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Liv Feb 2015
I left my heart in the District of Columbia
It's where I last found love
It's the last place I left my heart

With someone special
With the city

I left my heart in the District of Columbia
It's the last I knew of love
The kind that warmed your soul

Kept you warm
Woke you up

I left my heart in the District of Columbia
It was a silly love
One that sincerely stole my attention

Left me speechless
Gave me hope

I left my heart in the District of Columbia
I pray I get it returns to its home
I pray I return to the place that stole my heart from me
Liv Feb 2015
I'm sorry, my dear, but the world changes
Things change within an eye blink
The things you once called safe have become estranged
Leaving you with nothing to do but think
I'm sorry, my dear, but life goes quickly
You can't waste it behind fears
You must move forward with purpose
You mustn't look back
I'm sorry, my dear, but you must understand
Not everything is good in the world
Not everything is bad in the world
Not everything stays
Not everything goes.
Liv Feb 2015
I want to get lost in the right directions.
Find my way among the stars.
Use my heart as a compass and my mind as a map to figure it out.
I want to feel the freedom when I breathe, feel a new ground underneath my feet.
And, if things go as they wish, maybe I'll end up happy amongst the stars themselves and shine with the intensity of a thousand stars.
Liv Jan 2015
And in that moment she could not tell what she loved more
The music or the man who played it
The notes of the song or the story of his life
Perhaps she loved both deeply
Perhaps the songs-of his life, her life, and the ones he played-intertwined in a way it moved her soul to a point of happiness
Written from a more personal standpoint and a very close and familiar circumstance.
Liv Jan 2015
Late night calls either make you or break you
There are the ones that are so sweet, so intimate that you never want them to end and they leave you dizzy on happiness and contentment
The others break your heart, tear you to pieces, and leave you needing comfort, reconciliation, and a reason for hope
You never know which one you're going to get when you pick up that phone
Sometimes you may know and you're totally wrong
Sometimes you may know and you're  totally right
Liv Dec 2014
Kept your shirt but you took your love
Took my chance but you gave it to someone else
Handed you my hope but you squashed it barehanded
Liv Nov 2014
She was in love with the road and the music
It was her home
Underneath the lights, amidst the noise
Her soul was dark and free
She was a drifter, one stage and city to the next
He was in love with her
The way she could pour herself into an eighty five minute set
How she could move a moshing crowd to tears
She was his home
Her smiles, her lips, her messy hair
The way she'd kick her laces boots and watch her feet as he told her he loved her
She fell hard, he fell harder
They fell in love to the beat of a ragtag eighties grunge song and things just never changed
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