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Do you ever have sad days?
When nothing really goes wrong
But nothing really goes right?
And you feel a little sad
Like you need to know others exist
Have you ever forgotten others are alive?
That everyone else is living alongside you
Thinking their own thoughts
Living their own lives?
I do
Time to time
When I start feeling lost
When I need to feel grounded
Today, nothing really went wrong
But nothing really went right
Today was Limbo
Today was Hanging in the Balance
I’ve become lost in reality
I’m scared and exhausted
I need you to take my hand
Drag me back down to earth
And remind me that I am still human
That you are still human
That we are still human.
Because I will have days when my mood is a
Rainy Day
And days when my soul is
And I will need someone to hold onto my kite tail
So I do not become lost in the
Thunderstorm Days
And the Earthquake Nights.
Sometimes my days are full of sadness
And my nights are full of tears.
Even though I don’t want to be dependent
I will entrust my kite tail to you
Because I cannot let myself float away just yet.
My life still needs living
And people still need loving
And my dear,
I still need to hold you
I still have a few tears,
Happy or sad,
That need to be shed in your name.
I still have nights to lie awake,
Thinking about the night we spent together
And how you seemed more nervous than I felt.
I still have paintings to create
That show people how your skin felt when it pressed against me
I still have poems to write about how I feel when you look at me
So dear,
please don’t let go.
I forgot how beautiful you looked,
But i noticed you right away.
Tears began to roll dowm my cheeks i cant remember if it was because i was happy i found you or because i had so much anger held back.
I cant describe the pain i felt or how much anger i wanted to release. I just remember crying, and i remembered how much it just tore me apart. but you were okay, youre living the life, you have so much ahead of you snd it tears me limb to limb knowing that i couldnt be apart of that. Are you happy now? Because All i have is swollen eyes
while YOU'RE looking into the stars
I'm admiring your PERFECTION
IN the dark you're my light
MY eyes adjust to you
cause beauty is in the EYES of the beholder
once again I find myself
lying here
sleepless in bed
and thinking of you
longing you by my side
your fingertips on my skin
and your hearbeat suiting itself
after mine
When am I permitted
to forget? When can I bury these memories?

The ones where you laughed, as I used to
Ones where you trembled in anticipation
before those shakes became

The ones where I overheard your men
who said you begged of God
and over
To let me forget you
as you had to forget me
amidst the smoke, ash, clicks and debris

And I wish I hadn't received that letter with
those unofficial Last Words
your comrade heard

Those weren't the ones I wanted most
they didn't set me free
I needed your: "I'm coming home"
You belong right here with me

And I wish I could forget
that there are memories
I can't remember

but with the truth of time
I've come to know
We were never One
Because Your Face
when my memories stir

And my tears are for the grave
you share
with another man
and a foot

I am thankful that the rows of crosses
have no faces

If I saw your face, I would beg for mercy
I'd plead anything to forget
I can't remember your eyes
or laugh

What I recall is a hollow man who screams.
Your voice that whispered
It's all a dream
is drowned out by that bellowing

And I can numb my eyes
to those images
but the knowledge still burns

Because I wish I could forget
that there are memories
I can't remember

                                         *What I recall is that you left
                                          on the eighth of November
Forgetting beloveds, in a war-time scene
 May 2014 Lindsay Umphress
He was never afraid of the monsters
under his bed
It was the ones in his head
That caused
Him not to sleep
That made
His fear complete

He was never afraid of the monsters under his bed
He was afraid of the ones in his head
when no one is around
& the silence

I can still hear you whisper
"close your eyes"

even in my wildest
day trips
& lapses from time

I never quite imagined I would
find a more intoxicating
drug to condone
than the skin above your

or the intensity of your

but our lips at last
have met
oh, will me unto death!

for I'll beg
& beg
for them
based on a weird *** dream of a fictional couple~
Time can be like snow.
Covers things up before we even know.
What happened or where things went.
It hides the deterioration and the flaws,
But then it thaws.
Exposing what we didn't mind being forgotten;
Even preferring it that way.
As if the snow makes it go away.

There is one greater that promises not a covering of snow,
But a restoration to where one wouldn’t even know
That what before we wanted to hide
Is now beautiful
Because of nails in hands and a spear in the side.
He saw the mess we wanted kept out of sight,
And for the joy set before him—made things right.
When human hearts come to collide
The flaws of each are hard to hide.
And harder still each passing day
Till every block is thrown away.
We come to fear this truth so much,
That we flee the slightest nudge, the faintest touch.

Thou our fears may be plain and true.
You could hurt me; I could hurt you.
We tend to only see the person standing there.
The color of their eyes, their clothes, their hair.
We see the flaws: both on the in and out,
And some times our own merits do we doubt.

Yet this approach leaves out a vital part.
One we didn't finish, and one we didn't start.
It has to do with one mans death upon a cross.
Who couldn't bring us in without so great a loss
And rose again to name us all His own
And will have through our broken lives His glory shown.

So fear not when heart collisions come!
They're founded now, soley on what Christ has done!
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