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 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
You're my best-kept secret,
my one-time fling.
The only source of this heartbreak,
yet - still -

Your absence is suffocating,
the last droplets of your name escape my lungs.
Don't worry, darling;

*I'll be gone when the morning comes.
 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
it's been hard to
sleep since you
gouged out the
hearts in my eyes
and replaced them
with waves of tears
 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
Miley Cyrus
Ya know its really hard to love yourself when your mind...
is constantly alerting you of danger
...its like shut the **** up already
like i dont remember the last time i was at peace with myself
like really relaxed....
ya know
im never at rest never fully in the moment
but then again i am
its like im constantly searching for that level of completion
whether it be growing more hair
impressing that boy
looking like kim k
like im constantly looking for that outside source to complete me
....but its like
im here
right at this moment
and afraid
but life is alive
it is very alive
and it waits for no one
it will shove fears in your face
be your best friend
its everything in one
its life
and im in it
and one day it'll be gone
then what.....
james wont matter
my reputation wont matter right now
is not the turning point for me to get up as a new different person....
or wake up from the deceitful life ive been in
but just....
bleh just becoause life
life is life
...its my life no matter what
and nobody....
not even Miley matters in it...
because its mine...
i get to choose what happens....what i do
life is life and my life is my life...
remember that....
 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
We wrote REALITY in the sand
and watched the waves
wash it away at our feet.
Nothing hurt;
we were i n v i n c i b l e
Just you and I
against the whole world.
We knew nothing about life;
everything was a game.
All we knew about was love
and each other.
But nothing's coming along
to erase reality from the sand now
as I sit alone on the beach
during low tide.
 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
D'Arcy Sahn
You'd love to learn my secret
And I would tell you what it is
But to make and admission I would regret
Would require me to emit it exists

It's not that I don't want to tell you
I'm desperate to drop the facade
But it has less gravity than the potential ridicule
So please continue to think me odd

I'm worried about the rationalizations
That I'll be told I'm confused and it's just a phase
And since I've not confirmed these realizations
Hidden I have stayed

Truth or Dare is a ***** to play
When you can't tell friends from foes
It's even worse, having to guard what you say
Concealing the agro
Constructive Criticsm appreciated. Truth or Dare! Because there is no greater source of fun than confronting your fears in the presence of people who wish to judge you harshly. Make sure to bring your friends!!!
 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
do i want to talk to you
or am i used to talking to you
 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
DC raw love
Roses are red
Vilots are blue

When she says
I love you

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