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 Nov 2017 shrumeling
Valsa George
Hello Poetry to me is just another joint family
How by a common bond, here we are strung together
Though separated by geographical boundaries
Distance has never been a hitch or a tether

Your relentless encouragement helps me aim for heights
Your heart felt blessings give me loads of happiness
Your poems open before me new avenues of thought
Your gracious company creates for me a new ambience

Before my eyes, a hundred smiling faces appear in a row
Some stand out as beacons of radiant light
With words of encouragement, you vanquish all my doubts
Revitalizing my spirit and leaving it shimmering bright

Through this forum we share our inmost thoughts
How close we feel though never been together
Many have left the scene leaving trails of footprints
And many join fresh to continue the endeavor

Irrespective of creed we are here at art’s sacred shrine
‘Poets’ we are called and we breathe the scented pride
We stand tall among many others of our species
Let us proclaim aloud our fraternity worldwide!
Please don’t see this as a poem, but an expression of my deep feelings of gratitude! I am so happy about the enthusiastic response I get for my poems and am short of words to thank Hello Poetry and my fellow poets here! These days I am ******* with some family responsibilities and am unable to read poems I wish to read or comment!  The pressing engagements at the home front compel me to take a short break from you all! Hope to be back after two weeks. In between, whenever I get time, I shall try to see your poems…
After being cold for so long, I'm not sure how to handle your heat
 Nov 2017 shrumeling
"its just hard right now
                                                             ­ but we'll be fine"
 Nov 2017 shrumeling
It is the sounds
of ivory keys
hammering strings
that I use to sooth
my tired self to sleep
or to keep
jarring noises
from waking me.
 Nov 2017 shrumeling
 Nov 2017 shrumeling
I don’t mean to alarm you
But I am dying
I’ve been dying for awhile
And I hope that when I go
I join the ranks of the greats

Robin Williams
Audrey Hepburn
Robert Frost
George Washington

Names everyone knows
Names I grew up admiring

Everything tries to be them
And falls flat
Probably because I’m dying
And when you’re dying
You aren’t as great
As you once thought

My jokes will never crack a smile
On the wrinkled
Cavernous face
Of Mr. Robin Williams

My beauty lies inside
Since I lack the seraphic
Beauty of Audrey Hepburn

My words are mere letters
Where they could be scars
And stars
Like Robert Frost

I lack courage
I lack leadership
Greatness finds victims aside me
Leaving me
Always one step behind
George Washington and his armies

Bet he keeps those armies in his sleevies

I’m dying up here
Just like these sucky jokes

I’m dying here
From school
From work
And all the like

And I’m dying in here
From loneliness
Failure to complete
Lack of motivation

I’m dying here
Can’t you see
 Nov 2017 shrumeling
Alexander T
you find relief in it
but when cutting
no one understands

you can talk to any "normal" person out there
but only another cutter will know whats really going on
you have tried everything else
but everything else has failed you

even though you fail all the time
you can't fail at this
and you also don't see that there is someone out there
willing to help you

you may not know that person is even real
in fact
you know he isn't real
but I am right here

let me help you
let yourself step out
let yourself be healed
I know your pain

I know it feels like your only relief
but trust me
it is not the only thing
talking to someone who truly understands is a life saver

Remember that there is always something else out there. I am here. Ask me and any other saved cutter. I don't say recovered cutter, because there is no way to truly get rid of it, and honestly, I don't want to forget, it is a part of me now. I know it *****, but trust me, it will get better.
 Nov 2017 shrumeling
your love
 Nov 2017 shrumeling
cure my sores
cure my pains

inject your love
inside my veins

 Nov 2017 shrumeling
Kyla Sargent
The first man I loved,
was intelligent...
he read, cooked, and cleaned.
But as a severe alcoholic -
he was 2 people -
also cold, ruthless, and mean.
My father was an abuser with a heart...
it was so hard to hate him
when he always had so much love to give.
All that love,
and he gave his daughter hate.
I'm a daddy's girl
who's 'daddy'
taught his girl to love abuse.

At 12 years old,
my first of many things,
was a 16 year old skater.
He was artistic, charming, and ambitious:
My first was also my dad's dealer.
Despite knowing this,
I still believed that he was my Prince charming.
There is no fairy tale
that mentions the Prince
being schizophrenic, volitile, controlling, or manipulative…
but I was young
and my heart was naive enough
to fall for his games.
My first molded an addiction into me
by teaching me,
in my 12th year,
to love manipulation.

I almost gave away my last name
to a man I fell for at 18 years old.
He loved history,
was a hard worker,
and he always knew what to say and do
when it mattered most.
Happily-ever-after doesn't always look like perfection,
but I almost married a perfect fabrication
of "true love".
Once the facade became too much -
I met PTSD, displeasure, neglect, and misery.
In chasing after the lies he painted,
I sacrificed all of myself
by keeping his truth
as permanent company.
I had wanted to save him so badly,
that I was willing to lose my identity
if it meant he found his.
After almost 2 years
of mental and emotional abuse,
the last man I loved sober,
taught me to love self sacrifice.

The men in my life
showed me what it means
to be the woman
who can never truly let go.
I have always retained the lessons
I learned from life,
and applied them.
After 21 years,
what I learned to love was
and self sacrifice.

What I Learned To Love...
Was Destroying Myself.
I wrote the rough draft of this around 9-10 months ago, and was only recently able to bring myself to make the needed retouches.
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