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I only ever
want to
in all things
Only the eyes of an artist could see
the mistake I am,
and yet still think of me as his masterpiece.

Flaw by seemingless flaw
I was created.
Sewn together with intricacy and care
from my delicate skeletal structure
to my foundation of muscle and fats.
Knowledge and hard logic
corresponding with feelings
and favorable decisions.
Pain and tears,
blood and sweat;
is what I am.
And who I am
depends on the crowd I'm in.
Aligned perfectly in body and soul
just like the planets dancing around the sun.

And in all of this
he signed his name
in MY fingerprint;
looking past all my flaws.
Making it obvious
that I am his
and he, truly is, mine.
 May 2016 Luna Fides
I want your arms around me again.
I want to feel the adrenaline I felt that night when you kissed me for the first time in that old sofa.
I want to feel your body near mine we can hardly breath.
I want to feel the passion we both had at making each other laugh even when we were mad.
I want you to come home every sunday at 1am like you used to and talk until we fell asleep.
I want our conversations back.
I want your kisses back.
I want your hands back.
I want to make you feel loved again.
I want to feel loved by you again.
I want you to drive me insane like you used to.
I want your touch in my cold skin.
I want to share my favorite songs with you.
I want you.
I want us.

Missing someone.
 May 2016 Luna Fides
 May 2016 Luna Fides
You just need closure.
All you really want is an answer to your how, why & when?
How did they lead you to this?
Why did they?
& when did it all fall apart.
The answer doesn’t lie within the response of the ones that hurt us,
but from the actions of the ones that did.
The answer was there the moment they decided you didn’t deserve one.

 May 2016 Luna Fides
we find ourselves crumpled like paper
my nosebleed acts like glue
you smell and taste like pixie dust
my eyes roll around the room

ascending towards heaven
i grip your ribs like handrails

you stop me short -
'i'm going to...'

and like a napkin under the dinner table
i’m falling off your lap

you'll remember me when you need to clean up
when you need to wipe your hands
 May 2016 Luna Fides
 May 2016 Luna Fides
"What's the saddest word for you?"

People answered,

"What's the happiest word?"
People answered,
Dancing light of that sliver
of a silvery moon shines.
Since you've been gone,
I search for you
among the stars.
Searching out the brightest one,
Since I know that's you.

— The End —