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Her love heavy
Her soul corrupt
Because when she loved, she loved too much
Our relationship  was born out of a friendship
and thus we began to form a fellowship.

In due time our trust for one another began to grow
whilst our love for one another began to sow.

Time went by and you fell sick
the cancer spread, you still looked delicate.

Although you're not with us anymore
I shall begin my decent down on to the shore.

My only motivation to live was you
so this is the only way for our love to start anew.
Cut my wrist on a knife again
I swear it was an accident
But as i felt the rushing pain
It distracted me from the constant emotional pain that is life
i have stepped over the line in to insanity
i'm having discussions  with paper and it replies with words
it speaks of sadness, depression, and loneliness  
but when the people heard

                                    they called it poetry...
typing whatever comes to mind, it helps me sleep at night :)
Another is born, another has passed
Families tested, time elapsed
Children have grown, funerals are planned
Everyone's defenses are soon to be unmanned
Children have aged, memories forgotten
Life goes on, personalities rotten.
Who is Lucifer? Who is this being we never wish to meet?
Some say he was sent down from the heavens, causing mayhem in God's keep.
Consuming the soul of evil, he is the creator of monstrosity, upheaval.
A living lie or a horrible truth, for me and you will there ever be proof?
His existence is unknown, a passenger of evil unlikely to make atone.
Is it an angel, an human soul, or an evil creature? For all we know he could be following out procedure.
Dumping all of my old poetry.
My Love for you is strong
My Love for you is wrong

Nights without you are so lonely
You make me feel so homely

My life is not worth living
When your love for me stops giving

Your touch so pure
It makes my sadness cure

My Love for you is true
And I will always love you
Where are you now?
You leave me with nothing but my crown.
I was your king and you were my queen. Who would have thought we were nothing but teens.
I admit that I was not strong, but I was there for you through right and wrong.
The past is the past, these memories sure won't last.
But if you could take it all back, would you? Because I won't, could you?
Coming up with titles is a lot more tougher than making up the actual poem (:
'Darling', they would say, ''s all in your head, the voices, the shadows, there's no one under the bed.'

oh how I wish that that were true
           for now my face
has turned
                      a blue.
Death was here but she didn't stay for long, she gave me a message and said to pass it on, 'Don't worry, my child, your time has not yet come, for I am death and I'll tell you when to run.'
This is where the people came to die, but die they never did.
The pond could talk and talk it did, and this is what it said.
"Look real close and listen well for there is a story that I must tell.
Strange things did happen here and people, oh they perished, but when I arrived, I told them life, that life is one to be cherished.

Laugh at the little things, laugh at the joyous things, laugh with your family and laugh with your friends.
Laugh and Smile.
This is not the end, I promise."
poetry is my mistress for I must always keep it a secret
                      i go to her when i'm at my weakest but
when we talk it leaves me sleepless
                                                          it feels as though my life is a play
                  where the script is not well written
i wish i could be
You're the princess in the tower.
You're the minutes in my hour.

You're the question and I'm the answer.
You're the music and I'm the dancer.

You're the lie and I'm the truth
You're the evidence and I'm the proof

You're the tear beneath my eye.
You're the reason that I cry.
Another mundane poem, but I like telling a story through poetry. Even if I have never experienced said poem :)

— The End —