare feathers

Coffee, you had me at
Black Roast
Espresso beans and water
"Bean Juice" I've heard it called

Make-up to makeout
(Daddy Issues Alike)
Peacock left me be
Take my coffee and leave
Sharing is caring: this was from my notebook. I hope you enjoy it.
M Clement Feb 2013
I stared into the abyss
And it stared back

My eyes Hazel
Its eyes black

I screamed, I yelled
I condemned it to hell

I stared into the abyss
And it stared back

Knowing me far too well
Sharing is caring: this is from my personal stash (my notebook). Enjoy... please?
1.8k · Mar 2013
Haikus for yous
M Clement Mar 2013
"I never thought," said
She awaiting responses
I cared none at all
Bring about all change
Said the women in the hats
Voting for switched thoughts
Unexplained, mispoken thoughts in
Slightly elder speech
Steampunk, take old junk
Make them into something grand
The robotic hand
If I were asian
I'd eat my cultural food
In Panda Express
Ironic, lightly
Grazing lions on the grass
The Antelope hunt
Haikus for all yous
Travelling down the dirt roads
Win Sobriety
**** jokes take folks and
Make them into prudes, so rude,
But I keep joking
I'm at nine, can't stop
I'll keep writing till the drop
Of the pen runs dry
I pay no heed to
All the words said by Sifu
I am poor student
I figured, why not try haikus.
1.8k · Apr 2013
Thinking with both minds
M Clement Apr 2013
I think I'm bi-polar
Maybe not emotionally,
Scratch that
But I feel like I've got split-personality disorder
There's part that wants to let go
And the other part so desperately holding on

I want to look you in the eyes
and ask you what you're doing here
I want to ask you what we are
I want to ask you if we're just using each other
If, really, we're just both getting a physicality that we'd otherwise be missing
Part of me wants to just let it be
And the other part so desperately wants to ask

I wonder if you think this is going to last
I wonder if we're fooling ourselves
I wonder if what we're doing is what should be happening
I wonder why you make me think so much

I hope you're happy
You're making me think
That was your goal, wasn't it?
I hope you're happy

I hope you're happy
Because I wonder
if this house
is built to last
At the sign of storm
Or tidal wave
It'll come crashing down
Should we start looking at insurance?
1.8k · Nov 2012
Feeding Soliloquy
M Clement Nov 2012
My tummy box is broken
Said the man to the spoon
******* rhymings
To satisfy good tidings
Fake smiles to satisfy
Good people

Satisfied with what I make
Dissatisfied with what I take
Broken satisfaction
A one-man factioned

We all suffer from
So take what’s best of me.
I seem to be the worst at what I do.

Can I visit weekly? Is that cool by You?
I can make a fool of myself at least once a week.
Can you turn so I can smack Your other cheek?
4th wall broken, here’s a token of my gratitude.
I play the fool for a feeling that’s earthly
Wait with baited breath, I’m almost done.

FBI shopping, lets find a bomb to blow.
Legalize this to make me okay with it.
Let’s party it up to make me feel better.
A good grind to get my mind off things.

Opposing the opposable
Folding to the foldable
All I am seems worthless
All I am seems ridiculous.
M Clement Sep 2013
I sat and visited for a long hour today.
I sat and talked for a while.
I was all alone save for you,
My dearest of dear friends.

I haven’t seen another soul,
Save for you,
In, well, I can’t recall how long.

And I can’t say I’m too saddened.

There’s blood stains on the walls
Simply because you asked for it.
Though they've longed turned brown.

You've been walking through the halls,
I do hope you're happy.

Business formal
With Ticks in the collar

The people that came here,
I still hear the hollers.

The house is empty,
Save for you.
The house is empty.
The house is empty.
Save for you.

You're my inheritance,
From my long dead father,
My dearest of dear friends.
The deer head and the
body of a businessman.
I'm thinking there'll be one more. What say you?
1.7k · Apr 2013
Dead by Dawn
M Clement Apr 2013
A werewolf in London
and a deadite in my basement
Ghosts in my TV
as Predators hit the Pavement

Engineers face the stars
On distant planets far
As Aliens bleed green
Leaving armor charred

The king of Lizards
sets foot in San Diego
With a Chupacabra
dwelling in Mexíco

Zombie Redneck Torture families
Say goodbye to the cashpot
Merman flopping forward, determined
A man's face really hits the spot

I have a hotpocket for lunch
And an appetite for destruction
Let's turn on the TV
And use it for one function
1.7k · Sep 2013
M Clement Sep 2013
eight, nine
nine, eight, nine
Hello, father, spare me a dime,
and pay the mime with
five landmines;
******* the bridge if
we've got time.

Appalachian Yeti-man:
set fire to the trashcan.
Call me hobo-stan,
and if the beard fits
grow it.

Show it;
show me the D.
stay with me;
Explain for free:
of the mind"
for a time.

Robot-o me,
Mr. Oregato.
Set phasers to ****
Make fun of he
for bad grammar
and intellectuality.
He dumber;
me smarter.
She's aderall;
I'm martyr.

Destroy my innards,
I need them not.
She leaves me rot,
and he feeds me Scott.

Scottie doesn't know
that Fiona and me
eat him in a van while
he's sleeping.
call me Hannibal,
and she's the Jane to my
pulling the fruits of
my loom.
I just started writing in class, and I kept going. This was the outcome; it was very stream of thought, and, at times, I attempted to rhyme a little here and there.

Sharing is caring.
1.7k · Apr 2014
M Clement Apr 2014
The unfortunate part:
I didn't lose my vision
nor attraction
Pretty self explanatory.
1.7k · Jul 2013
Hotline Miami
M Clement Jul 2013
There's blood on the floor
And gristle on his cleaver
  Masks in the box at the corner
  of the small apartment flat
Hidden behind a moto-helm
Driving by fun, of the socio-style
  Richard, Phil, Charlie, the gang
  Over the head, face remains changed
Travel through the Phonehom
Slashing through the fleshy barriers
  Coming on a grisly scene
  Awaiting something new to see
Quick rap-tapping
Keyboard strokes
  Pushing through the double doors
  This is it folks

For the US, for the US!
The *****'s will fall
  But these two,
  At the moment, don't know it
  At all
I just beat Hotline Miami. It was amazing. That being said, I'm not so sure this poem is... Oh well, what's written is written.
1.7k · Mar 2013
M Clement Mar 2013
Anachronous monogamy
Schwarzenegger gets to the choppa
Invisible maliciousness awaits to those who
Explore the jungles, Danny Trejo just wants help
Crisis in the management takes two eggs to heal it
Two eggs, two dregs, two more lines to make it through
The day. **** like howitzers, snake in my trousers, wearing overalls
Doesn’t make me gay. Pig farmers, snake charmers, **** undercover, pigs
Make the best companions. Dead of night, chill or fright, I’m here so talk to me.
Sharing is caring
Inspiration of Predators, Predator, and personal thoughts.
1.6k · Apr 2014
M Clement Apr 2014
He sits in overwhelming

In a sense, protesting what was ne'er to

With a beer in one hand, and work in the

There's much to be done,

This silence, he

Is like an interwoven

Seemingly nothing gets

Not even what he needs
1.6k · May 2013
M Clement May 2013
Take my brain
I hope it's matter
Break away from all the things we said we'd be

False pretense
On happenstance
All my socks have holes
Breaking molds
Of wither and tither
I keep your family on standby
Hand-holding lullaby

There was a cake on my doorstep
And a front porch on my brain stem
Again and again
And Asian
And never have I ever
Played a game with this many fingers

Following muffin-tops to your local coffee cart
There's a joke there

Breaking, breaking
Silence retaking
I haven't heard from you in a fortnight
Mind's eye
Bedroom follies

I hope you get better
As I write letter by letter
And hope that you're not mad
Sad, enraged, but glad
****-mad and tired
Fired the liar
Who broke the back of the cat next door
Heart attack on front porches
Cause distress and sores
On the back of the man
Who did nothing  but hoard
For more and more and more

God be with us, I do pray
But Mary take my prayers away
Make them better, I ask, I say
And send them to who needs them most
M Clement May 2013
I'm listening to Chance the Rapper
And there's some whimsy in these veins
Give me a weeken' of sleepin'
I think I can come around after that


Take a tire iron to the side of my face
My mind's lost its wheels

All I want to do is *******
Just to feel
******* to self-sabotage
Explosions of regret
And possible highs
of Seratonin and Dopamine

Let's get high

It's weird
When I was a kid
My goal was to make everyone
Stop smoking
Seeing that white puff
Trail from the mouths of adults
All I wanted was for them to realize what they were doing
The un-healthy choices they were making

And now
all I think about
Is buying a pack
Just to cut the
Edge off of
the ****
I'm feeling
Keyholed poet

See what I did there?
It was an on-purpose accident

Am I really meant for priesthood?
Is that something that's in my life?
I mean, what, 4+ years solo?
Dates in between,
and ladies, thank you
For the times where you remind me
I'm worth a ****
Or an hour of your time.
But for the most part, I'm solo

My mom, God Bless her, has been single
Dates in between
For 7+ years
Maybe I'll catch up.
Maybe I'll outpace her

She sent me her will the other day
You're looking at the guy in charge of her life
Should she be unable to make decisions.
Well, I guess you're not looking
You're reading, some half-assed-therapy foreplay
Ladies, love me, I'm a weird, depressing sack of ****.
Aww, poor baby
Pick yourself up off the ******' floor and make something of yourself
God willing, there's something
I just gotta put on some different
These are getting dark
Maybe I need to drop off the map
And find a cleaner
Do they have those for rose lenses?
1.6k · Mar 2013
Thor Has Sexy Teeth
M Clement Mar 2013
Another, another! My fine-feathered brother
Tie me to the post and set me alight
I read the many poems you wrote
Please gag me with a spoon

I expect around 6 inches. Hoagie rolls of Garlic and cheese
Subway to the nearest, newest country
Let’s build nuclear weapons
Burn this mother down

I tore my shirt open when I looked at your mouth
The **** that I saw was more than I could handle
Let’s get crazy, baby
Let’s play schizophrenia

Foreplay, moreplay, doorplay, whoreplay
Rhyming is the second cutest thing you can do
With your mouth
Start yelling, I will, I will!
Champagne drownings
It's weird; I recognize these don't make sense, but there's a piece of them I feel. I do hope you enjoy it.
1.6k · Dec 2012
Is this worth a name?
M Clement Dec 2012
I refuse to stop now,
See I'm only just beginning

Veil over the collective
Let's move from spiritualism
Pentagrams and upside down crosses
Illuminati to satanism

Let's put it in modern music,
We're gonna die young

Let's lose ourselves in lust
In sweat
In pagan ritualism
Let's go for shock value
Over the normal cynicism

Let's drink ourselves to death
And ****** into life

I can't believe
This is modern music.
1.5k · Sep 2013
Hell hath no fury like...
M Clement Sep 2013
His breath tasted like ash
His hands felt coarse
The softness that once pervaded his personality
Gave way to a jagged precipice that was him incarnate
Why treat someone right if you have someone on the side?

Everything that I once recognized as beautiful
Now burns up in the wreckage that is his smoldering BMW
Maybe that ***** in his bed will get the message sooner than I did.
With a strike of a match, and about a gallon and a half of gas,
I go places,
But he won’t be able to.
Prompt: In the persona of a woman scorned

Based on a prompt given in response to "I Need Your Assistance".
1.5k · Apr 2014
M Clement Apr 2014
Crude and ****** words are for the crude and ****** birds
As I ****, ****, ****, and otherwise defecate on everything that ever mattered to you or I

Clever sweat beads cascade off the forehead of someone far more important than I
And the cleverest of intentions leave the cleaverest wounds in the forethoughts of those who I care for

Nevermind you or I, or the fact that these words have yet to grace the thought-o-sphere,
let us be, let us me
Let us remember who we tried to aren't.

Insecurities be ******,
I have words.
I'm on antidepressants, and for the first time in a while, I felt the desire to write. I hope you enjoy it.
1.5k · Dec 2012
Looking at a textbook
M Clement Dec 2012
Will you make a friend with me?

Curves and hairs
And you-know-wheres
Lips and tips
Of fingers

Kisses from misses
And dangers from strangers
What clothes can hide

Familial and not
Familiar and never-known
Bright faces
And moods to go along

Great, beautiful anatomy
Sculpted in clay
Finer than diamonds

When life is up,
To the ground with thee,
From dust
To dust
M Clement Jan 2013
(Did I cover all the bases?)
1.5k · Dec 2012
Alliteration pt. 1
M Clement Dec 2012
******* alike angels, allowing acts almost as awful as ****
Will finish up the alphabet soon. This is 1/26.
M Clement Apr 2013
I like to pretend I'm a bomb
(During ***)
Watch me blow up (Covered in Latex)
like a good bomb squad (We hit the deck)
******* on false pretense (We can make it to the kitchen)
Baby, baby, baby
Cradle-rocking ******* on the back seat frame
(You promised to give me brain)
I'm the scientist of my own demise (Turning truth into twisted lies)
I listen to the same music for every emotion
(I am backwards, spinning ocean)
I've been swearing less (But that doesn't matter here)
**** Epitome
(Holiday Cheer)
Put it in your mouth, it's so much cuter (I stay sitting by the computer)
I can be clever, I can be ******
(I can keep springtime into October)
I miss writing like this some days, and others, I'm glad to get away from it.
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