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 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
Remind Me
 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
You remind me of death.
But not the kind that
people began to

You remind me of a
dying phone
battery since you're
always counting

Or the decrease in points
at a tournament that
I never win
because you're on
the team who

You also remind me of
the decrease
in light on a
cloudy day so
there's no beautiful
sunset to

You remind me of yourself.
Cold, bleak, hateful, and
shameful of your
previous mistakes.

But besides all this,
I still find time to
admire you and
find time to
fall for you,
even when we
hate each other.
 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
Her eyes worked perfectly fine.
But She was blind: maybe because she chose to be.
I lied, I cheated, I played silly games on Her every chance I got.
Yet, I told Her that she was my only One,
And she listened. (She wasn't deaf)
But ****! She was blind as *****!.

And now,

I got this beautiful Dime that I'm recently dating. Her names Casey. ****, everytime she smiles my kidneys faint.
Her sweet voice commands me to do almost anything.
Sometimes she doesn't pick up Her phone and in public she doesn't wanna hold hands too much. She lies about where she been last night...
She tells me I'm Her only One,
And I believe Her...
Am I blind too?
Sometimes during the drowsiness
And after the feeling of remembering the times we stayed up talking.
I call your number hoping for the day.
When one missed call can become one never ending conversation,
And I can finally say.
I've missed you.
But I laugh because I know.
That you'll just say,
I know you do, but your love,
Is a love I threw away.
 Jan 2015 Lil Kitten
DC raw love
It starts at the end
Which is the beginning

Begins with the start
Which is the end
I have ******* up a lot
I've ruined many friendships
My problem is I can't control myself
I feel like you are better off without me
Being alone makes me happy
that's all that I have ever know
Loneliness and I will never change
I am a brick thrown into a window
Don't let me break you into pieces
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