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 Jan 2015 Kenz
Silver Knight
It's nature not a used ******
You can't just dispose of it once you're done using it
Like any of you really care
She is dying as we speak
And yet we just laugh as if everything is okay
As our air evaporates
But it's joke am I right
Yeah we find many uses for it,but look at her
And by her I mean nature
Her water is polluted
Her children die
Her mind has gone insane
But we don't care
We'll just watch her say bye
Then wonder why we have all died
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
 Jan 2015 Kenz
Love her like
She's the raging sea,
Unrestrained and dark and deep.
And you crave her touch
Through aching pores
As you slowly drown in sleep.

Love her like
She's the tender storm,
A lovely shade of grey.
Like with every whiff
Of breath she takes,
She's taking yours away.

Love her like
She's the silent clouds
With calmness floating by.
Like you'd want to make
Sweet love to her
Under the moon's apocalyptic eye.

Love her like
She's the blazing fire,
And you lust the candied pain.
Like she's the disease
That swallowed you whole
And you'd like to die again.

When her gentle touch
Makes your chest explode,
And your addiction is your girl.
Promise you'll love her
Through hell and back,
Or don't you dare love her at all.
 Dec 2014 Kenz
Michelle Garcia
I look at you and I see half-finished poems and words that don’t exist, your eyes are like indigo oceans I keep drowning in but somehow I don’t mind not being able to breathe.  I wish I knew more about why you are the way you are, what terrifies you the most about yourself, and why I find it difficult to catch my breath when you look at me as if I am a stolen daydream. You make up for a lot of things, really, like going through fourth period half asleep because last night it took me three hours to stop thinking about you. You make up for that, and everything else. You are made of electricity and good intentions stitched together with a voice that could shatter a million hearts, and I am just a lost soul wondering why I trust you with mine. And I do, I do, I trust you with my stupid old heart, and I want to memorize every single corner of yours like the back of my hand. I want to know how a heart like yours could love such a wounded one like mine, but maybe that’s what love is, sacrificing perfection for something tragically real. I look at you and I see fluctuating potential, like the morning sun peeking out behind tired gray clouds, and how sometimes that has to be enough. Ever since I met you, my heart has remembered how to beat, my hands have remembered how to hold, and you love me enough to make me forget how much I don’t love myself. Maybe you are temporary and maybe you’re an illusion, but I still cling to the hope that maybe, this is why I held on until now.
 Nov 2014 Kenz
me and the dancer
 Nov 2014 Kenz
I met a dancer once
She looked at me with her twinkling eyes
ready as a bird for her flight
She moved swiftly
like water reaching the shore
She came to me and asked
if I'll catch her when she falls
but she is so elegant with what she does
how could she ever fall?
'Sometimes, it happens J. Now wait for my call'
she moved gracefully
destroyed imaginary barriers
Kicked her demons away
I met her out of luck.
She then danced to the beat of my words
 Nov 2014 Kenz
 Nov 2014 Kenz
One night with him
replaced 10 without you
 Nov 2014 Kenz
winter veins
 Nov 2014 Kenz
every year
when the leaves have fallen
and the sun has disappeared
you find your way back to me

snow falls from the clouds
and into my mind
freezing all consciousness
and forgetting common sense

it seeps into my heart
and fills the cracks you made
each crevice
filled with naive hope
despite the cold bitterness
that is upon it

it fills each lung
the left
and the right
until I can no longer breathe
without you by my side

and each year
when the leaves have fallen
and the sun has disappeared
you find your way back to me
winter in your veins;
and I follow blindly
thinking this time,
things have changed.

— The End —