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  Jul 2019 Dominique
jeffrey conyers
You have the right to remain silent?
Anything you say will be held against you?
Still, they spoke to say, I love you.
  Jul 2019 Dominique
i stare at these pages
as if the words
are going to be enough
to bring you back,
as if the blood spilled
will be all you need
to see that i'm right here.
yet once again,
all i'm left with
is ink stained hands
and a fracture in my chest.
- i hate how you can walk away just as easily as i'd give you everything.
  Jul 2019 Dominique
saccharine eyes.
his beautiful, saccharine eyes.
ones i could get lost in
  Jul 2019 Dominique
I think the feeling of being truly alone
is what draws me
awake at 3am
no one speaks my name
a distance from the motion
a certain stillness
  Jun 2019 Dominique
the dirty poet
i see the flyer at starbucks

"are you caucasian?
without mental health
and drug problems?"

i don’t know the answer to any of these questions
is a jew a caucasian?
is the occasional naked, ****-slamming drunken rampage
a drug problem?
as for mental health
i’m a deadbeat poet and unpopular pop musician
i’ve got a job fighting death and boredom
and i just changed my facebook password to "eat ****"
my frustrations have driven weaker souls to homicide
but are these PROBLEMS?
  Jun 2019 Dominique
Lick my lips
Cradle my face
Gaze into my eyes
And tell me I'm safe
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