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And then I realized
that after many years
of blurry visions
you were the glasses
I'd been missing
my mother always told me
that blue eyes were dangerous
and I assured her
that I would be careful
that I would never get addicted
and yet here I am
lost in yours
and unable to find home
11:59 pm**
and I remember that night
when I asked you
why you never told me about
those feelings
that you had
or lacked
and you responded
only with
"because that would have
made it real"
you took me to museums
parks, alleys, parking lots
and then broke my heart
so I won't be able
to walk those places
ever again
without tasting you
like poison
on my tongue
there was this boy
who held my
heart and
all its little secrets
but dropped it
who said he
loved me for
who i was
always pointed
out all the things
i was able to do
who convinced me
he cared
but managed to
rip me apart inside

there was this boy
who made me
feel like i mattered
there is something about
the way your long fingers
embrace my curves
and speak to them
in the most sensual way
but stops so innocently
and abruptly
when they graze the fabric of my underwear
why is it
that he says he
does not
want a serious relationship
and then
he throws himself
in to the arms
of another blonde girl
who looks just
like me
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